The Annual Manhattan College Spring Fling is upon the community around Manhattan College. This could mean any one of many things to area residents, and complaints about what the college students may do.
So what is the commanding officer of the local police precinct to do?
Cameras are a nice answer, but if it is dark cameras can not get a good photo of anyone, let alone any possible mischief makers. Below is one answer that Deputy Inspector O'Toole the current commanding officer of the 50th Precinct has done for the Annual Manhattan College Spring Fling.
With the lights on the West 235th Henry Hudson Parkway pedestrian overpass back in operation the above police tower light is not needed at the overpass anymore. As you can see it is now placed at the corner of Fieldston Road and West 238th Street ready to light up any Spring Fling activities that may occur in this area so any mischief maker can readily be identified on cameras in the area.
Maybe this is one reason crime is so low in the 50th Precinct, and that the only safer place seems to be Trump Tower the home of President Donald Trump.