Wednesday, April 28, 2021



Mayor de Blasio appoints Laura Wood as New York City’s Chief Democracy Officer

 Mayor Bill de Blasio and DemocracyNYC today announced an unprecedented $15 million voter education campaign to inform New Yorkers on the new Ranked Choice Voting system ahead of June’s Primary Elections. This effort will include an advertising campaign, investments in language access and accessibility resources, and direct outreach partnerships with community groups, faith-based organizations, Minority and Women-Owned Businesses (MWBEs), and other stakeholders.

The mayor also announced the appointment of Laura Wood as New York City’s Chief Democracy Officer. A native New Yorker, Laura has served as Senior Advisor and General Counsel to DemocracyNYC since 2019. Prior to this position, she spent five years as Senior Advisor and Special Counsel to the New York State Attorney General. Before that, Laura was Chief Counsel to the Democratic Conference of the New York State Senate and Policy Director to State Senator Daniel Squadron.
“New York City is set to conduct the biggest Ranked Choice Voting election in America, and we’ll put on a full court press to ensure every New Yorker has the information they need to make their voice heard,” said Mayor Bill de Blasio. “Laura Wood is an extraordinary public servant who knows how to reach deeply into communities. She’s the perfect choice to lead this unprecedented effort to get voters ready to participate in democracy in 2021 and beyond.”
“There’s nothing more fundamental than the right to vote – and this year, we have to work harder than ever to make sure New Yorkers use their franchise knowledgably and wisely,” said J. Phillip Thompson, Deputy Mayor for Strategic Policy Initiatives. “This campaign will give voters the resources they need to adjust to the new system and tell friends and neighbors about the importance of Ranked Choice Voting.”
“With New Yorkers facing so many challenges, learning about the upcoming elections and Ranked Choice Voting should not be one of them,” said Chief Democracy Officer Laura Wood.  “In this final stretch before the primary, DemocracyNYC is thrilled to work together with our partners – both in and out of government – to ensure that all New York City voters have their voices heard at the ballot box in June. This new commitment will allow us to educate voters where they live and in the languages that they speak.”
The campaign will include:
Citywide Media Campaign
* Robust TV, radio and print advertising, including significant investment in community and ethnic media.
* A broad “out of home” campaign which includes subway, billboards, and Staten Island Ferry, including 542 bus shelter and newsstand ads. 
* Digital media on popular app platforms and streaming services. 
* Continued collaboration with BRIC Media on a “BHeard Civic Engagement and NYC Politics” series. 
* Promotion of a multilingual, interactive online app, developed with RankedVote, which mimics the New York City ballot and helps New Yorkers practice and understand how Ranked Choice Voting works.
Language Access and Accessibility Resources
* Investing over $2 million in translation of key voter education resources into more than 18 languages including printed pamphlets and public service announcements. 
* Culturally competent video content to be produced, in partnership with CUNY and the Mayor’s Office of Immigrant Affairs, for We Speak NYC, the City’s free English language learning program which provides civic-focused instruction through community conversation workshops and videos.
Direct Outreach
* Investments in MWBEs, Community-Based Organizations, faith-based organizations, and other community leaders and groups to do in-person outreach, education, and material distribution.
* Hosting and facilitating dozens of multilingual voter education workshops.
* Conducting Phone Banking Days of Action to Get Out the Vote for the June Primary.
* Text Banking New Yorkers with a goal of three million text messages, including a Voter Registration Day of Action on May 11th.
* Working with the CUNY student corps to conduct voter outreach, voter education and volunteer recruitment.
This plan seems all well, but we don't see the very most important part of any election mentioned, and that is the NYC Board of Elections.

The NYC BOE made up its own Rank Choice Voting guide at the entrance to each of the Special Election poll sites which was very informative to the voters. The BOE showed how Rank Choice Voting works, but also let voters know that they are not forced to vote for five candidates, they can rank from one to five candidates.

249 Days and Counting. NYC to spend $15 Million Dollars to Educate Voters on Rank Choice Voting


Rank Choice Voting is coming to the June Primary. This is what we will be doing to make sure New York City Voters know what Rank Choice Voting is, and are not confused when they get to the poll site. You can vote for up to five people running for one office by ranking them by choice. 

It's a good thing this was not in effect when I ran for mayor, or I wouldn't be sitting here right now. Someone else would have been your mayor. 

