Friday, July 1, 2022

Governor Hochul Updates New Yorkers on State's Progress Combating COVID-19 - JULY 1, 2022

 Clinical specimen testing for Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) at Wadsworth Laboratory

Governor Encourages New Yorkers to Keep Using the Tools to Protect Against and Treat COVID-19: Vaccines, Boosters, Testing, and Treatment    

10 Statewide Deaths Reported Yesterday 

 IMPORTANT NOTE: Due to the holiday, HERDS data collection from health care facilities will be paused from Saturday, July 2 through Monday, July 4. Data from Friday, July 1 will be reported on Tuesday, July 5. Further, four days of cumulative data—from July 2 to July 5—will be reported on Wednesday, June 6. As a result, some data may appear higher than recent trends. 

NOTE: Updates to the CDC's cumulative death data files have been paused since June 6, 2022, as the CDC upgrades its system. As of June 28, 2022, CDC reporting has not yet resumed. Any questions about this should be directed to the CDC. During this time, total deaths and new daily deaths reported through HERDS will continue as normal.   

Governor Kathy Hochul today updated New Yorkers on the state's progress combating COVID-19. 

"As New Yorkers travel to spend Fourth of July weekend with family and friends, I encourage everyone to continue to exercise caution and lean on the tools we know that protect us from COVID-19," Governor Hochul said. "Getting vaccinated, staying up-to-date on your boosters, and testing if you're experiencing symptoms, are our best defenses. If you do end up testing positive, talk to your doctor about available treatments." 

Today's data is summarized briefly below:    

  • Cases Per 100k - 34.46 
  • 7-Day Average Cases Per 100k - 28.02 
  • Test Results Reported - 83,358 
  • Total Positive - 6,734 
  • Percent Positive - 7.62%**   
  • 7-Day Average Percent Positive - 6.37%** 
  • Patient Hospitalization - 1,987 (-3) 
  • Patients Newly Admitted - 343 
  • Patients in ICU - 192 (0) 
  • Patients in ICU with Intubation - 65 (-12) 
  • Total Discharges - 316,135 (+341) 
  • New deaths reported by healthcare facilities through HERDS - 10 
  • Total deaths reported by healthcare facilities through HERDS - 56,570 

** Due to the test reporting policy change by the federal Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and several other factors, the most reliable metric to measure virus impact on a community is the case per 100,000 data -- not percent positivity.   

The Health Electronic Response Data System is a NYS DOH data source that collects confirmed daily death data as reported by hospitals, nursing homes and adult care facilities only.     

Important Note: Effective Monday, April 4, the federal Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) is no longer requiring testing facilities that use COVID-19 rapid antigen tests to report negative results. As a result, New York State's percent positive metric will be computed using only lab-reported PCR results. Positive antigen tests will still be reported to New York State and reporting of new daily cases and cases per 100k will continue to include both PCR and antigen tests. Due to this change and other factors, including changes in testing practices, the most reliable metric to measure virus impact on a community is the case per 100,000 data -- not percent positivity.   

  • Total deaths reported to and compiled by the CDC - 72,079 

This daily COVID-19 provisional death certificate data reported by NYS DOH and NYC to the CDC includes those who died in any location, including hospitals, nursing homes, adult care facilities, at home, in hospice and other settings.       

NOTE: Vaccine data is now updated weekly on Fridays to align with CDC's updated data refresh schedule. For additional information on COVID-19 Vaccination Data provided by CDC, see   

  • Total vaccine doses administered - 39,360,285 
  • Total vaccine doses administered over past 24 hours - 14,733 
  • Total vaccine doses administered over past 7 days - 87,480 
  • Percent of New Yorkers ages 18 and older with at least one vaccine dose - 92.8%   
  • Percent of New Yorkers ages 18 and older with completed vaccine series - 84.3%   
  • Percent of New Yorkers ages 18 and older with at least one vaccine dose (CDC) - 95.0%   
  • Percent of New Yorkers ages 18 and older with completed vaccine series (CDC) - 87.8%   
  • Percent of New Yorkers ages 12-17 with at least one vaccine dose (CDC) - 84.3%   
  • Percent of New Yorkers ages 12-17 with completed vaccine series (CDC) - 74.1%   
  • Percent of all New Yorkers with at least one vaccine dose - 82.4%   
  • Percent of all New Yorkers with completed vaccine series - 74.7%   
  • Percent of all New Yorkers with at least one vaccine dose (CDC) - 91.1%   
  • Percent of all New Yorkers with completed vaccine series (CDC) - 77.8%   
Each New York City borough's 7-day average percentage of positive test results reported over the last three days is as follows **:       


Tuesday, June 28, 2022  

Wednesday, June 29, 2022  

Thursday, June 30, 2022  









New York  












Attorney General’s Office of Special Investigation Opens Investigation Into Civilian Death in Franklin County


The New York Attorney General’s Office of Special Investigation (OSI) has opened an investigation into the death of Joshua De’Miguel Kavota, who died on June 29, 2022, following an encounter with members of the Saranac Lake Police Department.

