Wednesday, December 29, 2021



 Mayor Bill de Blasio today announced that the City Cleanup Corps (CCC) has removed more than one million bags of trash citywide, among other recent milestones and expansions, since the program’s launch in April 2021. 

The New Deal-inspired economic recovery initiative supports communities, businesses, and tourism by refreshing and revitalizing public spaces. As of December 20, 2021, CCC members had hand-swept nearly 70,000 block faces, maintained more than 40,000 rain gardens, planted over 10,000 plants across the five boroughs, and painted over 630 properties that had been defaced with graffiti.


“To build a recovery for all New Yorkers, we knew that supporting our city's workforce, helping people get back on their feet, and revitalizing our public spaces were critical,” said Mayor Bill de Blasio. “That was a shared vision across the City agencies, community-based organizations, and elected officials who have participated in the City Cleanup Corps, and that vision has been realized through the tremendous work of the over 10,000 Corps members across the five boroughs. We thank the CCC and our partners for helping beautify New York City and leading the nation's economic recovery."


Among the latest City Cleanup Corps program milestones and expansions are: 

  • A partnership with the New York City Day Laborer Coalition to expand access to hands-on work experience and training for low-income workers;
  • New programs, Youth Sustainability Corps (YSC) and Green Applied Projects for Parks x Pathways to Graduation (GAPP x P2G), to support and invest in young adults; and,
  • The completion of 21 public art projects through BeautifyNYC to revitalize neighborhoods and empower communities.


“When we launched the City Cleanup Corps in April, we had clear goals to expand access to work experience and training for New Yorkers, and to restore and refresh our public spaces,” said Deputy Mayor for Strategic Policy Initiatives J. Phillip Thompson. “Today, we celebrate program expansions that build on those goals, and milestones that demonstrate the positive impact the Corps has had on our communities and will continue to have on the careers of Corps members, low-wage workers, and youth.”


“Since its inception during an unprecedented time in our City's history, the City Cleanup Corps has been a truly unique and effective team effort thanks to our partnership with more than two dozen City agencies and community-based organizations,” said Acting Director of the Mayor’s Office of Workforce Development Chris Neale who leads the City Cleanup Corps. “These milestones and expansions are a testament to the collaboration and determination of Corps partners and members to serve our communities. We look forward to continuing our work to empower our Corps members with hands-on experience and training to prepare them for successful careers.”


Through the collaboration of more than two dozen City agencies and community-based organizations, members of the CCC tend to the needs of neighborhoods by hand-sweeping public spaces, cleaning defaced properties, power-washing sidewalks, tending to green spaces, and creating community murals, among other efforts to help bolster New York City’s economy. Since its inception, the CCC has employed more than 10,000 New Yorkers, and after surpassing this hiring goal, the program is supporting the extension of existing CCC members’ tenures through the end of Fiscal Year 2021, alongside the latest program expansions. 


Partnership with NYC Day Laborer Coalition to Expand Access to Hands-on Work Experience and Training for Low-Income Workers


​​Through a partnership with the New York City Day Laborer Coalition and the New York City Council, low-income workers will receive compensated training and work experience in cleaning, community gardening, and landscaping in partnership with community-based organizations and local businesses. The NYC Day Laborer Coalition is composed of community-based organizations New Immigrant Community Empowerment, Third Sector New England/Worker’s Justice Project, Staten Island Community Job Center - La Colmena, Northern Manhattan Coalition for Immigrant Rights, and Catholic Charities Community Services, Archdiocese of New York. These organizations were collectively allocated nearly $3 million in federal American Rescue Plan Act funding under the Speaker's Initiative as part of the City Cleanup Corps program.


New Programs to Support and Invest in Young Adults 


Youth Sustainability Corps (YSC)

The New York City Department of Parks & Recreation (NYC Parks) has partnered with the Department of Youth and Community Development (DYCD), the Mayor's Office of Youth Employment, and the City Cleanup Corps to develop the very first Youth Sustainability Corps (YSC). The YSC is a specialized Parks green job internship program within DYCD’s Work Learn Grow program where students gain work readiness, explore careers in the green economy, and receive targeted employment training and skills development with a focus on environmental justice and the City’s overall recovery. Parks’ YSC students will get hands-on experience in the full scope of green roof installation, and learn about systemic environmental challenges and a broad range of sustainable solutions NYC Parks is piloting. These program components, combined and funded through Mayor de Blasio’s City Cleanup Corps economic recovery program, will serve 30 young people from New York City schools with 225 hours of program, for total earnings of $3,375 per student.