9 DeKalb Avenue’s Superstructure Soars Past Halfway Mark In Downtown Brooklyn


Call the Ghostbusters. 

This building looks just like the one from the movie Ghostbusters.

Construction has passed the halfway mark on 9 DeKalb Avenue, a 73-story residential skyscraper in Downtown Brooklyn and the Outer Boroughs’ first supertall at 1,066 feet tall. Designed by SHoP Architects and developed by JDS, the tower will soon eclipse the 720-foot-tall architectural height of Kohn Pedersen Fox’s Brooklyn Point to secure the title of the tallest building in Brooklyn. 9 DeKalb Avenue will yield a total of 425 rental apartments and 150 condominiums.

Recent photos show the reinforced concrete superstructure standing nearly twice as tall as it was at the time of our last update in late December. Also since then, a great deal of the façade has been installed on the perimeter of the hexagonal floor plates, giving an impression of the final appearance of the curtain wall. The floor-to-ceiling glass and sleek vertical strips of stainless steel and aluminum serve to emphasize the verticality of both the envelope and the sheer height of SHoP’s design.

Representative Adriano Espaillat to Attend President Biden's Joint Address to Congress


Representative Adriano Espaillat (NY-13) released the following statement in anticipation of attending President Joe Biden’s Joint Address to Congress on Wednesday, which marks the first 100 days of the President’s first term.

“Over one month after the passage of the historic American Rescue Plan, and 100 days into our work with the Biden administration, families and communities are seeing the benefits of Democrats historic COVID relief package.  The American Rescue Plan is delivering shots in arms, money in pockets, children in schools and putting people back in jobs," said Rep. Espaillat.

"We have witnessed tremendous progress during President Biden's first 100 days and this progress is further proof of the Biden administration's efforts to help our nation rebuild, recover and get back on track," Espaillat continued. "As we commemorate the President's first 100 days, this is an opportunity to reaffirm our commitment to the American people to ensuring more Americans get vaccinated, families continue to receive stimulus recovery payments, our children return safely to schools, and much more.

"I look forward to joining tomorrow's presidential joint address to Congress to hear President Biden deliver a plan to build America's future and lay the foundation for broad economic growth and success for decades to come," he concluded.

In his first 100 days, President Biden acted to get America back on track by addressing the crises facing this nation: vaccinating America to beat the pandemic, delivering much needed help to American families, making transformative investments to rescue and rebuild our economy, and fundamentally showing that government can deliver for its people. In these 100 days of rescue, repair, and renewal, the nation is healthier, safer, more prosperous, more fair, and more competitive.



Mayor Bill de Blasio, the NYC Department of Small Business Services (SBS) Commissioner Jonnel Doris, and NYC Mayor’s Office of Media and Entertainment (MOME) Commissioner Anne del Castillo today launched Fair Share NYC: Restaurants, a program to connect restaurants to federal relief funds.
The federal Restaurant Revitalization Fund (RRF) provides non-taxable grants to restaurants hit hardest by the COVID-19 crisis. Individual restaurants may qualify for up to $5 million and restaurant groups may be eligible for up to $10 million in grant funding. MOME and the Office of Nightlife will support the program by conducting targeted outreach to restaurants in the coming weeks through email lists, social media, and third-party industry groups.
“New York City’s restaurants have worked tirelessly to keep the lights on, keep their workers employed, and keep their neighborhoods vibrant. Now, it’s time to connect them to the support they deserve,” said Mayor Bill de Blasio. “We can’t afford to let local restaurants fall through the cracks, and I’m proud to give every establishment the resources to access federal assistance.”
Fair Share NYC: Restaurants will help eligible applicants secure these critical funds through:
* Weekly webinars to review the RRF grant program and prepare their application
* Virtual one-on-one sessions with trained counselors
* Information about additional programs and services that can help your business
Fair Share NYC: Restaurants builds on the City’s larger initiative to help businesses affected by the pandemic to connect to federal funding, including Fair Share NYC: PPP which launched in January to connect businesses to PPP funds, and Curtains UP NYC which launched in February to provide free application assistance for NYC live performance businesses and nonprofits applying for the federal Shuttered Venue Operators Grant program. Since the beginning of the pandemic, SBS has assisted more than 4,000 businesses with over $294M in PPP applications and connected over 5,000 businesses with $142M in loans and grants.
“Restaurants are a driving force in New York City’s economy, providing jobs and building careers for thousands of New Yorkers,” said J. Phillip Thompson, Deputy Mayor for Strategic Policy Initiatives and Co-Chair of the Racial Inclusion and Equity Taskforce. “We are grateful to our federal partners for bringing these critical dollars to the City’s restaurant community, helping them recover from this pandemic.”
“The restaurant industry is essential to New York City’s social and economic fabric but has faced unprecedented financial challenges as we navigated the health crisis,” said Jonnel Doris, Commissioner of the NYC Department of Small Business Services. “SBS will continue to serve on the frontline of recovery by helping connect our City’s restaurants to this federal grant.”