On the morning of June 29, 2022, two members of the Saranac Lake Police Department responded to a report of an alleged stabbing by Mr. Kavota. The officers found Mr. Kavota outside a shop on Bloomingdale Avenue and asked him if he had a knife. Mr. Kavota allegedly came at one of the officers with a knife, and the other officer shot Mr. Kavota. Mr. Kavota was taken to a local hospital where he was later pronounced dead. Officers recovered a knife at the scene.

Pursuant to New York State Executive Law Section 70-b, OSI assesses every incident reported to it where a police officer or a peace officer, including a corrections officer, may have caused the death of a person, by an act or omission. Under the law, the officer may be on-duty or off-duty, and the decedent may be armed or unarmed. Also, the decedent may or may not be in custody or incarcerated. If OSI’s assessment indicates an officer caused the death, OSI proceeds to conduct a full investigation of the incident.

These are preliminary facts and subject to change. 

Updated Consumer Alert: The New York State Division of Consumer Protection Offers New Yorkers Safety Tips for a Safe 4th of July


4th of July Weekend Typically Sees a Rise in Firework Related Injuries and Increase in Drunk Driving Cases 

Secretary of State Robert J. Rodriguez Urges New Yorkers to Celebrate Safely and Use Extreme Caution with Fireworks and Family Gatherings  

The New York State Division of Consumer Protection (DCP) reminds New Yorkers to keep safe while celebrating Independence Day. As we celebrate this annual tradition with festivities ranging from fireworks, picnics, parades, family gatherings and barbecues, let’s also remember basic safety tips that apply to everyone.

“I know many New Yorkers are eager to celebrate Independence Day this year, but we must ensure our celebrations are safe and fun,” said New York State, Secretary of State Robert J. Rodriguez who oversees the NYS Division of Consumer Protection. “Around this holiday, the biggest threats to safety are very close to home. The 4th of July is one of the holidays with the highest number of accidents. We want to make sure the time-honored holiday tradition of fireworks is done safely by following basic tips.”

“Summertime, and especially the Fourth of July, are times of celebration and togetherness, but when fireworks and sparkling devices are added to the party, it can lead to very serious injuries for those involved,” New York State Homeland Security and Emergency Services Commissioner Jackie Bray said. "The best way to stay safe this Fourth of July is to leave the fireworks to the professionals, but if you plan on using sparkling devices, please make sure you do so as safely as possible.”

Around the 4th of July, there are a lot of fire-related accidents. Every year, thousands of people — most of them children, teens and young adults — are injured while using fireworks. Most of these injuries happen in the month around the 4th of July. The Consumer Product Safety Commission found that nationally nearly half of the fireworks-related injuries were to people younger than 20 years of age.

Additionally, the 4th of July is one of the most dangerous holidays to be on the road. According to the National Traffic Safety Administration, dates around this holiday, sadly, often see an increase in impaired driving crashes. Drunk driving isn’t the only risky behavior causing crashes on our roads; drug-impaired and distracted driving are issues too. Many people recognize that driving under the influence is dangerous.  However, many people fail to recognize the danger of driving while distracted, especially if they try to talk or text on a cell phone. 

NYS Division of Consumer Protection wants you to enjoy a safe holiday and offers these tips you can follow:


What’s Legal:                                                  

  • Sale of sparkling devices by registered sellers from June 1 until July 5 annually. Sparkling devices are ground-based or handheld sparking devices that produce a shower of colored sparks or colored flame, crackling or whistling noise and smoke. They do not launch into the air.
  • Users must be 18 years or older to use sparkling devices.

What’s Not Legal:

  • Sparkling devices are illegal in New York City and the following counties: Albany, Bronx, Columbia, Kings, Nassau, New York, Orange (prohibited in the Cities of Middletown and Newburgh only), Queens, Richmond, Schenectady, Suffolk, Warren and Westchester. The list of counties that prohibit the sale and possession of sparkling devices is ever changing, thus to be sure your compliant please check with your local county sheriff’s office.
  • Any other types of fireworks including firecrackers, bottle rockets, roman candles, spinners, and aerial devices are illegal statewide. 


