Sunday, September 26, 2021

Permits Filed For 1047 Ogden Avenue In Highbridge, The Bronx


Permits have been filed for a seven-story mixed-use building at 1047 Ogden Avenue in Highbridge, The Bronx. Located at the intersection of West 165th Street and Ogden Avenue, the lot is closest to the 167th Street subway station, serviced by the 4 train. Leo Brody of ZLB Holdings is listed as the owner behind the applications.

The proposed 70-foot-tall development will yield 37,578 square feet, with 31,524 square feet designated for residential space, 5,378 square feet for commercial space, and 675 square feet for community facility space. The building will have 45 residences, most likely rentals based on the average unit scope of 700 square feet. The steel-based structure will also have a 40-foot-long rear yard and 14 enclosed parking spaces.

Nikolai Katz Architect is listed as the architect of record.

Demolition permits will likely not be needed as the lot is vacant. An estimated completion date has not been announced.



$500 Million in total relief expected for more drivers

 Mayor Bill de Blasio announced New York City’s $65 million Medallion Relief Program (MRP), which could result in $500 million of debt forgiveness for thousands of drivers, has delivered $5.1 million in debt cancellation for the first 26 owners to fully restructure their loans. As of this week, 954 medallion owners have completed appointments with the TLC’s Owner/Driver Resource Center and are in various stages of renegotiations, a significant portion of which will be completed by the end of 2021.  

“Medallion owners have more than earned their place as an essential part of the City’s transportation network, and this visionary program will ensure that those in distress get the economic justice they need to support their families and eventually retire with deserved dignity,” said Mayor Bill de Blasio. “This program is the first of its kind anywhere and is really government at its best—helping our neighbors in crisis with innovative, inventive tools. The progress we’ve made thus far is really impressive.”


“The TLC is fully committed to the vitality and success of the Yellow Taxi sector,” said TLC Commissioner and Chair Aloysee Heredia Jarmoszuk. “The Medallion Relief Program is delivering $65 million in financial support, which is inarguably material, and we will not rest until we exhaust our reach to Owners who are facing insolvency due to Medallion-related debt.”


“Helping essential workers like taxi drivers is core to our mission and the pandemic has only exacerbated their need for help navigating their finances,” said Department of Consumer and Worker Protection Commissioner Peter A. Hatch. “We are proud to have already, in partnership with TLC, NYLAG and others, provided hundreds of driver/owners with legal assistance and free, confidential, one-on-one financial counseling that has helped lower and even eliminate their debt and we are eager to help more.”


“NYLAG is pleased to continue the work of representing yellow taxicab medallion owners impacted by ongoing economic hardship,” said Associate Director of the Consumer Protection Unit at NYLAG Rose Marie Cantanno. “Thus far, NYLAG has met with over 1,100 owners and begun the process of negotiating and advocating on behalf of the individual clients who have retained us. Along with all local, state, and private resources available, the MRP will aid many owners in reducing their medallions debts. We are ready to move forward with dozens of MRP cases which will assist clients in keeping their medallions following their devastating loss of income.”


About the Medallion Relief Program


The City of New York will provide $65 million in grants to economically distressed individual medallion owners. This includes $20,000 as a down payment to restructure loan principals and set lower monthly payments, as well as up to $9,000 for monthly debt relief payments.


Many medallion owners will have over $200,000 in debt forgiven, and loan payments reduced to about $1,500 or less per month. Some owners will achieve total debt erasure through settlements.


TLC's Owner/Driver Resource Center, which offers a range of free financial counseling and legal assistance for TLC Licensees, as well as connecting them with government benefits and health and wellness resources, has already served over 1,000 licensees. TLC Licensees in need of these services can call 311 or visit to make an appointment.

Attorney General James Urges Department of Education to Fix Broken Public Service Loan Forgiveness Program


To Date, Department of Education Has Denied Nearly All PSLF/TEPSLF Applications

 New York Attorney General Letitia James today continued her fight to address the nation’s ongoing student loan crisis. As part of a coalition of 22 attorneys general, Attorney General James today sent a letter to the U.S. Department of Education, urging the agency to take robust action to fix the broken Public Service Loan Forgiveness (PSLF) program. Since borrowers first became eligible for relief in 2017, almost all PSLF applications have been rejected, leaving millions of public servants in the lurch. These teachers, nurses, public interest attorneys, social workers, first responders, servicemembers, and others incurred significant student loan debt in order to gain the skills necessary to educate, heal, and protect our communities — under the promise that a portion of these loans would eventually be forgiven. In today’s letter, the coalition applauds the Department of Education’s commitment to improving implementation of the PSLF program and urges the agency to act quickly to fix the failures in the program’s administration.