“New York City can’t be the creative capital of the world without our restaurants,” said Commissioner of the Mayor’s Office of Media and Entertainment Anne del Castillo. “Restaurants are vital to our creative economy, serving as the pre-theater warm up, after show encore, or the main attraction that draws visitors from around the world to experience our unparalleled intersection of creativity and cuisine.”
“We know how essential our restaurant and hospitality industry is to New York City’s recovery and how difficult this past year has been for the industry,” said Executive Director of the Office of Nightlife at the Mayor’s Office of Media and Entertainment, Ariel Palitz. “We will continue to make sure our restaurants have the support, resources and guidance they need to get back on their feet.”
The Restaurant Revitalization Fund registrations will open on Friday, April 30. Applications will open on Monday, May 3. Anyone considering applying is urged to start organizing their application.
The federal government will prioritize veteran-, women-, and minority-owned businesses in the first 21 days of the RRF grant program. SBS will offer language line assistance in dozens of languages during one-on-one consultations. Small businesses should visit or call 888-SBS-4NYC for more information.

Governor Cuomo Announces State Will End Food and Beverage Service Curfew


Curfew Will Be Removed for Outdoor Dining Areas Beginning May 17 and Indoor Areas Beginning May 31

Curfew for Catered Events Where Attendees Have Proof of Vaccination Status or Negative COVID Test Result Will Be Lifted Beginning May 17 and Curfew for All Catered Events Lifted May 31

Catered Events Can Resume at Residences Beginning May 3 in Accordance with State's Reopening Guidelines

Seating Allowed at Bars in New York City Beginning May 3

 Governor Andrew M. Cuomo today announced that the 12 a.m. food and beverage service curfew will be lifted for outdoor dining areas beginning May 17 and for indoor dining areas beginning May 31.

Governor Cuomo also announced that the 1 a.m. curfew for catered events where attendees have provided proof of vaccination status or a recent negative COVID-19 test result will be lifted beginning May 17, with the curfew for all catered events set to be lifted May 31. 

Additionally, the Governor announced that catered events can resume at residences beginning May 3 above the State's residential gathering limit of 10 people indoors and 25 people outdoors, as long as the events are staffed by a professional, licensed caterer, permitted by the respective locality or municipality, and strictly adhere to health and safety guidance, including social and event gathering limits, masks, and social distancing. Also on May 3, the guidance for dancing among attendees at catered events will be aligned with neighboring states, replacing fixed dance zones for each table with social distancing and masks.

Finally, the Governor announced that starting May 3, seating at bars will be allowed in New York City, consistent with the food services guidance that is in effect statewide.

"We know the COVID positivity rate is a function of our behavior, and over the last year New Yorkers have remained disciplined and continued with the practices we know work to stop the spread of the virus," Governor Cuomo said. "Everything we've been doing is working - all the arrows are pointing in the right direction and now we're able to increase economic activity even more. Lifting these restrictions for restaurants, bars and catering companies will allow these businesses that have been devastated by the pandemic to begin to recover as we return to a new normal in a post-pandemic world. To be clear: we will only be able to maintain this progress if everyone gets the COVID vaccine. It is the weapon that will will the war and we need everyone to take it, otherwise we risk going backward."

This announcement on food and beverage service and catered events builds on the Governor's recent measures to further re-open the economy amid a steady decline in New York's COVID-19 positivity and hospitalization rates. On April 26, Governor Cuomo announced that spectator capacity at large-scale outdoor event venues, including professional and collegiate sports and live performing arts and entertainment, will increase from 20 to 33 percent beginning May 19. This increase will coincide with the previously announced increase in large-scale indoor event venue capacity. Social distancing, masks, health screenings and all other State health and safety protocols remain in effect.

