Thursday, December 24, 2020

Mayor de Blasio Morning Briefing and favorite Media Availability



We passed on this one leaving our streak of not being called on at 36 days, We received the mayor's schedule for Thursday December 24th, and it looks like the Mayor is starting his Christmas holiday a day early. 373 days to go until Mayor de Blasio is term limited out.

Mayor Bill de Blasio: Good morning, everybody. Well, holidays are upon us and there's good news because of that. And people are getting ready to support each other and show their love for each other and give each other gifts. Well, the people of the council district in the Bronx, the 12th Council District have a gift this morning, they have a new Council Member. I want to congratulate Kevin Riley, who was just elected in the special election yesterday in the 12th District in the Bronx. So, congratulations to the people of the Bronx. And congratulations, Kevin. I look forward to working with you as we bring this city back in 2021. So, that's some good news.   


I met a man who really inspired me, his name is Maliksha [inaudible] and he was an arts professor at Kingsborough College in Brooklyn, but he lost his job because of COVID. But he had something else he was doing, I guess you could call it an art side hustle, because he was an artist himself and he was creating his own artwork. And now, he is out selling it at this local market in Brooklyn. And he – was just beautiful images of New York. He's an immigrant from Turkey, but he loves this city deeply and he wanted to portray his love for New York City. He's created really colorful, beautiful, heartfelt visions of New York City. So many good stories, but we have to keep these stories alive. So, again, there's still a lot of us shopping. I cannot tell a lie, I was still doing shopping as a yesterday. Most years, I go right up to the last point on the 24th of December. I think there's a lot of you out there probably in the same boat. Shop local. Go to the local stores if you feel comfortable that. And if you would rather shop online, then shop online, but directly from our local New York City stores. Let's keep that money in the community. Let's give them that boost.  


All right, now, let's go back to the main event – every day we talk about COVID. We talk about the fight against COVID. And, obviously, you know, we talked about what our small businesses have been through, what all of us have been through, but now we have a different reality, because of the vaccine. And the news about the vaccine gets better every single day, literally does. We get more and more vaccine arriving every day. And we're seeing the positive impact of the vaccine being distributed every day. It's giving confidence to folks who received the vaccine. It's really moving us forward. There are so many people who need this vaccine and we're going to move very, very quickly to get that vaccine that everyone needs it. One of the examples – the best examples of who needs and deserves a vaccine, our health care heroes and our heroes at EMS – at Emergency Medical Service. Our EMTs, our paramedics, they did amazing work, really, really tough work, difficult work during the height of pandemic, and, of course, ever since. So, our EMS workers have been on the frontline since day one. We want to make sure they get vaccinated right away. We know that every time we get someone vaccinated, we're helping them in their family to be safe and we know that, that is peace of mind, that all those who serve us deserve. I spoke to a lot of EMS workers, paramedics, EMTs, and their officers when we were going through the worst of the pandemic. I went and saw the work they were doing, and I felt for them, because we were depending on them so deeply, they were giving it their all. So, I really want to thank each and every one of them – you did amazing work. This vaccine is now going to give you what I think is so important, both that health protection, but also that peace of mind. Because the vaccine is safe and effective, you're going to know that you're going to be okay.  


So, the work of vaccination, we're going to go over it in a moment with our Fire Commissioner Dan Nigro. This is going to protect members of EMS, but, at the same time, as we are celebrating that we're going to be able to provide this protection, starting right away, it's a sad moment too, because, just last night, one of the good people at EMS, one of the people who serves us and protect us passed away. Her name, Evelyn Ford, an emergency medical technician – 27-year member of EMS. She went in in 1994, and she was working in the emergency medical dispatch unit. Very, very sad that, just now, as we finally get to turn the corner, the vaccine has finally arrived, we lose a good woman who served us so well for so long. She is the 12th member of FDNY, EMS to pass away from COVID and our hearts go out to her, her family, her children, a very, very tough moment for this family. A moment where we all remember those who serve us – our condolences to the family and we will be with you every step of the way going forward. 


With that, to talk about the extraordinary work of EMS and the measures starting today to protect all the members of EMS, I turn to our Fire Commissioner Dan Nigro. 


