Monday, May 13, 2024




Queens District Attorney Melinda Katz announced the seizure of 95 scooters from the streets of Corona, Elmhurst and Long Island City. The crackdown is part of an ongoing joint operation involving the District Attorney’s office and local police precincts to address the persistent use of scooters in crimes such as drive-by shootings and robberies. A total of 412 scooters have been removed since the start of the joint operation in February.

District Attorney Katz said: “Unregistered scooters are not only illegal, but they are also being used to commit violent crimes, including shootings and robberies, without any accountability or ability to identify the culprit. Through our proactive enforcement efforts in collaboration with the NYPD, we have taken more than 400 of these illegal vehicles off our streets, enhancing safety and security for our communities. Our proactive enforcement efforts will continue to ensure compliance and eradicate the public threat they pose.” 

Detectives from the District Attorney’s office, working with officers from the NYPD’s 110th and 114th Precincts, searched five locations in Elmhurst, Corona and Long Island City. Of the 95 scooters confiscated, all were parked illegally and 71 were unregistered and uninsured. 

Additional operations are planned in Queens as part of an enforcement effort to get illegal motorized scooters off the road. 

The operation was conducted in partnership with members of the NYPD by the District Attorney’s Detective Bureau under the supervision of Sergeants Joseph Diehl, Felix Ramos and Agim Rugova, Deputy Chief Janet Helgeson, Assistant Chief Daniel O’Brien, and under the overall supervision of Chief Investigator of the District Attorney’s Detective Bureau Robert C. LaPollo.

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