Tips for Using Sparkling Devices Safely:

  • Children and Sparklers are a Dangerous Combination. Never allow young children to play with or ignite fireworks, including sparklers. Sparklers burn at temperatures of about 2,000 degrees Fahrenheit. This is hot enough to melt some metals.
  • Never throw or point fireworks toward people, animals, vehicles, structures or flammable materials. Always follow the instructions on the packaging.
  • Keep a supply of water close by as a precaution.
  • Make sure the person lighting fireworks always wears eye protection.
  • Light only one firework at a time and never attempt to relight "a dud."
  • Store fireworks in a cool, dry place away from children and pets.
  • If you are impaired by alcohol, don’t use fireworks.

Tips for Driving Safely:

  • Avoid driving while impaired. If you are driving this July 4th, make sure to watch out for others as they may not be sober.
  • If you plan to drink, make a plan ahead of time for a sober ride home.
  • A sober driver is one who does not drink at all, not the one who has had the least to drink from a group of people. Even if you’ve had only one drink, let someone who hasn’t been drinking take you home.
  • If you’re hosting a 4th of July gathering, help the designated drivers out by making sure there are plenty of non-alcoholic beverages.

To learn more about consumer safety, or to file a marketplace consumer complaint against a business or individual, please contact the Division’s Consumer Helpline at (800) 697-1220 or visit its website at Follow the Division of Consumer Protection on social media at Twitter: @NYSConsumer and Facebook:

Senator Luis Sepulveda - What happened in Albany today?


NYS Senator Luis Sepúlveda and the Senate Majority Take Action to Address SCOTUS Rulings Invalidating New York’s Concealed Carry Law and Overturning Roe v. Wade

 Today, I joined my colleagues in the NYS Senate Majority to take assertive action to protect New Yorkers by passing legislation that enhances licensing requirements for concealed carry permit applicants, adds new provisions for sensitive areas where the permit holder is prohibited from carrying a concealed firearm, enhances safe storage requirements to apply if a minor under the age of 18 lives in the home, makes technical changes to the Body Armor Law, and establishes New York as a “point of contact” state. The NYS Senate Majority also celebrated the first passage of an amendment to codify the right to an abortion and the right to contraception in the State Constitution. This amendment would also update the existing Equal Rights Amendment to extend current protections to several new classes, including on the basis of sex, disability, national origin, ethnicity, and age.  

NYS Senator Sepúlveda said: “I am proud to be a member of a conference that acts swiftly to uphold the rights of New Yorkers. It was critical we moved rapidly to protect New Yorkers and keep more guns off of our streets. The statute passed today is not only consistent with the allowable restrictions outlined in New York Rifle & Pistol Assoc., Inc. v. Bruen, but it also ensures that New Yorkers are protected from gun violence by enumerating a list of sensitive locations where even people with licenses cannot carry a firearm including our subways. Additionally, after last week’s reversal of Roe v. Wade, we also made it clear that New York State must continue to stand up and be a national leader to protect women and individual rights. We cannot allow women to become second class citizens by a Supreme Court decree. That is why we are proactively codifying broader equal rights under the law and ensuring the constitutional right to abortion and contraception in New York. This is a massive step forward for New York. While other states move backwards, and seek to live in the past, we are taking an affirmative stance against the Supreme Court’s attack on our rights.  I look forward to passing this again next year so it can be placed before voters in November 2023. I am also incredibly proud of our Democratic leadership for advancing these historic changes and thank Majority Leader Andrea Stewart-Cousins, Speaker Heastie, and Governor Hochul for their partnership in getting this done.”  

The legislation advanced by the Senate Majority on guns, includes:

Concealed-Carry Permitting Process

●       Adds a definition of “good moral character”:

      ○       Good moral character as defined in this legislation means having the essential character, temperament, and judgment necessary to be entrusted with a weapon and to use it in a manner that does not endanger oneself or others.

     ○       Defining “good moral character” more specifically in this way will make sure that licensing officers will create processes that assess an individual’s trustworthiness to handle a firearm.

●       This proposal would require concealed-carry applicants to meet in person with a licensing officer for an in-person interview. Under this legislation, it would be required for an applicant to submit the following information:

     ○       Names and contact information for the applicant’s current spouse or domestic partner, and current cohabitants, and an indication if any minors live with the applicant; 

     ○       Names and contact information of at least four character references; 

     ○       Certification that the applicant has completed all of the required training;

     ○       A list of social media accounts from the past three years to confirm that applicant’s  character and conduct; and 

     ○       Anything else the licensing officer requests that is reasonably required to complete their  review and assess good moral character. 

