Showing posts with label STATEMENT FROM BP DIAZ RE: Ramarley Graham. Show all posts
Showing posts with label STATEMENT FROM BP DIAZ RE: Ramarley Graham. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 8, 2016


  RE: Ramarley Graham/USDOJ Case Update

  “I am deeply saddened and extremely shocked by today's news of the failure of the United States Department of Justice to convene a grand jury in the case of NYPD Officer Richard Haste, the police officer responsible for the death of Ramarley Graham. My heart goes out to the Graham families, who have now seen their quest for justice for their son twice denied.

“After today’s announcement, we must share in the family’s frustration, having to relive this tragedy four years since Ramarley Graham’s life was taken away from him. This latest development is an outrage. At a time when the issue of police-community relations has been at the forefront of American discourse—especially the treatment of minorities by those charged to protect and serve them—the U.S. Attorney’s office has failed to set an example for our nation.

“Given what we know about the facts of this case, how could they not have convened a grand jury? The U.S. Attorney owes our community a real explanation.

“Though we are disappointed, the best way to honor Ramarley Graham’s memory is to come together in healing and work towards solutions. I offer my prayers to Ramarley Graham’s family, and I wish them peace in this difficult time,” said Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr.