Friday, April 1, 2016

IDC: New York State budget will create a ‘Better New York’

Paid Family Leave, $15 minimum wage, and
major $1 billion tax relief package for middle-class among victories for New Yorkers

Independent Democratic Conference Leader Jeff Klein and members of the IDC on Thursday applauded the agreement on New York’s sixth on-time budget which advances key policy issues from the IDC’s agenda, NY 2020: A Blueprint for a Better New York.

From the outset, members of the IDC advocated their robust four-year agenda to uplift New Yorkers in every corner of the state with a focus on education, housing, employment and overall quality-of-life.

This year’s budget includes signature issues to improve the lives of working- and middle-class New Yorkers like Paid Family Leave, which grants the workforce 12-weeks off to bond with a new child or care for a sick loved one and a $15 minimum wage, which will first go into effect in New York City. The budget also delivers a $1 billion tax relief package for the middle-class.

“This truly is The Year of the Worker. A victory in the Fight for $15 and Paid Family Leave will make a tremendous difference in the lives of our workforce. New York State put together the best Paid Family Leave policy in the nation. Nobody will ever have to choose between what their heart tells them to do and what their bank account allows them to do. Our minimum wage workforce also get a raise and our middle-class households receive over $1 billion in tax relief. This is a budget that should make every New Yorker proud. I thank Senate Majority Leader John Flanagan, Assembly Speaker Carl Heastie and Governor Andrew Cuomo for their leadership,” said Senator Klein.

“This year’s budget brings new resources to education and transportation for upstate New Yorkers. For too long upstate students have suffered because of the Gap Elimination Adjustment. This budget finally remedies this serious problem by eliminating the GEA and restoring $434 million in aid to our schools. We also create parity in upstate road and bridge funding with a $27 billion investment that will transform crumbling and dangerous infrastructure. This budget will usher in truly historic investments in upstate New York,” said IDC Deputy Leader David Valesky.

“Before I was elected to office, I was a union member and a caseworker for child welfare, and this budget is truly an achievement for New York’s working families. This year, I was proud to fight for facilitated enrollment, paid family leave and a $15 minimum wage, and we have won each of those fights. We will continue the Facilitated Enrollment Program that has allowed so many parents to continue to work while accessing safe and affordable child care, give our workers the raise that they deserve, and implement the best Paid Family Leave program in the country. By passing this budget, New York is leading the way for our working families,” said Senator Diane Savino.

“This year marks the largest education investment in the history of New York. We will fully restore $434 million in funding to our schools by eliminating the Gap Elimination Adjustment that has shortchanged our children, and increase Foundation Aid funding to $627 million for our school districts that need it most. In addition, we will freeze tolls on the Tappan Zee bridge and the Thruway, with a total of $700 million in new funding. This budget represents a leap forward for New York and I am proud to vote in favor,” said Senator David Carlucci.

“This budget truly protects New Yorkers. As the Vice-Chair of the Environmental Conservation Committee, I am thrilled that this year we will invest a record $300 million in the state Environmental Protection Fund. I have also been a champion for middle-class homeowners, and this budget will bring major relief through a historic tax relief program of over $1 billion. Whether it’s keeping our water clean or putting money back in the pockets of our middle-class, I am proud to support this year’s budget,” said Senator Tony Avella.

The 2016 budget will include:

  • Paid Family Leave ensures that New York’s families can afford to take needed time to welcome a child into the world or care for a sick loved one. Under the new law, employees will be granted 12-weeks of Paid Family Leave while receiving up to two-thirds of their regular pay. Through a phase-in over four years, New York State will implement the best paid family leave program in the country.