Green Applied Projects for Parks x Pathways to Graduation (GAPP x P2G)

Through a collaboration between NYC Parks and the New York City Department of Education (DOE), the City Cleanup Corps is also funding a new work study program, Green Applied Projects for Parks x Pathways to Graduation (GAPP x P2G). The program fosters career readiness and skills building through practical application: students served will tackle a complete project from start to finish—for instance, building, blazing, and landscaping a trail—alongside Parks Department employees. In coordination with the DOE, the program allows students to work and attend high school equivalency classes in the same location, on the same day, and aims to help participants build a strong peer network to support them in school and through their careers. The nearly $1 million work study pilot funded by Mayor de Blasio will serve 36 New Yorkers, between ages 18 to 30, who have been disengaged from work and school, and may have been involved in the justice system. The pilot will run 40 hours a week, for 26 weeks, for a total earnings of $16,068 per participant plus transportation costs.  


Completion of 21 Public Art Projects to Revitalize Neighborhoods and Empower Communities


In partnership with the City Artist Corps, NYC Department of Probation, and Carnegie Hall’s Weill Music Institute, City Cleanup Corps supported Beautify NYC, a program through which local artists and young people collaborated on arts projects to revitalize community spaces. From July to November, local arts organizations ran weekly project-based workshops for youth ages 16 to 24 across a variety of artistic disciplines, with both artists and young people paid for their work. The 21 projects, which ranged from designing tree guards to painting colorful murals, took place in seven neighborhoods across the City with Neighborhood Opportunity Network (NeON) Centers:  East New York, Jamaica, Brownsville, Bedford-Stuyvesant, Harlem, and the South Bronx. Each project culminated in a final event that connected artists, young people, and organizations to the broader community. Beautify NYC leveraged the power of art and culture to advance recovery in some of the areas most impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. An additional number of workshops will continue through June 2022. 


Click here to watch a video recap of the Beautify NYC projects.


The City Cleanup Corps has had a significant impact on the local New Yorkers employed by the program, the supervisors they report to, and the communities CCC members have served. To read stories about the impact of this work, visit the CCC Instagram and Facebook Page


“Through City Cleanup Corps' support, Beautify NYC provided youth across the boroughs opportunities to explore the transformative power of art while centering our communities,” said Department of Cultural Affairs Commissioner Gonzalo Casals. “Just as they have throughout the pandemic, our City's arts community—now joined by Beautify NYC's promising young artists—have demonstrated how our cultural heritage and creative energy brings New Yorkers together, brightens our neighborhoods, and will help communities recover, now and in the future."


“As New York City’s Strongest pick up 12,000 tons of trash and recycling every day, City Cleanup Corps members have been valuable partners in our shared mission of keeping our city clean and safe,” said Department of Sanitation Commissioner Edward Grayson. “We applaud the Corps on today’s milestone and their ongoing work in the revitalization of our city. With nearly 1,000 new Sanitation Workers joining our team this year, the Department of Sanitation looks forward to continued partnership with the Corps’ expanded programs in the months ahead.”


“We congratulate NYC Cleanup Corps for reaching this impressive milestone," said Department of Transportation Commissioner Hank Gutman. "The Cleanup Corps provides vital maintenance services to Open Streets locations, plazas, and other public spaces, and we are happy the program will expand and continue to keep our public spaces clean and vibrant."


“The de Blasio Administration’s workforce development strategy has focused on developing young people’s workforce readiness in growing industries. Thanks to support from the City Cleanup Corps, Parks is leveraging the talent and expertise of our staff to teach the next generation of green innovators through our Youth Sustainability Corps and GAPP x P2G program,” said NYC Parks Commissioner Gabrielle Fialkoff. “The City Cleanup Corps has made a significant impact on the lives of New Yorkers and proven to be an invaluable asset as we work towards recovery in every borough.”


“Every opportunity we have to invest in and support our young adults is valuable for the individual and for our city as a whole,” said Schools Chancellor Meisha Porter. “We are so excited to partner with NYC Parks on Green Applied Projects for Parks x Pathways to Graduation. This incredible work study program funded by the City Cleanup Corps will empower young adults by kick-starting their careers, forging strong peer networks, and fostering important professional skills all while revitalizing our beautiful public spaces.”


“DYCD and the Work, Learn, Grow (WLG) program are proud to partner with NYC Parks and the City Cleanup Corps on the exciting Youth Sustainability Corps, which introduces young people to green careers, environmental justice, and opportunities such as repurposing rooftops to help us combat climate change and extreme weather events. High schoolers interning with the Youth Sustainability Corps will get hands-on training while gaining work readiness skills and exploring careers with in-demand industries,” said Department of Youth and Community Development Commissioner Bill Chong.


“The City Cleanup Corps has been a terrific help in ensuring the City’s drainage infrastructure is operating as efficiently as possible,” said Department of Environmental Protection Commissioner Vincent Sapienza. “The Cleanup Corps has helped to clear trash and debris from catch basins and curbside rain gardens across the city. This is an important reminder that all New Yorkers can play a part in making New York a more livable city and support our drainage system by not littering on our streets.”


Attorney General James Issues Statement On New CDC COVID-19 Recommendations


  New York Attorney General Letitia James today issued a statement to employers following new recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) isolation periods:

“The health and safety of all New Yorkers has always been our top priority, and, in order to protect our communities, we must continue to act responsibly and carefully. It is essential that any employee who is exhibiting any COVID-19 symptom and tests positive not be pressured to return to the workplace before those symptoms subside. We must take the necessary steps to stop the spread of this virus, and this is a basic and common-sense approach.”

Governor Hochul Updates New Yorkers on State's Progress Combating COVID-19 - DECEMBER 29, 2021

 Clinical specimen testing for Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) at Wadsworth Laboratory

139,264 Vaccine Doses Administered Over Last 24 Hours    

97 COVID-19 Deaths Statewide Yesterday

 Governor Kathy Hochul today updated New Yorkers on the state's progress combating COVID-19.

“As we approach the New Year it is vitally important that we don’t let our guard down in our fight against the pandemic,” Governor Hochul said. “Let’s make it our collective New Year’s resolution to leave COVID in the past. We have the tools and we know what works – mask up, get vaccinated, get boosted, and exercise caution in large gatherings, especially this weekend.”

Today's data is summarized briefly below: 

  • Test Results Reported - 362,594
  • Total Positive - 67,090
  • Percent Positive - 18.50%
  • 7-Day Average Percent Positive - 14.61%
  • Patient Hospitalization - 6,767 (+594)
  • Patients Newly Admitted – 1,474
  • Patients in ICU - 962 (+17)
  • Patients in ICU with Intubation - 499 (-20)
  • Total Discharges - 228,609 (+897)
  • New deaths reported by healthcare facilities through HERDS - 97
  • Total deaths reported by healthcare facilities through HERDS - 48,249

The Health Electronic Response Data System is a NYS DOH data source that collects confirmed daily death data as reported by hospitals, nursing homes and adult care facilities only. 

  • Total deaths reported to and compiled by the CDC – 61,159

This daily COVID-19 provisional death certificate data reported by NYS DOH and NYC to the CDC includes those who died in any location, including hospitals, nursing homes, adult care facilities, at home, in hospice and other settings. 