“For 10 or more years, thousands of New Yorkers served our state and this nation, but the promises made to them for a decade of service didn’t even amount to a single penny,” said Attorney General James. “Promises made must be promises kept, which is why we are, once again, calling on the Department of Education to immediately fix the Public Service Loan Forgiveness program and ensure that they make good on their commitment to help those who keep our country moving every day. Student debt has spiraled out of control and the economic impact of the pandemic has only made it harder for New Yorkers, as well as borrowers from all over the nation, to pay their bills. Now is the time for us to take bold action to end the student loan crisis and provide borrowers with the tools they need to move forward.”

In 2007, a bipartisan Congress created the PSLF program to encourage student loan borrowers to enter public service jobs in return for forgiving the remaining balance of their federal student loans after 10 years of on-time loan payments. When the first wave of borrowers applied for loan forgiveness in 2017, the Department of Education denied applicants at the alarming rate of 99 percent. In 2018, a bipartisan Congress gave the agency a second chance to deliver on the PSLF’s critical promise by creating the Temporary Expanded Public Service Loan Forgiveness (TEPSLF) program. Despite this emergency fix, relief continues to be out of reach for nearly all who apply. To date, the Department of Education has denied 96 percent of all TEPSLF applications.

Drastic action by the Department of Education is required to make the promise of PSLF forgiveness a reality for the nation’s dedicated public servants. State attorneys general have a unique perspective on how to improve administration of the PSLF/TEPSLF resulting from their experience investigating and holding student loan servicers accountable for violating the law, including misadministration of the PSLF/TEPSLF program. In today’s comment letter, the attorneys general urge the Department of Education to:

  • Provide immediate relief to borrowers who have been harmed by the misadministration of the PSLF/TEPSLF program;
  • Improve servicer oversight and accountability by carefully selecting a new servicer that will be responsive to borrowers and creating new incentives and operating procedures that put borrowers first;
  • Extend the pause on payments on student loans that started in response to the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic;
  • Conduct broad outreach to all borrowers potentially interested in forgiveness, including those who have yet to apply and those who have already received denials; and
  • Affirmatively correct errors discovered for all affected borrowers.

Separately, but related to her work fighting to help student borrowers with the PSLF program, in October 2019, Attorney General James sued the Pennsylvania Higher Education Assistance Agency (PHEAA) — one of the nation’s largest student loan servicers and the exclusive administrator of the PSLF program — for failing to properly administer the PSLF program.

Additionally, in August 2019, Attorney General James sent a letter to then U.S. Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos urging the Department of Education to provide data to help states address the ongoing problems with the PSLF program.

Joining Attorney General James in sending today’s letter to the Department of Education are the attorneys general of California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Hawaii, Illinois, Iowa, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, New Jersey, New Mexico, North Carolina, Oregon, Rhode Island, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, and the District of Columbia.

97 Days and Counting


Now how do I get out of this tomorrow. My fellow Democrats have forced my hand, and I am going to have to visit Rikers Island this week. At least I have a few days to figure out what I am going to say, do I fire the Corrections Commissioner or do I let Mayor Adams fire him? 

Those pesky reporters are going to have a hundred questions for me, so it's good that I only have eight of them I take questions from. Lets see which reporters I want to have my moderator call on. Tomorrow is also the deadline for hospital workers to be fired if they do not get vaccinated, but that is Governor Hochul's mandate. I caved in to the UFT and moved the DOE deadline back, because there would be a teacher shortage. We may have to call Councilman Dinowitz back to the front of the class.



Buying Fake Vaccine Cards or Filling the Blanks with False Information is Illegal and Could Land People in Jail

Vaccines are Safe and Effective – NYers Should Get Vaccinated Instead of Seeking out Fake Cards

New Yorkers Can Now Report Vaccine-Related Fraud by Calling 833-VAX-SCAM (833-829-7226) or Emailing

 The New York State Division of Consumer Protection (DCP) today warned New Yorkers about the risks of using or buying fake COVID-19 vaccination cards. As more and more places are requiring proof of vaccination, scammers are taking advantage of this opportunity by selling fake verification tools including fake cards, certificates, test results or even doctors’ notes. New Yorkers should be aware that buying fake vaccine cards, making their own or filling the blanks with false information is illegal and could land them in jail. The vaccines have repeatedly been proven to be safe. Opting for a fake vaccination card instead of getting vaccinated is an unnecessary health – and legal – risk.