The Governor also announced that capacities would be increased throughout several industries that have proven to safely reopen in accordance with the State's COVID-19 health and safety guidelines, starting May 15:

  • Gyms and fitness centers outside of New York City will increase from 33% to 50% capacity.
  • Casinos and gaming facilities will increase from 25% to 50% capacity.
  • Offices will increase from 50% to 75% capacity.

New York City Tourism Industry Hit Hard by Pandemic, Visitor Spending Drops by 73%


Office of the New York State Comptroller seal

Office of the NEW YORK


NYS Comptroller Thomas P. DiNapoli

Tourism-Related Tax Revenues for NYC Plunge by $1.2 Billion; 
April 28, 2021

The COVID-19 pandemic abruptly halted tourism in New York City, one of the world’s top tourist and business traveler destinations, during parts of 2020, resulting in a dramatic falloff in the number of visitors and creating a steep drop in economic activity, according to a report released today by New York State Comptroller Thomas P. DiNapoli.

DiNapoli said a ten-year period of record growth in tourism came to an end in 2020 as 43.7 million fewer visitors came to the city, a drop of more than two-thirds (66.6 million in 2019 to 22.3 million in 2020), and the industry’s overall economic impact fell sharply from $80.3 billion in 2019 to $20.2 billion in 2020. Employment in the industry also saw a significant decline in 2020 as 89,000 (31.4 percent) jobs were lost from 2019, when employment reached a record 283,200 jobs. DiNapoli said tourists spent only $13 billion in 2020, a 73 percent decline from the prior year, which will cost the city $1.2 billion in lost tax revenues in City Fiscal Year (CFY) 2021.

“The tourism industry is a vital component of New York City’s economy,” DiNapoli said. “Visitors and their spending are essential factors in measuring the health of the economy. The pandemic’s damage to this industry has been staggering and it may take years before tourism returns to pre-pandemic levels. The city and state must help with safe reopening, while targeting relief funds to workers and to hotels, venues, restaurants and other businesses that are unlikely to recover until visitors return.”

DiNapoli said the state and city’s near-term focus remains getting more people vaccinated and reopening attractions and expanding capacity safely. He urged city and state leaders to work with stakeholders to reignite the new normal for New York City’s tourism industry.

DiNapoli’s recommendations include:

  • Build the infrastructure and systems that aid flexible adherence to health and safety guidelines, including the expansion of public space for tourism activities.
  • Analyze and target relief programs, particularly for the accommodation and transportation industries, ensuring existing and new programs reach workers and alleviate short-term pressure for operators from taxes, loan payments or related fees, so that operations may return.
  • Promote tourist activities, including boosting resources for agencies designed to coordinate such activities (i.e., NYC & Company).
  • Target domestic leisure travelers in the short-term, as they are most likely to return first, while developing campaigns to lure international and business travelers in the long-term, as they spend more on average than their counterparts.
  • Accelerate airport enhancements and improve local transportation options.
  • Integrate new and existing technology to make it easier for visitors to arrange and change their itineraries, to make reservations and to avoid lines and help streamline compliance with public health protocols.

"We are seeing clear signs of recovery for New York City's tourism industry, a pillar of the city's economy,” said Donna Keren of NYC & Company. “Prior to the pandemic, the industry saw steady growth. Comptroller DiNapoli's report highlights just how vital tourism is to all five boroughs of New York City, and is also a sobering reminder of how difficult this pandemic has been for our city's tourism industry. It's also a reminder of the opportunity we have to remind people of the incredible experiences that are waiting for them here. We look forward to working with the city and state to bring people back and make New York City the premier tourism destination we know it to be."

“Tourism is the fourth largest employer in New York City and here in Times Square, it is our lifeblood,” said Tom Harris, Acting President of the Times Square Alliance. “With over 60% of Times Square employees living in the outer boroughs, a Times Square recovery is vital for a New York City recovery. We applaud Comptroller DiNapoli's efforts to focus on this vital sector of our economy and support the recommendations made to accelerate a safe return for the industry while also targeting marketing efforts to ensure visitors return to New York City soon and enjoy Times Square again.”

