Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Dick Clark, Entertainment Icon Nicknamed 'America's Oldest Teenager,' Dies at 82

  America's oldest teenager Dick Clark suffered a massive heart attack this morning and passed away a short time later.

  Born in Mount Vernon New York on November 29th 1929, Richard Wagstaff Clark went on to become the host of "American Bandstand", which changed the way people listened to music. Clark was also a fixture on television with his "Rocking New Years Eve".

  To read more and see many photos from the ABC archive go to

Time to Retire for Some Members of Congress

By Senator Rev. Rubén Díaz
32nd Senatorial District, Bronx County, New York 

Time to Retire for Some Members of Congress

You should know that there are some people who believe that the time has come to inject new blood, energy and ideas into the United States Congress.

In the City of New York, there are some Members of Congress who, according to some people, have been serving for too long.  Here is a list of the entire New York Congressional Delegation:

Gary Ackerman, elected to Congress in 1983, has served 29 years.
Yvette Clarke, elected to Congress in 2006, has served 6 years.
Joseph Crowley, elected to Congress in 1998, has served 14 years.
Eliot Engel, elected to Congress in 1988, has served 24 years.
Michael Grimm, elected to Congress in 2009, has served 2 years.
Carolyn Maloney, elected to Congress in 1992, has served 20 years.
Gregory Meeks, elected to Congress in 1998, has served 14 years.
Jerrold Nadler, elected to Congress in 1992, has served 20 years.
Charles Rangel, elected to Congress 1970, has served 42 years.
José Serrano, elected to Congress in 1990, has served 22 years.
Edolphus Towns, elected to Congress in 1982, has served 20 years.
Robert Turner, elected to Congress in 2011, has served 1 year.
Nydia VelĂĄzquez, elected to Congress in 1992, has served 20 years.

Imagine the millions and millions of Congressional dollars that have been poured into the New York City districts for all those years.  

We should all be living like kings and queens.  But in all of those years, we in the City of New York, continue to see a decrease in affordable housing with more people living in homeless shelters; services for the growing number of senior citizens continue to be cut; the number of children who cannot read at grade level and cannot graduate from high school in 4 years continues to grow; more and more New Yorkers rely upon food pantries to feed their families; people with illness and disabilities continue to suffer as medical services continue to be cut; gun violence remains on the rise; etc. etc.

This situation is at a point where some Members of New York’s Congressional Delegation have finally decided to retire and let new blood take over.  Apparently, not all of them will voluntarily open the door to leave and allow for new blood to come in, and as such, new blood is forcing them to retire.

Here comes Hakeem Jeffries: an energized, eloquent, well-spoken young African American from Brooklyn who has effectively sent a message to incumbent Ed Towns that if he doesn’t retire, he will make him retire in an election.  Apparently Congressman Towns saw the writing on the wall and has announced his retirement.

Congressman Gary Ackerman, also read the writing on the wall (and maybe read his horoscope) and has decided that it’s time for him to hang it up.

State Senator Adriano Espaillat has been sending a message to Congressman Charles Rangel that after 42 years in Congress (and at 80 years of age) he should retire and enjoy the rest of his life.  

In response, Charlie Rangel must have thought Adriano Espaillat was bluffing and said, “Come on.  Take me on.”

Now, Adriano Espaillat, energized with his comunnity’s support and the backing of Oscar de la Renta, has a new look. Espaillat is now dressing like a movie star - has changed his wardrobe, hairdo, shoes and cologne - and is on his way to forcing Charlie Rangel into retirement.

There is another young man from Brooklyn who is trying to force Nydia Velåzquez into retirement: Erik Martin Dilan, the son of New York State Senator Martin Malavé Dilan.

Erik  has the support of many who believe that Nydia VelĂĄzquez should just go back to Puerto Rico and join the Popular Party and all of her cronies in continuing their push to keep Puerto Rico a colony of the United States and leave the Brooklyn Congressional seat to new blood.

Here in the Bronx, we are stuck with Congressmen JosĂ© Serrano and Eliot Engel.  My advice to Congressman Serrano, Open your eyes and look around you at all of the young people who surrounding you in Bronx County who hunger and thirst for new Congressional blood.

He should really start planning his retirement before he is forced into it.

