Thursday, July 25, 2024

State Senator Gustavo Rivera Statement on Governor Hochul’s characterization of the Consumer Directed Personal Assistance Program (CDPAP)


"The Consumer Directed Personal Assistance Program (CDPAP) provides home and community-based care to aging and disabled New Yorkers. This program has been vetted by the state to ensure that each consumer qualifies for services and is determined to need medical assistance. It puts New Yorkers in need of care in charge of their caregivers and has benefited thousands of families, who too often have to provide unpaid care when other options prove expensive or inaccessible.

“I am deeply disappointed in Governor Hochul's recent comments referring to the program as a 'racket'. In many cases, CDPAP is the first line of care. As a state, we should use the resources at our disposal to support home care providers and the patients they serve as part of an overall strategy to address the worst home care worker shortage in the nation and the growing demand for aging in place as New York's aging population surges.

“It is frankly appalling that the current administration is trying to destroy this program without viable alternatives, basing their actions on social media rather than first-hand experiences of stakeholders, like our patients and caregivers who depend on this program. I support the Consumer Directed Personal Assistance Program (CDPAP) and hope that the administration can work with providers to improve this program instead of depriving New Yorkers of it.” 

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