“Comptroller DiNapoli’s report provides an insightful view of the current economic reality of New York City’s tourism sector,” said Rich Maroko, President of the Hotel Trades Council. "Tourism is a critical driver of the city's economy and an essential source of countless middle-class jobs for New Yorkers, including tens of thousands of HTC members. Our union is grateful for Comptroller DiNapoli’s thoughtful analysis of the tourism sector as well as his recommendations for prioritizing its recovery and putting New Yorkers back to work.”

Massive Drop in Tourism Spending

Spending by tourists is a critical driver for tourism industry employment, wages and city tax revenues. DiNapoli estimates after reaching a record high of 66.6 million visitors in 2019 and generating $47.4 billion in spending, the number of visitors to the city dropped by 67 percent and their spending declined by 73 percent in 2020. Tourism-related tax revenue accounted for 59 percent of the city’s $2 billion decline in tax collections, or about $1.2 billion, for CFY 2021. Tourism Economics, an economic forecasting firm, is projecting that visitor spending will return to pre-pandemic levels in five years (2025), while it took three years to rebound after the financial crisis in 2008.

From 1991 to 2019 the number of visitors to the city nearly tripled, with nearly half the growth occurring in the last decade. Domestic tourists have more than tripled in this timeframe, making up just over half of total visitor spending. International tourism has risen steadily over the decades, becoming a more dominant driver in visitor growth since 2009. While the majority of visitors are domestic, international visitors spend four times that of a domestic visitor. International visitors to the city generally spend about twice the amount per visit compared to the average traveler to the U.S., with each Chinese tourist spending an average of $3,000, almost twice the average of any other international visitors.

Leisure travelers account for 79 percent of visitors to the city and 71 percent of the spending. International travelers are more likely to stay in a hotel (76 percent) and primarily visit the city as a destination. Business travelers make up 21 percent of all visitors.

Tourism Employment Dropped Over 30 Percent

By the end of 2019, the industry in New York City had a record 283,200 private sector jobs, accounting for 53.5 percent of the state’s total tourism employment. This was a 35 percent increase from 2009 levels and faster than growth in total private sector jobs (30 percent). DiNapoli estimates employment fell to 194,200 in 2020, a 31.4 percent drop and the lowest level in the city since 2004. Jobs are primarily concentrated in three large sectors: leisure and hospitality (59 percent of tourism jobs), retail (19.3 percent) and transportation (16.1 percent). The top three subsectors (hotels, restaurants and air transportation) account for almost 41 percent of all industry employment.

The majority of the jobs (57.6 percent) are located in Manhattan, with Queens having the second highest concentration with 24 percent. In the last decade, total wages in tourism increased by 81.7 percent, while citywide private wages increased by 64.3 percent. The average annual salary in the industry was $60,400, lower than the city’s private average salary of $97,700. Workers are also more likely to be minorities (66 percent), self-employed (14.4 percent), younger, at an average age of 40, and are more likely to be immigrants, who make up 44.7 percent of the total workforce.

Hotels & Accommodations Hit Especially Hard

DiNapoli has published a series of reports highlighting the impact of COVID-19 on different sectors of the city’s economy. Prior reports have focused on the retail, restaurants and the arts, entertainment and recreation sectors, which are a part of the tourism ecosystem. The two large remaining sectors, hotels and accommodations and transportation, provided 97,800 jobs and $4.5 billion in wages in 2019.

As a share of the tourism industry in New York City, accommodations is the largest component by employment and wages, representing 18.4 percent of employment, 21.1 percent of wages and 4.8 percent of firms. Because of the pandemic in 2020, this sector lost nearly half of its employment base (23,813 jobs or 46 percent).

According to the Department of City Planning, in January 2020, there were 705 hotels with a total of 127,810 rooms. As of October 2020, more than 37,000 hotel rooms in the city remained closed, with 10 percent permanently shut down. Prior to the pandemic, hotel occupancy was 89.6 percent, the highest in the nation. By September 2020, occupancy had dropped to 38.9 percent, lowering daily room rates. Through the third week of March 2021, occupancy in hotels had climbed to slightly over 50 percent.

Manhattan Hotel Rooms

Transportation Was at Near Standstill

Private tourism-related transportation employment in the city totaled 45,700 jobs in 2019 and declined by 20.9 percent in 2020. Transportation employment represents 16.1 percent of total tourism jobs and nearly 5 percent of wages. Air transportation and related services, including airport operations, account for more than 84 percent of total tourism-related transportation jobs, and have a comparatively higher average salary of $80,200. Air transportation has been impacted by the sharp drop in passenger numbers and in the number of flights arriving and departing, which were down 69.1 percent in city-area airports in January 2021.