At the same time, JosĂ© Rivera, Carmen Arroyo and I might also start looking around and planning our good-byes … but not before JosĂ© Serrano does because his time is long overdue.

I am Senator RubĂ©n DĂ­az, and this is what you should know. 



Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Bronx Chamber of Commerce 

Upcoming Events

"Celebrating 118 Years"
We look forward to seeing you at our next upcoming 

Tuesday, April 24th at 5:30 PM
 Spoto's Restaurant
4005 East Tremont Avenue
Bronx, NY 10465
Sponsored by: Constant Contact
Click Here to register for this event.

Wednesday, May 9th at 5:30 PM
Pine Bar & Grill
1634 Eastchester Avenue
Bronx, NY 10462
Sponsored by: Courtney Strong
Click Here to register for this event. 


Monday, May 21st at 11:00 AM
Pelham/Split Rock Golf Courses

Click Here to register for this event.
For further information or to RSVP, please call



4th Annual Fair @ The Square_Saturday, May 12


 May 12, 2012, 11 AM – 6 PM


   The Association of  the Merchants & Business Professionals of Westchester Square, Inc., the New Bronx Chamber of Commerce, and the Bronx Council on the Arts announce the 4th Annual “Fair @ The Square” taking place on Saturday, May 12th from 11 AM to 6 PM along the streets of Westchester Square between St. Raymond Avenue and Westchester Avenue.             

“The Westchester Square merchants have made great strides over the past few years, with commercial revitalization efforts, to improve our area’s commerce and quality of life.  Now, with newly formed Westchester Square Business Improvement District (BID) in place, we can bring even more to the re-emergence of Westchester Square and we invite all the residents of New York City to come see what the buzz is all about. This annual fair allows us to showcase the diversity of our commerce, our culture, and our community, and the progress we have made in our neighborhood.” says Mr. Joe Regina, of AMBPWS, “We welcome this opportunity to have thousands of people, who we expect throughout the day, to come and join us as we celebrate the rebuilding of a great area for a great future.”

This multi-cultural event will feature an all day concert series showcasing New York City’s most popular groups performing every genre of music from oldies through today’s great music.  The show will be hosted by TV personality Molly Rokasy (Anchor, News12 the Bronx), radio personality Dennis “Dion” Nardone (WVOX 1460 AM Radio), internet radio personality Valerie Smaldone (WOR’s Internet station, and other surprise guests.  From Doo-Wop to Hip-Hop, and everything in between, you will catch it all on the main stage at St. Raymond Avenue.  The artist line-up, at this time, includes such groups as tri-state area favorites SugaRush, Just Nuts, Italian Hip-Hop artist Rob Salese, and many more performers and dancers.

Kids will enjoy the day in the Kid’s Activity Area featuring all sorts of games, exhibits, and other fun activities while will enjoy the scores of merchants and vendors displaying their wares, and services, and great restaurants offering up great food. Another highlight is the annual Art Walk showcasing local Bronx artists and artisans displaying their works in a variety of spaces and windows at locations throughout the Square.

Don't miss out on the many free raffles for great prizes being offered by many of the merchants and sponsors throughout the day.

To date, this event is sponsored by The Hutchinson Metro Center, The NY Daily News, Apple Bank, Metro Optics Eyewear, Sanitation Salvage, DJ Service, and Wendy’s. 

Date:                Saturday, May 12, 2012
Time:               11am-6pm
Location:        Westchester Square from St. Raymond Ave. to Westchester Ave. 



By Senator Rev. Rubén Díaz
32nd Senatorial District, Bronx County, New York

Who is the Real Thief, Mr. Clement Gardner, FBI Agent Bullets Campbell, The U.S. Dept. Of Justice or the office of the NYS Attorney General’s office?

You should know that five years ago, in 2007 to be specific, Clement Gardner, a bookkeeper employed by Christian Community Benevolent Association, confessed to FBI Agent Bullets Campbell that he was embezzling money from the organization and that from 2003 to 2007 he had stolen approximately $75,000.00 of monies geared toward helping the poor and needy of the South Bronx.
You should also know that Christian Community Benevolent Association was founded by Senator Rev. Ruben Diaz (35) years ago, when the Bronx was burning and businesses, banks, and the wealthy were fleeing and abandoning the South Bronx leaving behind hunger, misery, and burnt out buildings.   Christian Community remained, developed jobs and provided services to those in needs.