Fire Commissioner Daniel Nigro: Well, thank you, Mayor. As you said, what was going to be one of the few uplifting days that we've had this year as the vaccine rolls out to our EMS personnel today was saddened by the knowledge that Ms. Ford passed last night of COVID. And it really points to how important the vaccinations are to our members. We have had, in a department of 17,000 folks, close to 6,000 of them have had COVID over the past nine months. It's an incredible number. We have over 600 people right now on medical leave with COVID. So, there's no doubt that this comes at a very important time for us and we hope that we can vaccinate 450 people a day at three locations and start to bring this protection, this miracle that came to us and start to put COVID behind us. It's only a beginning. It's going to take quite a while, but we are very pleased that, today, members of EMS will begin getting vaccinated. This will continue throughout the next few weeks. And as more vaccine arrives and more becomes available to us, we hope to have our entire department vaccinated and protected at some point. So, that's where we are right now. 


Mayor: Thank you. And, Commissioner, I want to thank you. This has been the toughest of years and I think a lot of New Yorkers know this, but I want to emphasize Dan Nigro has served this city his whole adult life, like his father before him at FDNY. He was one of the folks who had to sustain the FDNY after 9/11. He was there on the scene and one of the people trying to do their damnedest to rebuild the FDNY after the horrible, painful losses of 9/11. And Dan has been, throughout this entire administration, leading the Fire Department with just tremendous heart and distinction. And I know this has been a really tough year. I know you feel it personally, Dan, but thank you to you and all the people who serve under you for keeping us safe this year. 

And yes, today's a day where we turn the tide and we really make sure that this miracle – as you said, this is a miracle – this vaccine is a miracle – is put together a record time. It's going to save lives, starting right now. So, thank God, your members will start to get the vaccinations right away. And what we've heard from all of the good folks, our health care heroes at Health + Hospitals who have been getting the vaccine now over these last days, there’s just tremendous satisfaction – that they have had a good experience with the vaccine and that it gives them both that knowledge that they are safe, but also that peace of mind. So, we want to get that done for so many good people who serve us and then more and more New Yorkers every single day, going forward.  


Now, look, as we get ready for the holidays – joyous, joyous time, even emits the pain we've been through. Joyous time because it signifies the end of this godforsaken year 2020, which we will not miss. But they're also warning signs that we have to acknowledge, because we are going through the second wave, because of this very troubling news we've gotten out of the United Kingdom about a new strain of the virus. We're getting warning signs all over the place that, even though, thank God, we have the vaccine, thank God, our hospitals are doing well, we are not out of the woods. So, let's talk about the holidays and what you have to do. First of all, I'm going to say it again. I know our Health Commissioner will say it a thousand times as well, if you don't have to travel, do not travel. Just cancel your travel plans. Stay local, stay safe. If you're doing any kind of gathering, keep it very small, keep it very safe. Practice distancing. Wear masks. One more time – we are in the final battle here, so all you have to do is get through these holidays. I believe, through January, it's still going to be tough. I'm very hopeful that February, we're going to start to see real, real improvement, especially because the vaccine will be distributed more every day. So, this is one last push, one last sacrifice, and then, next year, we get to bring back our traditions and gather again as we take each step to make safe. But to make sure that people understand, we have to have tough rules, especially if you do choose to travel. The State has very clear rules. If you travel, yes, there is a way to test while you're away and test when you come back and come out of the quarantine. But, otherwise, you are quarantining – that is the State law – and we will make sure that that quarantine is upheld. This is going to be the busiest travel time of the year. When you think about all these days up through New Years, intensive travel time. We need people not to travel. But, if they do, we're going to be very, very stringent about the rules. 