  • A $15 Minimum Wage puts money back in the pockets of New York’s working class. By introducing a raise in wages over three years for New York City, New York will be the first state in the nation to reach $15 by 2019.
  • A major $1 billion tax relief package for the middle-class significantly reduces the taxes of millions of New Yorkers. The package aims to cut personal income taxes for households earning between $26,000 and $300,000. These tax cuts will bring meaningful relief to the middle-class, while encouraging financial spending and growth throughout the state.
  • A $434 million investment to eliminate the Gap Elimination Adjustment remedies the long-standing problem of subtracting funding from schools to make up for budget shortfalls which have devastated school districts upstate. By finally eliminating this problem, this year’s budget brings fair funding to all of New York’s school districts.
  • A record level of funding for transportation infrastructure reinvigorates all of New York’s transportation needs both upstate and downstate. An investment of $27 billion in the Department of Transportation and $27 billion in the Metropolitan Transit Authority inject much-needed funding while ensuring that New York’s transit projects move forward.
  • Continuing the Facilitated Enrollment Program ensures that safe, quality childcare will be a reality for more New Yorkers. New York is one of the most expensive states in the nation for child care, and for many women that means having to choose between their careers or child-rearing. The Facilitated Enrollment Program provides low-cost child care to working women and men, while also offering parenting resources.
  • The largest education investment in state history ensures that we build up our children’s future as we build up New York State. The state will invest over $175 million in the community schools model, which ties neighbors, teachers, administrators and volunteers together, to convert struggling schools to this successful model across the state. To address diversity in New York City’s elite Specialized High Schools, $2 million will  be invested to establish outreach coordinators for every school, to ensure that students from underrepresented areas are given the resources they need. The funding will also build test prep programs in each school, to serve as a pipeline for students in need of support.
  • An investment of $1.9 billion in housing addresses housing needs throughout New York State.
  • A record $300 million investment in the Environmental Protection Fund enhances New York’s parks, keep the state’s water sources clean and protect the environment for all.
  • A four-year extension of the Senior Citizens and Disabled Rent Increase Exemption will keep the successful rent freeze program, which keeps senior citizens and disabled residents in their own homes, at the much-needed income threshold of $59,000. It will extend it for an additional four years, ensuring that the vulnerable New Yorkers who depend on this program will be able to afford their rent.

Friends of Van Cortlandt Park's April 2016 Enewsletter

    As you may have noticed, our spring calendar is missing our Annual Hike-a-thon event.  But don't worry, it's just getting a makeover and being moved to the fall.  Please be patient while we put together an event like we have never done in Van Cortlandt Park before.  More details will be available by June.  In the meantime,Save the Date of Saturday October 1st and feel free to join us on our other hikes this spring.

Don't forget!  If you haven't yet please sign onto ourpetition in favor of Daylighting Tibbetts Brook.
Currently, water from Van Cortlandt Lake enters the Broadway sewer at a rate of 4 to 5 million gallons of water per day — and that’s on a dry day. Often when it rains, the combination of sewage, street runoff and the brook enters the combined sewer, bypassing the treatment plant and flowing directly into the Harlem River. This one Combined Sewer Overflow (CSO), WI-056, connected to the Broadway sewer makes up more than half of the CSO water entering the Harlem River. Daylighting will remove this clean water from the sewer and help to reduce CSO occurrences on the Harlem River.

Hope to see you in the Park! We have a few events planned for this month (see below) and many more coming up this spring. 

Christina and all of your Friends at the Friends of VCP

P.S. Don't forget to follow us on Social Media to keep posted on what is happening in the Park.

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April Events
Get Active Hiking Series in VCP
Join us on the Second Saturday of Each Month for a hike in Van Cortlandt Park. This is a great opportunity to learn about the ecology and the history of the Park. Please wear appropriate shoes and bring plenty of water and a snack for the hike. 
April 9th at 10am, meet at Woodlawn Playground (VCP East & Kepler Ave.): Family friendly leisurely hike in the Northeast Woods with a focus on the wetlands. Hike will last 60-90 minutes. Appropriate for young and old.