After so many years of decent and successful administration by Christian Community, here comes Clement Gardner and confesses to the FBI his conniving and treasonous manner in which he took advantage of the trust and confidence placed on him by the decent people of Christian Community.  
Anybody would think that the right thing for the FBI to have done would be to inform the organization, let them know and give them the opportunity to take the necessary actions to protect their interests, to get rid of Mr. Gardner, and sent him to jail back in 2007.
You should also know my dear reader, that contrary to what reasonable people would do, the FBI authorized Mr. Gardner, through Agent Campbell, to go back to the agency where he stole more money.
Was Mr. Gardner told: “We don’t care what you do we just want Senator Diaz.  Go back keep doing what you’re doing and give us Senator Diaz?”  
Who allowed Clement Gardner to steal for five more years?   Mr. Clement Gardner was free to live “La Buena Vida” the good life.   He was stealing and developing a scheme sophisticated enough that it was overlooked by the private auditing firms, hired by the Christian Community and by auditors for the City of New York Human Resources Administration Home Care Contracts.   These experienced auditors were contracted every year to conduct audits of Christian Community’s books.  

Apparently, Clement Gardner was allowed to embezzle thousands of dollars, under the knowledge, approval, advice and direction of law enforcement agencies that are supposed to protect the people of the State of New York.

Now, five years later, after the law enforcement agencies realized that they were taken for a ride by Mr. Clement Gardner and that he made a fool out of them, they conducted a press conference to announce what they have known for the last five years.   What a travesty.......what a shame... and they call themselves honest.    They should all get indicted and sent to jail along with Clement Gardner.

In their quest to get Senator Ruben Diaz, these government agencies are now faced with a bigger problem.  That from 2007 to 2012 they gave Mr. Gardner the opportunity to steal many thousands more, from the people of the State of New York in return for Senator Ruben Diaz, which he did not do.

Soon they will conduct another press conference to announce how many more thousands or maybe millions of dollars Mr. Clement Gardner has stolen.   The New York Press Editorial Board, reporters, news media, and the whole world will cover the big news.    Soon they will also, announce who is to blame for the thievery and what a great job they did in capturing the perpetrator.    Ja Ja Ja, this is laughable.  

Will the media ask the right questions of the NYS Attorney General, The FBI agent Bullets Campbell, the U.S. Department of Justice and/or the companies responsible for the annual audits: Who authorized this? Who protected Clement Gardner and why?  Why wasn’t Gardner arrested five years ago when he confessed to the dirty deed?   Why wait five years? Why allow him to continue to steal money?   Why wasn’t this brought to the attention of the agency’s administration or to HRA?   No, the media will not ask those questions of those responsible, because to do so will make Senator Rev. Ruben Diaz and the people of Christian Community look like victims.

If they ask the right questions, they might get to the truth.   The truth will reveal that Senator Ruben Diaz and the people of Christian Community are decent, God-fearing individuals whose only interest is helping those less fortunate.   That news my friend is a pill that is too big and too hard for most of the media to swallow.   For many of the news media, making Senator Ruben Diaz continue to appear as the hated homophobe, the one against same-sex marriage, the anti-woman for his position against abortion, is their agenda.  For reporters and the news media, the bad news on bad guys sells more papers and is better for business.  

You should know that we  neither have the money or the resources to sue their pants off.  They are too powerful, too untouchable, and have too many resources at their disposal, to do as they please.  We are the little guys and they are above the law.

I am Senator Ruben Diaz, and this  is what you should know.