So, first of all, for folks coming in from the United Kingdom, we will have a new approach, given this new strain we're seeing there. Effective immediately, all travelers, literally every single traveler coming in from the United Kingdom will receive a Department of Health Commissioner's order, directing them to quarantine. This will be a personal and direct order to every single one of them telling them they must quarantine. And that will be given to all travelers beyond just those – I want to be clear – beyond anyone coming in just from the UK. Every traveler who comes into the city that we identify as someone coming into city or coming back to the city will also receive that Department of Health Commissioner's Order. Now, that will go out through certified mail. So, it will be going right to where people live, right to where they're staying. It’s going to be confirmed they got it and then people are going to be held responsible for following the quarantine. But, specifically, for folks coming in from the UK, given that particular concern, we're going to have Sheriff's deputies go to the home or the hotel of every single traveler coming in from the UK. So, when they arrive at the airport, they're going to have to fill out the form, notifying us that they are coming into New York City. We're going to provide them with that Commissioner's Order, but then there's going to be a follow-up direct home visit or hotel visit from the Sheriff's deputy to confirm that they are following the quarantine. Or, if they are not, they will be penalized. We cannot take chances with anyone who travels, particularly folks traveling in from the UK. So, to everyone, look, if you don't comply with the quarantine, that's $1,000 fine to begin, day-one. If you continue not to comply with the quarantine, it is $1,000 for each additional day. I want to really make sure I'm getting this point across. We don't want to penalize people. Everyone has been through hell this year. We don't want to, but, if you don't follow a quarantine, you're endangering everyone else in the city right as we're fighting the second wave. So, let's do it again. If you come in, you fill out the form, you follow the quarantine, God bless. If you violate quarantine, $1,000 for the first day. If you violate any day thereafter, $1,000 for each additional day. And we will collect those penalties. We are really serious about the fact that if you violate quarantine, you're creating a danger for everyone else. We're also going to have the Sheriff's deputies out in force. They've done amazing jobs. They will be at airports with our Test and Trace teams, making sure everyone fills out the appropriate form, everyone gets the information, everyone understands they're under a Commissioner’s Order – airports, train stations, bus depots, you name it. Also, Sheriff's Office, the deputies have been pulling over folks at highways coming into the city, that will continue. There's been over 10,000 car stops already. We are going to doing that intensively during this holiday season up through the weekend after January 1st. We need people to understand, if you're coming into the city from outside or you're returning, follow that quarantine. And the Sheriff's deputies are doing an amazing job. They have been a heroes of the fight against COVID. They will be out there in force. You will feel their presence. Listen to them, follow what they tell you to do, and that's how we're going to be safe. The best gift you can give the people you love is to keep them safe. The best gift you can give is to make sure that the people you love will be able to gather together next year in 2021. That only works if we all pay attention to what the doctors are telling us and follow these simple rules and stay safe.  


Okay, let's do today’s indicators. One, daily number of people admitted to New York City hospitals for suspected COVID-19 – today's report, 224 patients. We want to be under 200, we are not. So, that's a bad sign. Also, hospitalization rate per 100,000 people – 3.19 people per 100,000 – 3.19 patients per 100,000. That is not good. We want to be under two. That is too high. Obviously, the next one, daily new cases of COVID-19 – seven-day average, way too high, 2,789 – way too high. We want to get back under 550 over time. And the current testing indicator, percentage in New York City residents testing positive – seven-day rolling average, 6.19 percent. We want to get back under five. We have a lot of work to do and these next weeks are going to be amongst the most challenging and we've got to really work hard to make sure that number does not keep growing.

New York State Department of Labor Career Center - Operating Engineers Recruit Apprentices


  The Joint Apprenticeship and Training Committee for Operating Engineers, Local Union #30, will conduct a recruitment from January 25, 2021 through February 5, 2021 for 25 Stationary Engineer apprentices, the New York State Department of Labor announced today.

Applications can be obtained at Operating Engineers, Local Union #30, 16-16 Whitestone Expressway, Whitestone, NY between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, excluding legal holidays, during the recruitment period. Applications must be returned via U.S. Postal Service certified mail and postmarked no later than March 1, 2021.

Candidates will be scheduled to take a Comprehensive Math exam and must score at least 85% out of 100% on the exam.

The Committee requires that applicants:

  • Must be at least 18 years old.
  • Must have a high school diploma or a high school equivalency diploma (such as TASC or GED). Proof will be required after selection and prior to enrollment in apprenticeship.
  • Must be legally able to work in the United States.
  • Must sign a statement indicating that they are physically able to perform the work of a Stationary Engineer. This trade often includes work environments that are dangerous. The work itself may require a Stationary Engineer to be able to perform work under physically challenging and difficult conditions. Duties include but are not limited to:
    • Willing to work rotating shifts including weekends and holidays.
    • Climbing stairs, ladders and other means to access boiler room equipment, sometimes in confined spaces (e.g. accessing steam drums and fire boxes) or heating and ventilating rooms (e.g. air handlers and plenums) which may be dusty and dark with varying degrees of extreme temperatures.
    • Standing upright for extended periods of time.
    • Using vision to read small numbers and/or markings on gauges and equipment.
    • Using vision and hearing to avoid injury from overhead piping and rotating machinery.
    • Communicating orally in noisy working conditions.
    • Working in areas containing gases from the combustion process and strong odors from grease, lubricants or solvents.
    • Lifting heavy metal objects.
    • Working with alkaline and acidic chemicals used in boiler water treatment and handling chemicals.
    • Walking over wet and slippery surfaces.
    • Working around hazardous materials, such as asbestos and infectious waste.
    • Wearing personal protective equipment including but not limited to respirators, face shield and hearing protection.
  • Must provide DD-214, Certificate of Release or Discharge from Active Duty, if applicable, after selection and prior to enrollment.
  • Must have a valid driver’s license to operate company vehicles.
  • Must have reliable means of transportation to and from various job sites and required classes at the approved school.

