Thursday, February 10, 2011

Croton Filter Project - CFMC Meeting on Thursday, February 17, 2011

The Croton FMC will meet next week on Thursday, February 17 at 7pm at the DEP Community Office. The agenda will  Include a construction update, costs & jobs as well as a presentation on DEP's minority and women owned business program.


Public Hearing on the Mayor's Preliminary Budget for Fiscal Year 2012, The Capital and Service Needs of the Borough


Pursuant to Section 241 of the New York City Charter
Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr.

Invites residents to attend and speak at: 

The Bronx Borough Board Public Hearing on the 

Mayor's Preliminary Budget for Fiscal Year 2012 

and the capital and service needs of the Borough.

Thursday, February 17th, 2011

10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
3rd Floor Litigation Room
198 East 161st Street, Bronx, NY
Subway: 4, B, D to 161st Street/Yankee Stadium Stop

 This hearing will give an opportunity to Bronx and Citywide non-profits, colleges, hospitals, schools, neighborhood organizations and any other parties to speak out on the Mayor's proposed budget and the capital and service needs of our neighborhoods.

Anyone interested in presenting testimony should email name, title, organization and telephone number to 

to register in advance of the hearing.  Please bring 25 copies of your written testimony.

For accommodations in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, please contact 718-590-3500



Monday, February 7, 2011

Tenants PAC Holding Fundraiser for Upcoming Battle in Albany

  The Tenants PAC (of New York City) fundraiser is being hosted by Councilwoman Gale Brewer, with State Senator Gustavo Rivera 33rd District as the guest of honor. Here is the link to the invitation  for the fundraiser that will take place on Thursday Feb. 24th at 6-8PM in the home of City Council member Gale Brewer located at 29 West 95th Street (between Central Park West and Columbus Avenue).
RSVP to 212-577-7001, or email    
Tenants PAC, 277 Broadway, Suite 608, New York NY 10007

Brooklyn Borough President Marty Markowitz Fined by Conflict of Interest Board

  This story of Brooklyn Borough President Marty Markowitz comes from the Daily New's Celeste Katz. It appears that Brooklyn BP Marowitz bought a new house in 2009, and used his chief of staff as the lawyer who handled the transaction, which is a clear violation of the conflicts of interest law. The story goes on to say that at first Markowitz denied using his chief of staff as the lawyer, but when presented with the documentation of the sale said that he thought it only pertained to lawyers working for the city as attorneys not as a chief of staff.
   The Brooklyn BP  was fined $2,000.00, and his lawyer (chief of staff) was also fined $1,100.00. Read the entire story here . It kind of reminds you of a former Bronx Borough President, and a similar abuse of power by him.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Upcoming Bronx Events

   Tuesday Feb. 15th  5:30PM
Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr. celebrates Dominican Heritage Month 
This event will take place at the Bronx County Courthouse Building 
located at 1040 Grand Concourse at E.161 Street.
 Note- You will have to go through a metal detector to enter this building 
 RSVP to 718-590-3938, or e-mail

   Wednesday Fed. 16th 5:30PM
Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr. salutes Black History Month
This event will take place at the Bronx Museum of the Arts
located at 1040 Grand Concourse at E.156 Street.
RSVP to 718-590-3522 or e-mail

   Thursday Feb. 17th 11:00AM
Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr. honors Bronx Senior Couples married for 50 years or more at a Sweethearts Valentines luncheon dance.
This event will take place at Villa Barone
located at 737 Throggs Neck Expressway
call 718-590-2509 or e-mail for more information.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

 For all you Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver Fans.


   New York City Comptroller John C. Liu stated the following in response to several inquiries about his reaction to Mayor Bloomberg’s pension proposal:

   “Everyone agrees on the need to explore pension reform and crack down on pension fraud and abuse. We also agree that New York City should be empowered to negotiate pension benefits.  I am, however, extremely concerned with a proposal that breaks a promise, particularly one made to our Finest and Bravest who risk their lives every day to keep New Yorkers safe.”