Monday, July 6, 2020

Fourth of July Leftovers

People all over the Bronx and other parts of the city complained of fireworks going off for two weeks before the Fourth of July holiday. This year it seemed like every night leading up to Independence Day fireworks big and mall were being set off until the AM hours. There were complaint to 311, 911, and on social media wondering when the fireworks would stop, and what the police were doing to stop it. Mayor de Blasio finally set up a Fireworks Commission to stop the illegal fireworks. It seemed to work, but after two days the fireworks was back. 

Forward to July 4th. even before it got dark fireworks were being set off. If you checked Facebook you could view people showing the fireworks around them as they filmed from their balconies. Others just had someone filming the various fireworks they had set up, and were setting off. Comments of "It looks like a war zone out there", were common, which lasted into the AM. 

If you walked around this morning to see the piles of spent fireworks there was one thing that you could see in almost all of the packages that were left. That was the words 'Made in China'. The real question would have to be if fireworks are illegal how did all that fireworks get into the state, city, and the Bronx?

Above - This pathway is littered with firecracker and other firework residue. 
Below - A little further up this pathway.

Above - This batch of fireworks was placed in a trash bag after being used.
Below - Another area where fireworks were set off.

Above - Another launching pad for fireworks.
Below- Not only were there fireworks, but a mess after the party.

The 'Made in China' label was found on almost every package of fireworks.

Sunday, July 5, 2020 - Will you share your thoughts? - Is This a Survey or Just Another Donation Email? Maybe the FEC should Look at This

We received this from asking us to take a survey

July Survey

This movement was built by working-class people from across the country, and we're dedicated to centering the experiences of the people — not billionaires, not the powerful, and not the corporations. Will you take a moment to share your thoughts with us? The team will send the final results directly to AOC!

(The answer Climate Change was already written, and there was no other choice.)


Thanks for sharing your thoughts!

This movement is fueled overwhelmingly by small-dollar donors.
If you can afford it, will you rush a contribution to help us build a powerful progressive force?

Choose an amount:

Your contribution will benefit Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

Contribution rules

1 - I am a U.S. citizen or lawfully admitted permanent resident

(i.e., green card holder).

2 - This contribution is made from my own funds, and funds are not

being provided to me by another person or entity for the purpose of

making this contribution.

3 - I am making this contribution with my own personal credit card

and not with a corporate or business credit card or a card issued

to another person.

4 - I am at least eighteen years old.

5 - I am not a federal contractor.

(The ways to donate were Deleted)
By proceeding with this transaction, you agree to ActBlue's terms & conditions.
Paid for by ActBlue ( and not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.
Contributions or gifts to ActBlue are not deductible as charitable contributions for Federal income tax purposes.

Kingtalk Radio Talk Viedo TOWNHALL Streaming Live on Facebook Monday 3 PM

Image may contain: 1 person

Saturday, July 4, 2020


Bernadette Ferrara - 

10:42 PM (20 minutes ago)

Marie H. Santillana was our Sergeant-at-Arms
for the Van Nest Neighborhood Alliance. She passed on the 4th of July 2019.
Please join us at this candle-light vigil to remember Marie who was the eyes and ears of Van Nest.