Yellow taxis saw their average trips per day decline by 96 percent from January 2020 to its trough in April 2020, according to the city’s Taxi and Limousine Commission. The daily farebox totals for yellow and green cabs was down 79.5 percent in January 2021 compared to the prior year. New York City airports also came to a near standstill, with only gradual improvements. In August 2020, air passenger screenings were down 71 percent in the nation and 80.6 percent in New York City. Despite some improvement over the fall and winter, the city still lags the nation. The number of passengers screened in February 2021 remained well below prior-year levels, down 59.5 percent and 70.1 percent, respectively, in the nation and the city.

Industry Relief and Outlook

The most substantial federal relief program to aid businesses was the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP). In 2020, PPP granted forgivable loans to 42,800 city businesses in tourism-related industries, for a total value of $3.4 billion. These businesses accounted for 27 percent of PPP loans in the city and 18.3 percent of loan dollars disbursed. Loans were concentrated in restaurants (27.7 percent granted to tourism-related industries) and hotels (11.7 percent). Significant standalone federal grants programs have also been created for restaurants and entertainment venues, which should encourage reopening and expansion of operations, providing attractions for visitors returning to the city.

NYC & Company forecasts that domestic leisure travelers (primarily those making day trips) will be the first to rebound to 2019 levels. International travelers, who have a higher economic impact, are not expected to return to pre-pandemic levels before 2025. Business travelers to the city are not projected to surpass 2019 levels for the foreseeable future. They are expected to reach a maximum of 92 percent of pre-pandemic levels by 2024. The Global Business Travel Association forecasts that global business spending will return to 2019 levels ($1.43 trillion) by 2025.


Prior Industry Sector Reports

The Retail Sector in New York City: Recent Trends and the Impact of COVID-19

Arts, Entertainment and Recreation in New York City: Recent Trends and Impact of COVID-19

Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Governor Cuomo Announces 45% Of New Yorkers Have Received At Least One COVID-19 Vaccine Dose

152,118 Doses Administered in the Last 24 Hours      

More than 1.1 Million Doses Administered Over Past Seven Days

Previous Restrictions on Vaccinating Individuals Outside of Specific Prioritization Groups Are Repealed to Reflect Open Access for All New Yorkers Ages 16 and Older       

Vaccine Dashboard Updated Daily on the State's Vaccine Program; Go to 

 Governor Andrew M. Cuomo today announced 45 percent of New Yorkers have received at least one dose of the COVID-19 vaccine. 152,118 doses have been administered across the state's vast distribution network in the last 24 hours, and more than 1.1 million doses have been administered over the past seven days.      

"We're getting closer and closer to reaching herd immunity and defeating COVID every single day, but we must continue to focus on fair and equitable vaccine distribution so that no New Yorker is left behind," Governor Cuomo said. "So far, 45 percent of New Yorkers have already received at least one dose of the COVID vaccine, and beginning April 29 every adult in New York State will be able to walk into a mass vaccination site without an appointment and get vaccinated. We are doing everything we can to make getting a vaccine as easy as possible, and I urge everyone to do their part and get vaccinated so we can protect all the progress we have made so far and begin our return to a new normal."     

Beginning April 29, all New York State mass vaccination sites will be open to eligible New Yorkers for walk-in vaccination on a first come first serve basis. The walk-in appointments are reserved for first doses only with second doses to be scheduled automatically after administration of the initial shot. In addition, all vaccine providers are encouraged to allow walk-in appointments for eligible New Yorkers. People who would prefer to schedule an appointment at a state-run mass vaccination site can do so on the Am I Eligible App or by calling 1-833-NYS-4-VAX. People may also contact their local health department, pharmacy, doctor or hospital to schedule appointments where vaccines are available, or visit to find information on vaccine appointments near them. 

Additionally, the provisions that restricted access to specific providers or created penalties for vaccinations given to individuals outside of the required prioritization groups earlier in the process are repealed, to reflect open access for New Yorkers age 16 and over at all sites. 

Total doses administered - 14,702,998
Total doses administered over past 24 hours - 152,118
Total doses administered over past 7 days - 1,120,029
Percent of New Yorkers with at least one vaccine dose - 44.6%
Percent of New Yorkers with completed vaccine series - 31.9%