●       Furthermore, in addition to the disqualifying felonies in current law, concealed-carry applicants must also not have been convicted of assault in the third degree, misdemeanor driving while impaired, or menacing within the previous five years

Sensitive Places and Trespass

●       Criminal possession of a weapon in a prohibited area will be a Class E felony punishable by up to four years in prison. In addition, there will be a separate Class E felony for criminal possession of a weapon in private property where the owner has not explicitly authorized weapons on the premises.

●       Carrying a concealed weapon will be prohibited in the following areas:

     ○       Federal, state, or local government buildings, including courts;

     ○       Places providing health or medical care, such as hospitals, nursing homes, adult care facilities, domestic violence shelters, medical campuses, behavioral facilities, mental health and chemical dependency facilities, and clinics;

     ○       Places of worship or religious observation;

     ○       Places where children gather, including but not limited to, schools, libraries, daycare centers, playgrounds, parks, and zoos;

     ○       Any OCFS regulated locations that provide services to children youth or young adults

     ○       Any OPWDD, OASAS, OMH, and OTDA funded or regulated locations, including homeless shelters;

     ○       Places used for public transportation or transit including, airports, train stations, subway and rail stations, and bus terminals;

     ○       Establishments where alcohol or cannabis is consumed;

     ○       Locations when being used as a polling place;

     ○       Educational institutions including, colleges, universities, and private schools;

     ○       Theaters, stadiums, arenas, racetracks, museums, amusement parks, performance venues, concerts, exhibits, conference centers, banquet halls, casinos, and venues for athletic games or contests;

     ○       Any public sidewalk restricted from access for a permitted special event that has signage

     ○       Any gathering of individuals who are collectively expressing First Amendment rights of protest or assembly.

     ○       Times Square

●       The prohibition of carrying weapons in sensitive areas does not apply to police officers, peace officers, armed security guards, active duty military personnel, or any person who is lawfully engaged in hunting.

     ○       The bill also ensures residents of childcare facilities (such as foster parents) and other similar locations can keep a firearm in the home as long as it is stored safely and in accordance with all applicable regulations.

Safe Storage

●       Expands existing safe storage laws, which were originally enacted in 2019. Current law requires guns to be safely stored in the home if a person under the age of 16 lives in the home or if a person legally disqualified from possession of a gun lives in the home. This bill would raise the age limit, so that safe storage laws would apply if a minor under the age of 18 lives in the home.

●       Implements a vehicle safe storage requirement so that a person cannot leave a gun in a car outside of his or her immediate possession or control, unless the gun is in a lockbox.

Body Armor

●       The legislation amends the definition of body vest to “armor,” which means any product that is a personal protective body covering intended to protect against gunfire, regardless of whether the product is to be worn alone or is sold as a complement to another product or garment. The terms ‘vest’ and ‘armor’ have been used interchangeably in casual parlance, but they do not mean the same thing. This legislation amends this definition so as to avoid misinterpretation.

●       The legislation also prohibits the unlawful sale and purchase of body armor if the individual or entity does not engage in an ‘eligible profession’ which includes police officers, peace officers, those employed in military services and other similar professions.

Point of Contact

●       Establish New York as a “point of contact” state by requiring gun dealers to contact the State Police to conduct the background check that must be done before an individual can purchase a gun. In 2017 alone, NCIS stopped 181,000 prohibited people from attempting to buy guns, so implementing this bill would decrease the number of those who are unfit from purchasing a gun in New York.

Ammunition Database

●       Makes technical changes to the existing law that establishes an ammunition database to verify ammunition sales in New York, enacted as part of the SAFE Act in 2013, and strikes the memorandum of understanding between the previous Executive and Republican Majority Leader stalling its implementation.

●       Any seller of ammunition or dealer of firearms shall keep either an electronic record, or dataset, or an organized collection of structured information, or data, typically store electronically in a computer system approved as to form by the Superintendent of the State Police.

     ○       In the record shall be entered at the time of every transaction involving ammunition the date, name, age, occupation and residence of any person from whom ammunition is receiving or to whom ammunition is delivered, and the amount, caliber, manufacturer’s name and serial number, or if non, any other distinguishing number of identification mark on such ammunition.

Expanding Protected Classes Under the Equal Rights Amendment: 

●      Ethnicity,  national  origin, age, disability and sex. Sex includes sexual  orientation,  gender  identity, gender expression,  pregnancy,  pregnancy outcomes, reproductive healthcare and autonomy. 

●      With these enumerations, this amendment guarantees a constitutional right to reproductive healthcare for any individual in the state of New York. It also protects marriage equality and other rights that the Supreme Court has endangered.

●      Additionally, this amendment preserves laws designed to prevent or dismantle discrimination on the basis of these characteristics such as affirmative action.