For further information, applicants should contact Local Union 30 at (718) 847-8484. Additional job search assistance can be obtained at your local New York State Department of Labor Career Center (see:

Apprentice programs registered with the Department of Labor must meet standards established by the Commissioner. Under state law, sponsors of programs cannot discriminate against applicants because of race, creed, color, national origin, age, sex, disability, or marital status. Women and minorities are encouraged to submit applications for apprenticeship programs. Sponsors of programs are required to adopt affirmative action plans for the recruitment of women and minorities.

Bronx Progressives December Virtual General Meeting


Join Fellow Progressives for our December Virtual General Meeting!

When: Wednesday, December 30th at 7pm 
Where: Zoom

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 852 9204 0537

Greetings Bronx Progressives Members!

As we prepare to say final farewells to a painful and tumultuous year, that brought enormous challenges to every one of us, combined with pain and loss. We are pleased to share some great news with the membership about our accomplishments and vision for 2021. After months of long deliberation, Bronx Progressives is ready to present to the membership our new bylaws. They are included on this email. We encourage you to review them carefully, as we will be holding constructive discussions, and ultimately, voting on them in the upcoming weeks into the new year.  

Link to bylaws:

We will also be joined by Jamell Henderson, Lead Organizer for #NewDealforCUNY who will join us to discuss a push to make undergrad education free, more pay for college adjuncts, the hiring of more professors, and more. 

Immediately following the meeting, we will be hosting a virtual holiday party. We encourage you to stick around for some holiday fun, games, and maybe some music. Drinks are optional. 

Join us Wednesday, December 30 at 7pm, to our December General Virtual Meeting. Link below:

Meeting ID: 852 9204 0537

Again, we urge to come to help us discuss, review, and vote to approve the bylaws. We will open a discussion on next steps. 


  • Greetings and Welcomes (2 Mins.)

  • Quick review of the agenda (3 Mins.)

  • House Rules (3 Mins.)

  • Introducing Jamell Henderson (3 Mins) 

  • Jamell Henderson speaks (20 Mins.)

  • Q&A (10 Mins.)

  • EC official announcement of new bylaws (20 Mins.)
         1) A summary of what was accomplish in the past several months with the new bylaws
         2) An overview of what will be expected from the members
         3) A brief highlight of the EC's responsibility and its officers, and informing membership of upcoming elections to fill those positions  
         4) Question and answer


    Upon adjournment of meeting, we will host a virtual holiday party. We are planning a night of fun, games, and hopefully some music. 

When: Wednesday, December 30th at 7pm 
Where: Zoom

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 852 9204 0537


We do hope that this club meeting goes better than the Ben Franklin Democratic Club December meeting went.

Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Attorney General James Helps Secure $2.4 Million from Sabre After Data Breach


New York Attorney General Letitia James today announced a $2.4 million multistate agreement with Sabre Corporation that resolves an investigation into the 2017 data breach of Sabre Hospitality Solutions’ hotel booking system. The breach exposed the data of approximately 1.3 million credit cards. In addition to the $2.4 million payment — $111,783.19 of which will go to the state of New York — Sabre will be required to make numerous changes to its security and notification protocols.

“Companies need to do a better job of notifying New Yorkers when their personal information has been breached,” said Attorney General James. “Sabre first failed its customers with a susceptible security system, then failed them when it came to provide proper notifications. Today’s agreement not only imposes a hefty fine on Sabre but will ensure that the company has the appropriate security and incident response plan in place so that its failure does not take place again.”

Sabre Hospitality Solutions, a business segment of Sabre, operates the SynXis Central Reservation system, which facilitates the booking of hotel reservations. SynXis connects business travel coordinators, travel agencies, and online travel booking companies on one end to Sabre’s hotel customers on the other. On June 6, 2017, Sabre informed its hotel clients of a data breach that had occurred between August 2016 and March 2017, which the business had disclosed in a 10-Q filing with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) the month before. Notice to the affected consumers was provided by the hotel-clients, resulting in some notices being issued as late as 2018, and some consumers receiving multiple notices stemming from the same breach.