NYLCV's Reaction to the State Budget


  "Historic is a word that we try not to use lightly, but it's truly appropriate to describe how the environment fared in this budget. We applaud the Governor, the Senate, and the Assembly for addressing pressing needs across the spectrum of our priorities from fighting climate change, to conserving natural resources, to protecting public health. These new or significantly increased allocations for dozens of meaningful programs will touch New Yorkers in all corners of the state, ensuring the health of our environment now and for future generations. New York has continually demonstrated national leadership on these issues and we hope this momentum carries through to the end of session as we seek to advance strong environmental legislation."
Highlights of NYLCV priority programs that fared well in the budget include:
Environmental Protection Fund - The Governor inherited the EPF at $134 million. Last year it reached $177 million after a series of steady increases. So the jump to $300 million this year was a huge one. The Governor, Senate and Assembly have committed this money to a broad range of programs that support everything from municipal parks to land preservation to fighting climate change to public health:
  • Municipal Parks and Waterfronts - Within this historic level of EPF funding, $20 million Municipal Parks Grant Program and a $16M Local Waterfront Revitalization Program. These programs rehabilitate playgrounds and ball fields, create new trails, and restore wetlands and waterfront access for recreation.
  • Dedicated Funding for Low Income Communities - The final budget deal set aside dedicated EPF funds for capital projects in both urban and rural low-income areas. This was a major budget priority of NYLCV’s, and we are thrilled to see the final budget deal include it. Vibrant parks, playgrounds, and recreation areas make communities more livable and provide opportunities for children to play sports and exercise. A revitalized park or playground is essential in addressing a growing obesity problem in low-income communities. Previously, there was only funding for one in every five applications and this funding will help address that.
  • Protecting Farmland  - The budget includes $20 million for farmland conservation, which will help ensure these lands are safe from development and that are towns and cities have access to fresh, local produce. 
  • Fighting Climate Change - The final deal also includes an unprecedented $24 million to combat climate change. This will include smart growth grants, climate smart community capital projects, and more.
Clean Water - The budget includes $200 million per year over each of the next two years for clean water infrastructure. New York State has an $800 million need for funding annually to begin to address the deteriorating infrastructure for drinking water and wastewater. This grant money will help leverage municipal and private investments to reach that number.
Promoting Zero Emission Vehicles - For the first time ever, the budget includes a $2,000 consumer “point-of-purchase” rebate, which will motivate the greatest number of buyers and help New York reach its goal of 850,000 ZEVs on the road by 2025. Critically, the budget also includes $10M for charging stations. This was a top priority for NYLCV, as a robust and highly visible charging network will also motivate buyers.
Farms to Schools Program - This initiative also received a boost, helping to connect schools to local farmers and educate students about what they are eating and where it comes from.
Environmental Justice - The budget includes additional funding for environmental justice programs throughout the state, recognizing that we must correct the unequal environmental and climate impacts faced by certain communities around the state.

New York City Public Advocate - Your Right to Opt Out

If you have questions or concerns, I urge you to contact 
Letitia James
New York City Public Advocate

Thursday, March 31, 2016

CAR FREE NYC to hold Major Rally to Build Support for Earth Day Goal of Fewer Cars on City Streets

Elected Officials and Organizations from Across the City Will Celebrate the Bold Initiative

City Council to Hear Resolution Naming Earth Day 2016 a Car Free Day in NYC

New York, NY-On Monday, April 4th, elected officials and organizations from across the city will rally on the steps of City Hall, calling on New York drivers to leave their car at home for one day this year: Earth Day, April 22nd. Support has steadily been building around this initiative, launched last month at New York University by Council Member Ydanis Rodriguez and a coalition of transportation, environmental and community based organizations drawing from a wide field of disciplines.

The concept, initiated in Europe several decades ago, is to have New Yorkers refrain from driving, as a way to highlight what our city could look like if it relied less upon cars. Paris is the most recent global city to take this step and saw tremendous benefits in lower emissions levels, as pedestrians flooded the open streets in celebration. Here in New York, a strong coalition of citywide organizations is ready to take the step here, with the support of the City.