  • Total vaccine doses administered - 33,368,704
  • Total vaccine doses administered over past 24 hours - 139,264
  • Total vaccine doses administered over past 7 days - 675,444
  • Percent of New Yorkers ages 18 and older with at least one vaccine dose - 88.9% 
  • Percent of New Yorkers ages 18 and older with completed vaccine series - 80.5% 
  • Percent of New Yorkers ages 18 and older with at least one vaccine dose (CDC) - 95.0%
  • Percent of New Yorkers ages 18 and older with completed vaccine series (CDC) - 82.8%
  • Percent of all New Yorkers with at least one vaccine dose - 77.7%
  • Percent of all New Yorkers with completed vaccine series - 69.6% 
  • Percent of all New Yorkers with at least one vaccine dose (CDC) – 83.6% 
  • Percent of all New Yorkers with completed vaccine series (CDC) - 71.6%



Six design build teams will now develop detailed proposals to build four borough-based jails sites after responding to the City’s Request for Qualifications
Site preparation at all four sites to begin this January

 Mayor de Blasio and the New York City Department of Design and Construction (DDC) announced today that the City has reviewed and approved six teams, who each submitted a Statement of Qualifications (SOQ), to develop detailed proposals to design and construct four modern, smaller, humane borough-based jails. These jails will replace the aging facilities on Rikers Island, which will close permanently in 2027.
The firms will now prepare responses to a Request for Proposals (RFP) for each site, which will require detailed plans about how firms will approach designing and constructing the facilities.
“New York City deserves a smaller, safer, and fairer jail system. That starts with building modern facilities – and getting off Rikers Island once and for all,” said Mayor Bill de Blasio. “I’m proud to see borough-based jails continue to move forward, and I look forward to celebrating more progress as expert teams design and build these new facilities.”
“We had an exceptional response from the industry given the size and scope of this program,” said Tom Foley, Acting Commissioner of the Department of Design and Construction. “The response gives us further confidence that we will be able to deliver on the promise of a more humane justice system for New York City, on-time and on-budget. We were particularly impressed with the teams’ commitment to the values and goals of the Borough Based Jails program.”
"The City's commitment to closing Rikers Island permanently has never wavered. This crucial step in the construction process is a testament to the hard work, determination, and professional focus of the Borough Based Jail team. Soon New Yorkers will see active construction work throughout the City as we move ever-closer towards a new, improved justice system for all,” said Mayor’s Office of Criminal Justice Director Marcos Soler.
“The response from the design community is encouraging given the scale and importance of this incredible project,” said Department of Correction Commissioner Vincent Schiraldi. “As an agency, we are eager to continue to safely reduce the jail population, move off the Island and to be closer to communities, courts and services.”
A panel of the Borough Based Jail team, including DDC’s construction professionals, evaluated SOQs based on firms’ financial capacity, experience, design-build approach, and past performance. The City will now issue a Request for Proposal (RFP) for each of the sites. The RFP will ask the Design-Build teams to offer more detail on their approaches for designing and constructing the new facilities, including how the team will achieve the City’s vision for building humane facilities and innovative approaches to ensure efficient, cost-effective construction.
Two firms will be the sole respondents to RFPs for Manhattan and Queens, respectively, based on evaluations of their SOQs. Two firms will compete for the Brooklyn facility, and two will compete to design and build the Bronx facility. Because of the time and resources required to prepare detailed RFP responses, stipends will be provided to firms who are not selected to work on one of the facilities.
RFP Process
  • Manhattan: The first RFP was released last week for the Manhattan facility to a joint venture led by the Gilbane Building Company and the Alberici Corporation. After a collaborative process with the City to ensure project and technical goals are met, the final RFP submission will be due in the fall of 2022. After response review and contract negotiation, the project will move into design and construction late next year.
  • Brooklyn: A similar process for the Brooklyn site will commence in spring 2022, with an RFP issued to two teams: one, a joint venture led by Lend Lease Corporation and Halmar International; another led by Tutor Perini Corporation. Project commencement is slated for winter 2022/23.
  • Queens: An RFP for the Queens site will be issued to the Leon D. DeMatteis Construction Corp in summer 2022, with the project due to get underway in spring, 2023.
  • Bronx: An RFP for the Bronx site will be issued in the summer of 2022 to Transformative Reform Group, LLC, led by SLSCO and Sciame Construction; and to Cauldwell Wingate 2022 Company, LLC. Once a team is selected, work will commence on the facility in summer 2023.
Work will already be underway at all four sites throughout this process; design build contracts for dismantling of existing structures and site preparation were all registered this week. In Brooklyn, Queens and Manhattan, the design-build teams will dismantle existing facilities on the sites and construct temporary “swing spaces” to facilitate NYC Department of Correction’s transfers of detainees for court appearances during construction. At the Bronx site, where the former Lincoln Hospital used to be located, the design-build team will remove debris from the old hospital and perform environmental testing to prepare the site for future work.
The entire $8.2 billion program is to be handed over to the Department of Correction in 2027.
Heavy construction began in June at the Queens site, where a new parking garage and a 25,000-square-foot community space will be completed in fall 2022. The structure is being built on an existing parking lot at Union Turnpike between 126th Street and 132nd Street.
The City highly encourages participation in the jails program by Minority- and Women-Owned Business Enterprises (M/WBEs) and will set significant requirements for M/WBE participation in the program’s design-build contracts. To learn more about how eligible firms can become certified as an M/WBE, please visit Certify With the City. More information about opportunities in the Borough-Based Jails program and in other DDC design-build programs is available here.