Today’s agreement requires Sabre to include language in future contracts that specifies the roles and responsibilities of both parties in the event of a breach. It also requires Sabre to try to determine whether its clients have provided notice to consumers, and to provide the attorneys general a list of all the customers that it has notified. Finally, the agreement requires Sabre to implement and maintain a comprehensive information security program, implement a written incident response and data breach notification plan, implement specific security requirements, and undergo a third-party security assessment.

Joining Attorney General James in announcing today’s agreement are the attorneys general of Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, Connecticut, Florida, Hawaii, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Louisiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Jersey, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Vermont, Virginia, and Washington.  

Governor Cuomo Announces 89,000 New Yorkers Have Received First COVID-19 Vaccine Dose - and COVID-19 Indicators DECEMBER 23, 2020


22,000 Doses Administered in 90 Nursing Home Facilities So Far as Part of Federal Program

DOH Authorizes Use of Extra Moderna Vaccine Doses; Guidance Available Here

6,864 Patient Hospitalizations Statewide

1,166 Patients in the ICU; 633 Intubated

Statewide Positivity Rate is 5.84%

164 COVID-19 Deaths in New York State Yesterday

 Governor Andrew M. Cuomo today announced that 89,000 New Yorkers have received the first COVID-19 vaccine dose to date. 22,000 New Yorkers have received the first dose in 90 nursing home facilities as part of a federal-private partnership program. 

The Governor also announced that the New York State Department of Health has authorized the use of extra doses that have been found in Moderna vaccine vials. The vials were previously believed to contain 10 doses, but may now contain up to 11 doses. DOH guidance on administering the extra doses is available here and a letter from Commissioner Howard Zucker is available here

"I have one message for New Yorkers this holiday season - celebrating smart stops shutdowns," Governor Cuomo said. "We did not have that same post-Thanksgiving spike we saw elsewhere because we were more cautioned and more intelligent about it. The question is what happens through Christmas, Kwanzaa and New Year's. Do we stay as diligent? I don't believe we are destined for a shutdown and I want to do everything we can to avoid one, but as I have been saying, that will be determined by our actions and the next 10 days are going to be key for us. We have already been working with hospitals to ensure they have sufficient capacity and to date, none have reported that they are close to being overwhelmed. Now it's on the rest of us to stay smart. If we all stay united and wear masks, socially distance and wash our hands, we will reach the light at the end of the tunnel."

Today's data is summarized briefly below: 

  • Test Results Reported - 204,361
  • Tested Positive - 11,937
  • Percent Positive - 5.84%
  • Patient Hospitalization - 6,864 (+203)
  • Patients Newly Admitted - 1008 
  • Hospital Counties - 55
  • Number ICU - 1,166 (+40)
  • Number ICU with Intubation - 633 (+19)
  • Total Discharges - 96,857 (+672)
  • Deaths - 164
  • Total Deaths - 29,016



$53.8 million project will feature 170 residences for low and moderate-income families, including 85 for the formerly homeless

B&B Urban and L+M Development Partners have secured financing and broken ground at Williamsbridge Gardens, a fully affordable rental building in the Northeast Bronx. The building will include 170 units of affordable housing for low and moderate-income families, including 85 homes for the formerly homeless with support services provided by the Center for Urban Community Services (CUCS). Construction is anticipated to take two years.

Williamsbridge Gardens is being financed with $53.8 million in tax exempt bonds being issued by New York State Homes and Community Renewal’s (HCR) Housing Finance Agency. Citi Community Capital is providing the bond credit enhancement during the construction period. HCR’s Supportive Housing Opportunity Program provided an additional $11.75 million in funding, the New York City Department of Housing Preservation and Development’s Supportive Housing Loan Program funded $11.75 million and the Bronx Borough President $750,000. Raymond James is investing approximately $40 million in low-income housing tax credit equity.


“Williamsbridge Gardens directly addresses NYC’s most urgent needs with 100% new affordable housing, including 50% of the units set aside for formerly homeless families, in two buildings at a location offering immediate subway access and an array of vital retail services” said Alan Bell, Principal of developer B&B Urban. “Along with our partners, we at B&B extend our deepest appreciation to the staff and leadership at the NYS HCR and the NYC HPD for extending themselves during this most difficult time to get us over the goal line.”