On Earth Day, April 22nd, Broadway from the Flatiron Building to Union Square North; the streets around Washington Square Park; and Wadsworth Avenue in Upper Manhattan from 173rd to 177th will be closed to vehicle traffic, allowing New Yorkers to take full advantage of the open streets. This initiative is about promoting our many forms of transportation, other than personal vehicles, and encouraging New Yorkers to consider the impact of their decisions when it comes to travel.

The City Council Transportation Committee will hear a resolution designating Earth Day 2016, Car Free Day in NYC, immediately after the rally in the Council Chambers at City Hall.

What: Major Rally for a Car Free Earth Day in NYC & Hearing on Car Free Earth Day Resoluion

When: Monday, April 4th, 2016, 9:15 AM

Where: City Hall Steps, New York, NY

Bronx Chamber of Commerce - Next "Next Level Bronx" Class begin April 27, 2016

Application Period Now Open!      
About the Program:
NYCEDC is launching the Next Level Bronx program to give small business owners the tools, training, and networks to turn growth plans into action. We provide customized training for business owners who have been in business for at least three years, have an annual revenue of at least $250,000, and have at least one employee besides the owner. This is a seven-month program that helps participants emerge with successful, growth-oriented business strategies.
This program is brought to you by NYCEDC with curriculum provided by Interise and is supported by Citi Community Development. The Bronx Overall Economic Development Corporation, the Bronx Chamber of Commerce, Assemblyman Blake, have partnered to help launch this major initiative. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact Lucy Christensen at 212-312-4242.
Program Details:
This program will run over the course of seven months and will be held at the Bronx Borough Hall twice a month. By participating in this program you and your business could receive:
¨ Access to our Private Sector Network (PSN), network of volunteer professionals, and mentors.
¨ A customized Strategic Growth Plan outlining the action steps required to achieve business goals.
¨ Customized training to learn about business and development strategies, strategic planning, financial management, human resources, accessing capital, and government contracts.
This program is being offered free of charge. Apply today to reserve your spot for Next Level Bronx!
Key Dates:
¨ April 1 - Application Deadline
¨ April 27 - First Session
¨ November 2016 - Program Completion

Phil Cardone
 Grants & Events Director
 Bronx Chamber of Commerce
"The Network For Business Success"
1200 Waters Place, Suite 106
Bronx, NY 10461

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Free Concert Saturday, April 2nd_GMBC Men's Fellowship & Guests


  HUD Regional Administrator Holly Leicht to Moderate Panel of City Officials, Housing Developers, and Community Organizations

Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr invites the public to an upcoming workshop designed to help Bronx residents successfully apply for affordable housing. The event will feature a panel discussion moderated by HUD Regional Administrator Holly Leicht, who oversees federal housing programs throughout New York and New Jersey.

Titled “Successfully Applying for Affordable Housing,” the event will take place on Wednesday April 13, 2016, from 6 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. at the Bronx Museum of the Arts, 1040 Grand Concourse, Bronx NY.

“Affordable housing and its role in the future of our borough and our city has been the topic of discussion across the city for years. We have seen considerable new development in our borough, and my office is working to make sure that this new development works for everyone. I invite all Bronxites interested in applying for a new apartment to come to this workshop, hear from our speakers and learn more about this process,” said Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr.

“Finding affordable housing in New York City is a challenge under any circumstances, but it’s incumbent upon government at all levels to ensure that those most in need are aware of the resources that are available and understand how they can access those resources,” said Holly Leicht, HUD Regional Administrator for New York and New Jersey. “HUD welcomes this opportunity to join Borough President Diaz, Jr. and many housing organizations to get the word out about how to navigate the process of identifying and applying for subsidized housing.”

In addition to remarks from Borough President Diaz and Regional Director Leicht, attendees will hear from speakers representing New York City Department of Housing Preservation and Development, the New York City Housing Development Corporation, Phipps Houses, Bronx Pro Real Estate Management and the Fordham Bedford Housing Corporation. The event will also feature resource tables with one-on-one attention and materials related to housing matters and other services. Light refreshments will also be provided.