Bronx Jewish Community Council - It's not too late to donate for a 2021 Tax Receipt


As the year draws to a close, please consider Bronx Jewish Community Council in your year end giving. 
Your generosity helps us save lives. 

We thank you all for your continued support of our agency.

Thank You and Happy New Year!
Please mail checks to:
Bronx Jewish Community Council
2930 Wallace Ave
Bronx, NY 10467

*As long as the check is dated before Jan 1, you will still get a 2021 tax receipt*
Bronx Jewish Community Council I I 718-652-5500

Updated Website Highlights Community-informed Vision for Bronx Neighborhoods around New Metro-North Stations


Planning work describes potential housing, economic and infrastructure opportunities to support now-funded stations coming to Hunts Point, Parkchester/Van Nest, Morris Park and Co-op City

  Department of City Planning (DCP) Director Anita Laremont today announced the release of community-informed planning work that is based on a year of public input on the future of four East Bronx neighborhoods set to receive new Metro-North stations.

“We couldn’t be happier to share our recommendations for these four communities, soon to be home to brand new Metro-North stations. This once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to vastly improve transit access in the East Bronx, and the region as a whole, is also a chance to improve the lives of the residents and businesses that call these neighborhoods home. We look forward to delving deeper into these proposals with local stakeholders and working towards a more accessible and more vibrant East Bronx together,” said DCP Director Anita Laremont

“We are proud to continue to work with the East Bronx community and DCP to bring transit access and create jobs for Bronx residents,” said NYC Economic Development Corporation (NYCEDC) President and CEO Rachel Loeb. “By offering a thoughtful and inclusive community engagement tool, New Yorkers will be able to share their input about what matters most to them for projects across the city.”

Because the stations, coming to Hunts Point, Parkchester/Van Nest, Morris Park and Co-op City, are now fully funded, community input and planning for the surrounding neighborhoods are more important than ever. DCP’s updated website seeks to encourage continued community input and refinement of the planning process aimed at ensuring the stations serve the local communities. 

The new stations are set to begin construction next year and open in 2026, after completion of the Penn Station Access project, which will provide Metro-North riders with a direct route into Manhattan’s Penn Station, reducing commute times by up to two-thirds to and from the East Bronx.

Community planning for the areas around the four stations seeks to guide and support investment in affordable housing, jobs, parks, and schools, among other necessary amenities and services. This planning is guided by the City’s equity and COVID-19 recovery goals.

Included in the vision documents are community recommendations for a new plaza at the Morris Park station; improvements to make walking under the Bruckner Expressway at Hunts Point more inviting; safety and lighting improvements to and from the station along Erskine Ave at Co-op City; and making E Tremont Ave at the Parkchester/Van Nest station a more active street that brings neighborhoods together.

These recommendations grew out of extensive public engagement that started in 2018, with hundreds of residents, business owners, workers, and local institutions taking part. DCP has worked alongside the MTA, Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr., the NYC Department of Transportation, NYCEDC, Community Boards 2, 9, and 11, and others to advance discussions on the new stations via in-person and remote workshops, meetings, open houses and additional events with community members and City agencies concerning the transit-accessible project.