“Williamsbridge Gardens will bring much-needed affordable homes to the Northeast Bronx, and we are thrilled to have worked with our partners to make this development a reality,” said Spencer Orkus, Managing Director at L+M Development Partners. ““This pandemic has underscored the importance of providing affordable homes and supportive services to the most vulnerable New Yorkers, and we're looking forward to welcoming our new neighbors home to Williamsbridge Gardens.”


“More than ever, we are focused on serving the most vulnerable New Yorkers and making sure they have the housing and resources they need to thrive,” said HPD Commissioner Louise Carroll. “Williamsbridge Gardens will provide 170 families, including 85 formerly homeless New Yorkers with not only safe, secure, and affordable homes, but also supportive services in a development that promotes the health of residents as well as the environment.”

“Williamsbridge Gardens is a concrete example of Governor Cuomo’s commitment to providing affordable and supportive housing opportunities while reducing homelessness,” said HCR Commissioner RuthAnne Visnauskas. “The challenges of the pandemic have made our work all the more urgent and we are proud to partner with B&B Urban and L+M Development to see this project begin the construction phase. Future residents will live in 170 beautiful, energy-efficient apartments that will add to the vitality to the Williamsbridge community. Supportive services provided by CUCS will enable those who experienced homelessness live independently in a transit-friendly development with convenient access to shopping and health care providers. I look forward to the day this will be a place to call home.” 


“Planning, financing and developing affordable housing has been particularly challenging since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic,” said Richard Gerwitz, Co-Head of Citi Community Capital.  “That is why it is even more rewarding than usual to be able to work with such a terrific team of developers and governmental agencies to help increase the supply of much needed housing to those most severely impacted by the crisis.”


“Raymond James Tax Credit Funds is thrilled to once again partner with B&B Urban, L+M Development Partners, and The Center for Urban Community Services in the development of Williamsbridge Gardens,” said Darryl Seavey, Managing Director of Raymond James Tax Credit Funds. “Williamsbridge Gardens is a meticulously designed 170-unit affordable residence that will provide high-quality, clean, and safe homes, as well as supportive services to deserving residents.  We are greatly looking forward to visiting the completed apartments, touring the amenities, and meeting the new residents.”


Williamsbridge Gardens will comprise two eight-story buildings along East 211th and East 212th Streets, which together will frame a large common landscaped rear courtyard. The buildings will offer 30 studio, 55 one‐bedroom, 57 two‐bedroom and 27 three‐bedroom apartments, along with a live‐in superintendent unit. 


CUCS, one of the leading agencies serving homeless and formerly homeless New Yorkers, will provide on-site support for formerly homeless residents. The organization specializes in programing that links housing, health and social services for low-income individuals and families across the city. 


“CUCS is proud to be partnering with B&B Urban and L+M Development Partners on this critical affordable housing project. As the largest provider of social services in supportive housing settings in New York City, CUCS has helped individuals and families to rise from poverty, exit homelessness, and be healthy since 1983. We are thrilled to be able to provide the 85 homeless households who will call Williamsbridge Gardens home the individualized case management, medical and mental healthcare they need to leave homelessness behind for good.” Joe DeGenova, CUCS CEO and President.


Williamsbridge Gardens is designed by MHG Architects and will include amenities such as 24/7 front desk security, a large landscaped interior courtyard, community room with kitchenette, computer lab and children’s library, exercise room, laundry room in each building, and green components, including a rooftop photovoltaic solar installation and energy-efficient appliances. 


Williamsbridge Gardens has excellent access to transit, sitting just a block away from the Gun Hill Road 2 and 5 subway lines and near both the Williamsbridge Metro-North Station and local and express/SBS bus service along White Plains Road and Gun Hill Road. It is also a short walk from nearby grocery stores, neighborhood retail, healthcare and other essential services.


Congressman-Elect Ritchie Torres - BIG NEWS: I’ve been appointed to the House Finance Committee!


Ritchie Torres For Congress

I have some big news, and I couldn’t wait to share it with you:

When I’m sworn into Congress, I’ll be joining the House Committee on Financial Services -- a powerful committee which, among other things, oversees public housing.

I ran for office to help South Bronx families and marginalized communities get ahead, get on strong financial footing, and foster an equal, just economy that doesn’t leave anyone behind.

I'm proud to be joining a committee that has the power to help Bronx families.

Being appointed to the House Committee on Financial Services is huge for our movement. It’s a chance to make real, lasting change for the community I grew up in.

Ritchie Torres.

Andy King and The Bronx Youth Empowerment Program - SHARING IS CARING





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