“With more companies requiring proof of vaccination from employees and customers, New Yorkers should be aware that scammers are hard at work producing fake vaccine cards,” Secretary of State Rossana Rosado said. “Our Division of Consumer Protection and other law enforcement authorities are working hard to prevent illegal activities by these scammers that put us all at risk.”

State Health Commissioner Dr. Howard Zucker said, "Our highest priority is helping to ensure the health and safety of New Yorkers as we work together to combat COVID-19. Fake vaccination cards are a betrayal of public trust and an incredible disservice to our communities who have fought diligently to defeat COVID-19. The COVID-19 vaccines are safe and effective and I encourage all unvaccinated New Yorkers to get vaccinated. I thank the Department of State for continuing to raise awareness on the risks of fake vaccine cards and thank them for their commitment to the safety of New Yorkers.”

State Police Superintendent Kevin P. Bruen said, “Making or possessing fake COVID-19 vaccination cards are serious crimes. We are taking this issue very seriously due to the tremendous risk presented by these false documents. Anyone found to be involved with forged vaccine cards will be charged and face the legal consequences.”

The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has received several complaints from people reporting cases of possible fraud related to COVID-19 vaccination. For instance, a consumer reported receiving counterfeit CDC vaccination cards in a vaccine card holder ordered online. The order included blank cards that anyone could forge to mimic authentic CDC vaccination cards. The FTC also received complaints of websites offering, for a fee, vaccine waivers and medical exemptions without seeing a doctor. The FTC is investigating these and other cases of possible vaccine fraud.

To avoid a run in with the law or being a victim of a crime, the Division of Consumer Protection warns:

  • Presenting fraudulent COVID-19 vaccination cards or test results can land you in jail. Buying or making fake vaccine cards or filling in blank cards with false information is illegal and could lead to fines or even land you in jail.
  • The only legitimate way to get proof of vaccination — or a negative test result — is to GET vaccinated or to TEST negative. If you lose that proof, check with your state health department or your vaccine provider to find out how to obtain a replacement.
  • Protect your personal information from COVID-19 scams. Scammers set up fraudulent websites offering fake vaccine appointments or call people claiming to be COVID-19 surveyors to collect people’s personal information. Never give out personal information over the phone, especially if you unexpectedly receive a call asking for it. When scheduling a vaccine appointment online, schedule it directly through the New York Department of Health or gov to ensure you’re using a legitimate site.
  • Report Fraud. New Yorkers should report vaccine-related fraud by calling 833-VAX-SCAM (833-829-7226) or emailing

New Yorkers are also encouraged to install the NYS Excelsior Pass Wallet app from the Apple Store or Google Play, or to retrieve their Passes hereExcelsior Pass and Excelsior Pass Plus are free, secure, voluntary platforms that provide digital proof or a digital copy of COVID-19 vaccination and/or negative test results. Passes can be displayed on any smart device or can be printed from any computer.

About the New York State Division of Consumer Protection

The New York State Division of Consumer Protection serves to educate, assist, and empower the State’s consumers. Consumers can file a complaint with the Division of Consumer Protection at

For more consumer protection information, call the DCP Helpline at 800-697-1220, Monday through Friday, 8:30am-4:30pm or visit the DCP website at The Division can also be reached via Twitter at @NYSConsumer or Facebook at

Governor Hochul Updates New Yorkers on State's Progress Combating COVID-19 - SEPTEMBER 25, 2021

 Clinical specimen testing for Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) at Wadsworth Laboratory

65,058 Vaccine Doses Administered Over Last 24 Hours

31 COVID-19 Deaths Statewide Yesterday 

 Governor Kathy Hochul today updated New Yorkers on the state's progress combating COVID-19.