VNNA Candle Vigil_Marie S_7.5.2020.jpg

Friday, July 3, 2020

Senator Brian A. Benjamin - Harlem BLACK LIVES MATTER Street Mural Kickoff

Senator Benjamin & Harlem Park to Park Kickoff Painting of Harlem BLACK LIVES MATTER Street Mural 
(Harlem, NY) Harlem, the global center of Black culture, is installing a Black Lives Matter street mural that will stretch across Adam Clayton Powell Jr. Blvd, between 125th and 127th streets. Senator Benjamin has helped to secure the use of both sides of the median, so the words ​BLACK LIVES MATTER will read in both directions, heading north and south along the 2 blocks.
"It is incredibly important to me that as we place Black Lives Matter street murals across New York City that we place one in Harlem. These street murals are not only a statement of resistance to institutional racism and oppression but they are also a symbol of pride to those who have been historically marginalized. It is just as important that young Black children in Harlem see signs that say Black Lives Matter as it is for prosecutors, police and President Trump," said State Senator Brian A. Benjamin. "Harlem is the epicenter of Black culture, arts and music as well as a historic symbol of the African American struggle for social and economic equality in the United States. I am thankful that the Harlem community has stepped up to the challenge and is delivering a top quality street mural for the world to see." 
The Harlem street mural is presented by ​Harlem Park to Park in partnership with ​Got To Stop Social Impact Agency and will feature commissioned work by a selection of multigenerational and multidisciplinary Harlem artists curated by LeRone Wilson who have all made equity for space and visibility a part of their practice. Artists include ​LeRone Wilson, Dianne Smith, Thomas Heath, Guy Stanley Philoche, Lesny Flex, Jason Wallace, Joyous Pierce and Omo Misha​. The artists will create their work on the north facing mural. Joining with artists to paint the lane heading south will be representatives of 16 community groups that will each send representatives to paint one of the letters. The groups include: ​Boys & Girls Club of Harlem, Harlem Pride, Mama Foundation for the Arts/Sing Harlem, New York Alumnae Chapter, Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc - Delta GEMS, Got to Stop Social Impact Agency, Harlem Park to Park, Harlem Grown, Jackie Robinson Foundation​, among several others.

Strategy For Black Lives - March to End Qualified Immunity

On Saturday, July 4th, Strategy for Black Lives partners with Warriors in the Garden in marching to end qualified immunity. Morally lacking and systemically destabilizing from its inception, qualified immunity has protected the worst offenders among the police for too long. While America celebrates its independence, we will march boldly in the spirit of Fredrick Douglas, who asked on July 5th, 1852, "What to the slave is the Fourth of July?" and answered, "To Him, your celebration is a sham." He recognized the cruel irony of celebrating a nation's liberty while that very nation held men in bondage. 155 years after slavery, Black people are still murdered relentlessly at the hands of the state. The state relegates Black students to segregated schools and imprisons millions of Black people through private corporations that profit off next-to-free labor. 155 years after slavery, we are not yet free.

We march on the Fourth of July to demand that our democracy, both national and local, live up to its professed ideals.

This day immortalizes the moment when the indignities, injustices, exploitation, and violence, became too intolerable, and fundamental change became necessary. Black America will not tolerate this knee on our neck. We march here in New York and from coast-to-coast, to create a nation whose Independence Day we can all proudly celebrate, knowing all people are created equal.

Who: Strategy for Black Lives, Warriors in the Garden

Where: 42nd Street and 5th Avenue

When: Saturday, July 4th, 12:00pm

United Mexicans of America - March For Freedom

  On July 4th, United Mexicans of America, community residents, and local organizers will be organizing a 'March for Freedom' rally calling on the federal government to immediately release detained children and parents from their detention centers and find all of the currently still missing children. Recently, a federal judge in Los Angeles ordered the release of migrant children from family detention centers. However, the release of parents was not secured and there are still many concerns as to what will happen with the children that are released.

In addition to the coalitions call for the reunification of immigrant families, they will be demanding that the City of New York help the struggling immigrant families. Recent reports show that approximately half of all immigrants living in New York City are now unemployed and struggling to make ends meet. COVID-19 has predominantly impacted Latino and Black neighborhoods both of whom have large immigrant communities. The coalition will March on this symbolic day that is supposed to signify freedom and liberty to ask the Nation to provide those same privileges to Latino and Black immigrant communities.

Who: United Mexicans of America, Community Residents, Strategy for Black Lives, New Sanctuary Coalition, Council Member Ydanis Rodriguez

Where: 86th St and Colonial Road (Start)
  • Walk on 86th to 5th Avenue 
  • Walk from 5th avenue to Sunset Park
  • Walk from Sunset Park to Barclays Center
Time: 12:15pm

When: Saturday, July 4th, 2020