This latest webpage update ensures transparency and ample opportunities for further discussion in these ongoing planning processes. While the MTA is set to begin construction on the stations in 2022, the Bronx Metro-North Study team will be working to update recommendations based on all the feedback heard in 2021, to be followed by additional public outreach in the spring. This will be an important step as we seek to ensure our Bronx neighborhoods are ready for the new service.

“We are thrilled that the Bronx is getting four new Metro-North stations, providing expanded access to safe and reliable public transit options,” said Lisa Sorin, President of The New Bronx Chamber of Commerce. “We encourage all those who live, work and own businesses in and around Hunts Point, Parkchester/Van Nest, Morris Park, & Co-Op City to visit, participate and stay involved in the planning process to ensure ample community representation.”

“Montefiore and Einstein look forward to continued collaboration with DCP and the Morris Park community in the planning process for this transformative project. The community engagement process will ensure best outcomes for future generations to receive world class health care and education.  These recommendations around the new stations will ensure community needs are addressed and rules are established to attract economic opportunities for the East Bronx and beyond,” said Rick Chandler, Senior Vice President, Strategic Development, Montefiore Health System.

“The Morris Park community and commercial corridor are excited for this new step forward towards having direct Metro North connection to Manhattan, but also to Westchester and Connecticut. We encourage residents and businesses alike to continue reviewing the updated DCP project website, and use it as the avenue for conveying the community’s own vision for the comprehensive infrastructure improvements, that this project has a unique and unparalleled opportunity to create,” said Dr. Camelia Tepelus, Executive Director of the Morris Park Business Improvement District.

Department of City Planning
The Department of City Planning (DCP) plans for the strategic growth and development of the City through ground-up planning with communities, the development of land use policies and zoning regulations applicable citywide, and its contribution to the preparation of the City’s 10-year Capital Strategy. DCP promotes housing production and affordability, fosters economic development and coordinated investments in infrastructure and services, and supports resilient, sustainable communities across the five boroughs for a more equitable New York City.

In addition, DCP supports the City Planning Commission in its annual review of approximately 450 land use applications for a variety of discretionary approvals. The Department also assists both government agencies and the public by advising on strategic and capital planning and providing policy analysis, technical assistance and data relating to housing, transportation, communit

Bronx Metro-North: Thank you for helping to move the study forward in 2021!


Thank you for all your insights, feedback, and ideas in 2021!

The Bronx Metro-North Study (BMNS) Team and the Department of City Planning (DCP) would like to thank everyone who participated in our Remote Open House, Remote Workshops, and Remote Office Hours in 2021. Your insights, concerns, and vision will be critical in updating the draft plan to ensure that the station areas are ready for new planned service. 

Since launching our remote engagement:

  • 150+ Community Members have participated in our Remote Workshops and Remote Office Hours
  • 185+ Station-Area Surveys have been completed
  • 2,500+ visitors who have accessed our Remote Open House

This latest webpage update ensures transparency and ample opportunities for further discussion in these ongoing planning processes. Help Build the Plan!

While the MTA is set to begin construction on the stations in 2022, the Bronx Metro-North Station-Area Study team will be working to create a final plan based on all the feedback received throughout the process. The final plan will be an important step as we seek to ensure our Bronx neighborhoods are ready for the new service.
To read an important message from the Director of the Department of City Planning, Anita Laremont, click the link below. 
Message from the Director of City Planning, Anita Laremont
To speak directly with planning staff, please sign up for our remote office hours by clicking below.
BMNS Office Hours Bookings

Metro-North is moving forward!

Following the uncertainties of 2020, this past year has been full of good news for Metro-North as they work to build and bring service to the planned stations. 

Earlier the this Metro-North learned that they had passed their environmental review process with flying colors. 

Construction will begin in 2022, making the station area planning all the more important as we move into the new year!

We're excited to to continue to work with you the community, Metro-North, and City and State agencies to ensure that the station areas are fully prepared for this exciting new service.
To read more about the draft plan, visit our Draft Plan overview to watch our station-area overview videos and to read our draft recommendations and more by clicking below.
Building the Draft Plan