"New York State is taking decisive action to curb the spread of COVID-19 as we continue to contend with this pandemic across the state," Governor Hochul said. "There's no better solution than getting vaccinated, and that's why we need every single eligible New Yorker to get a shot as soon as possible. We're working to keep children and families safe, but the vaccine will deliver us into the state's future and help us truly recover from this devastating time." 
Today's data is summarized briefly below:

  • Test Results Reported - 209,381
  • Total Positive - 5,288
  • Percent Positive - 2.53%
  • 7-Day Average Percent Positive - 2.72%
  • Patient Hospitalization - 2,345 (+9)
  • Patients Newly Admitted - 334
  • Patients in ICU - 567 (+12)
  • Patients in ICU with Intubation - 326 (+0)
  • Total Discharges - 199,511 (+300)
  • New deaths reported by healthcare facilities through HERDS - 31
  • Total deaths reported by healthcare facilities through HERDS - 44,372

The Health Electronic Response Data System is a NYS DOH data source that collects confirmed daily death data as reported by hospitals, nursing homes and adult care facilities only.

  • Total deaths reported to and compiled by the CDC - 56,462

This daily COVID-19 provisional death certificate data reported by NYS DOH and NYC to the CDC includes those who died in any location, including hospitals, nursing homes, adult care facilities, at home, in hospice and other settings.

  • Total vaccine doses administered - 24,965,748
  • Total vaccine doses administered over past 24 hours - 65,058
  • Total vaccine doses administered over past 7 days - 343,878
  • Percent of New Yorkers ages 18 and older with at least one vaccine dose - 81.0%
  • Percent of New Yorkers ages 18 and older with completed vaccine series - 73.1%
  • Percent of New Yorkers ages 18 and older with at least one vaccine dose (CDC) - 83.3%
  • Percent of New Yorkers ages 18 and older with completed vaccine series (CDC) - 74.8%
  • Percent of all New Yorkers with at least one vaccine dose - 68.5%
  • Percent of all New Yorkers with completed vaccine series - 61.6%
  • Percent of all New Yorkers with at least one vaccine dose (CDC) - 70.6%
  • Percent of all New Yorkers with completed vaccine series (CDC) - 63.1%

Saturday, September 25, 2021

In Preparation for Monday Vaccination Deadline, Governor Hochul Releases Comprehensive Plan to Address Preventable Health Care Staffing Shortage


Plan Includes Preparation of State of Emergency Declaration to Supplement Workforce Supply at Health Care Facilities

Would Enable Qualified Health Care Professionals Licensed in Other States or Countries, Recent Graduates, Retired and Formerly Practicing Health Care Professionals to Practice in New York

Other Options Include Deployment of Medically-Trained National Guard, Requesting Federal Disaster Medical Assistance Teams (DMATs), Working with the Federal Government to Expedite Visa Requests for Medical Professionals

Governor Holds Firm on Ensuring Health Care Workers are Vaccinated to Protect Public Health

 In preparation for Monday's vaccination deadline, Governor Kathy Hochul today released a comprehensive plan to address preventable staffing shortages in hospitals and other health care facilities statewide.

"We are still in a battle against COVID to protect our loved ones, and we need to fight with every tool at our disposal," Governor Hochul said. "I am monitoring the staffing situation closely, and we have a plan to increase our health care workforce and help alleviate the burdens on our hospitals and other health care facilities. I commend all of the health care workers who have stepped up to get themselves vaccinated, and I urge all remaining health care workers who are unvaccinated to do so now so they can continue providing care."

The plan includes preparing to sign an executive order if necessary to declare a state of emergency that seeks to increase workforce supply and allow qualified health care professionals licensed in other states or countries, recent graduates, retired and formerly practicing health care professionals to practice in New York State.

The Department of Labor has issued guidance to clarify that workers who are terminated because of refusal to be vaccinated are not eligible for unemployment insurance absent a valid doctor-approved request for medical accommodation.

Other options include deployment of medically-trained National Guard members, and partnering with the federal government to deploy Disaster Medical Assistance Teams (DMATs) to assist local health and medical systems. Additionally, Governor Hochul plans to work with the federal government and other state leaders to explore ways to expedite visa requests for medical professionals.

As of September 22, 84% of all hospital employees in New York State were fully vaccinated. As of September 23, 81% of staff at all adult care facilities and 77% of all staff at nursing home facilities in New York State were fully vaccinated. 