Sunday, April 15, 2012

Johnson Avenue - "For Rent"
Update  2 More Stores 

  This is a new restaurant that is called "Oregano"" which is opening up at 3522 Johnson Avenue in the Riverdale section of the Bronx. This store had been vacant for several years when the restaurant Josepina closed down.Closing stores or stores closed for some time with "For Rent" signs on them has gotten to become a problem for the local community around Johnson Avenue. 
  The problem when many are asked seems to be with the landlord (Friedland Properties) of the entire block of Johnson Avenue between West 235th and West 236th Streets, and part of West 235th Street off Johnson Avenue. High rents and the gall to raise renewals sky high, but leave a store empty for years without a tenant and not lower the rent has been the mantra. The latest casualty is the once popular Chinese Restaurant "Golden Gate" whose new owners expanded several years ago, now is the latest store to close and a "For Rent" sign go up on the security gate. 
  Many say that the rents are to high on Johnson Avenue, and the popular eating spot "Blue Bay" almost closed last year due to a steep raise in the lease renewal. However the owner of Blue Bay was able to get a reprieve from the landlord Friedland Properties after much protesting from the community, elected officials, and a reminder from the community board that when there was large fire that gutted many stores on the block it was the community board that helped the landlord rebuild quickly. 
  Continental Hair Stylist was the first to leave Johnson Ave.many years ago for a lower rent a few blocks away on Riverdale Ave. Business has been good and steady since the move over 10 years ago we were told, and Riverdale Avenue has seen some other businesses move there from Johnson Ave. The once almost half empty stretch of Riverdale Ave. between West 235th and 238th Streets now has only one or two empty stores.
The "For Rent" sign is up on recently closed Golden Gate Restaurant.
Corner Cafe moved to a lower rent on Riverdale Ave.
The corner on the opposite side of Johnson Ave. and West 235th Street is once again vacant since the closure ot WAMU Bank about a year ago.
Another vacant store on Johnson Ave.
The old fruit store on West 235th Street also owned by Friedland Properties.
No the fruit store has not been sub divided, but another vacant store.
The one vacant store on West 235th Street not owned by Friedland Properties.


Here are two more vacant stores on the Johnson Avenue/West 235th Street shopping area.
This store next to Starbucks on West 235th is another Freidland Property

Another store on West 235th Street across from Starbucks and right next to the other vacant store on that side of the street.

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New York Hispanic Clergy Organization

  The New York Hispanic Clergy Organization held their 24th annual Ministers Banquet last week. The NYHC honored Bishop Abelardo Batista, Apostle Rene Cruz, Rev. Pedro Olivieri, Rev. Mirna Padro, Mr. Pedro Sanchez, and Colonel Jaun Bautista Jimenez Reinoso who were recognized for their outstanding commitment to the people of New York City. Senator Reverend Ruben Diaz the president of the NYHC which meant that many elected officials up to U.S. Senator Charles Schumer were in attendance, as well as over 700 other supporters of the NYHC.

NYHC member Ms. Lourdes Colon warms up the crowd before the event started.
U.S. Senator Charles Schumer addresses the audience. Senator Ruben Diaz Sr. is behind left, as to the right are New York State Comptroller Tom DiNapoli, Bronx Democratic County Leader Carl Heastie, and Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr..

Good friends Senator (and candidate for Congress) Adriano Espaillat and Bronx BP Diaz pose for this picture as Bronx Democratic County Leader Heastie looks on.
Congressman Charlie Rangel stands between Senator Diaz Sr. and Bronx BP Diaz Jr., with Rangel political consultant Mike Nieves to the right.
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Saturday, April 14, 2012

Baseball in the Bronx Exhibit

  Last year the theme of the exhibit at the Bronx Museum was the "History of the Negro Leagues". This year the theme of the baseball exhibit at the Bronx Museum is "Baseball in the Bronx". What does "Baseball in the Bronx" mean you might ask, and "Baseball in the Bronx" refers to anything Baseball that happened in the Bronx.
  This could mean anything New York Yankees (Bronx Bombers), or it could mean little league baseball played in the Bronx, or it could mean high school or college baseball played in the Bronx, or anything to do with playing the game of baseball in the borough of the Bronx, as you will see from the photos below.
Yankee hall of fame catcher Elston Howard #32 jersey, signed baseball, and Daily News back page tribute to Elston Howard. Also a team photo with Whitey Ford, Yogi Berra, Mickey Mantle, Elston Howard, Tom Tresh, and Roger Maris.
A pair of authentic baseball shoes worn by Elston Howard.
Rare old baseball cards.
1951 Bangor Baseball Club photo with Elston Howard front row.
A rare old photo of a 1919 New York baseball team.
Casey Stengel's all time Yankee team circa 1970.
A 1967 Manhattan College Jaspers baseball jersey.
A concrete slab from the old Yankee Stadium, with Dr. Cary Goodman the Director of the 161st Street BID and sponsor of "Baseball in the Bronx"..
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