According to the regulation issued by the State Department of Health, all health care workers in New York State, at hospitals and nursing homes, are to be vaccinated against COVID-19 with the first dose received by Monday, September 27, and staff at other covered entities including home care, hospice, and adult care facilities are to be vaccinated by October 7. The regulation also applies to all out of state and contract medical staff who practice in New York State.

"As nurses, we are committed to providing the best care for our patients and working with the Governor on these efforts. We need adequate staffing to protect our patients and our colleagues, and we want to do everything we can to avoid returning to crisis levels during the pandemic. We are grateful to Governor Hochul for her leadership and for her bold and strategic plan to support nurses, patients, and ensuring the best possible care," said Pat Kane, RN, Executive Director of New York State Nurses Association.

"UUP will continue to fight for adequate funding and staffing at the SUNY Hospitals and is dedicated to protecting the health and safety of our members and their patients. We understand the step that Governor Hochul is taking in light of the potential staff shortage. We remain hopeful that this step will not be necessary. We continue to urgently call on all UUP members and all New Yorkers to get vaccinated immediately," said Frederick E. Kowal, PH.D, President of United University Professions.



5,000 feet of new water mains; 2,800 feet of new storm sewers; 44,000 feet of new or rebuilt sidewalks to make neighborhood more resilient than ever

 Mayor Bill de Blasio and the NYC Department of Environmental Protection (DEP), NYC Department of Transportation (DOT) and NYC Department of Design and Construction (DDC) announced today the completion of a $17.3 million project two months ahead of schedule to improve street conditions, alleviate flooding and upgrade infrastructure in Rosedale, Queens.


The project is part of a $2.2 billion investment by the de Blasio Administration to build a comprehensive drainage system, improve street conditions and alleviate flooding in southeast Queens. The program, the largest of its kind, consists of 43 projects overall, including 16 that are substantially completed, five that are in active construction and 11 that are in design.


“As extreme climate events become more frequent, infrastructure investments in our roads and sewers only become more critical,” said Mayor Bill de Blasio. “The completion of this project will not only improve Rosedale’s street conditions and alleviate flooding, it will also ensure safer and more resilient streets for years to come.”


“This $17.3 million investment to install new storm sewers and catch basins in Rosedale delivers on the de Blasio Administration’s commitment to upgrading and improving the drainage infrastructure in Southeast Queens,” said DEP Commissioner Vincent Sapienza. “I want to thank our partners at DDC and DOT for their impressive work on this project, completing it about two months ahead of schedule and just in time for hurricane season.”


“Extreme climate change events underscore the importance of infrastructure projects like this one, and these infrastructure upgrades represent a significant investment in Southeast Queens," said DOT Commissioner Hank Gutman. “We are committed to continuing to work with our fellow city agencies to keep our roads in a state of good repair and protected from flooding.”


“This important component of the de Blasio Administration’s Southeast Queens Initiative was completed about two months ahead of schedule, installing new streets and storm sewers that will help address flooding induced by climate change,” said DDC Commissioner Jamie Torres-Springer. “With DEP and DOT, we continue to implement major infrastructure investments throughout southeast Queens.”


Work in Rosedale occurred on 10 individual blocks. More than one mile (5,500 feet) of water mains, some of which were installed before World War II, were replaced with new pipes ranging from eight to 12 inches in diameter. Fire protection was enhanced with the replacement of 15 fire hydrants and installation of four new fire hydrants. Two bollards were placed in front of each fire hydrant to protect them from potential vehicle damage.


A total of 2,780 feet of new storm sewers were added to the neighborhoods, ranging in size from 15 inches in diameter up to three feet by five feet. To better capture stormwater and direct it to the new storm sewers, 35 new catch basins were installed and nine existing ones were replaced. Nearly 300 feet of new 10-inch sanitary sewer was installed and 400 feet of sanitary sewers were replaced with pipes ranging from 10 to 12 inches. Two new underground sewer chambers help the new infrastructure in the neighborhood operate at peak efficiency.


As part of the final street restoration, 17,570 square yards of new asphalt was laid down over a new concrete base and 43,775 square feet of sidewalk and 8,775 feet of curbs were added or rebuilt. Throughout the project area, 27 old trees were removed but 57 new trees were planted, resulting in a net gain of 30 trees overall.


Compliance with the American with Disabilities Act (ADA) was improved with the replacement of 39 old pedestrian ramps and the addition of 10 new ADA-compliant ones.