Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Klein’s Court Watchers Team To Show Solidarity At Bronx Auto Stripping Case

    Members of State Senator Jeff Klein's (D- Bronx/ Westchester) court watchers team will observe the court case of Gary Adamson, taking place at the Bronx Criminal Courthouse on Friday February 4th. Adamson is being charged for the second time with committing auto stripping. 
     Klein's Bronx Court Watchers program, which launched in April 2010, is aimed at showing community support and solidarity in calling for tougher sentences for repeat offenders. As part of the Court Watchers program, volunteers from the community sit-in on repeat, adult offender court proceedings, wearing t-shirts and buttons that express their intolerance for crime and call for  jail-time sentencing. To volunteer for the Court Watchers program, residents should call Klein’s office at (718)-822-2049. 
     FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 4TH  AT 9:30AM    
     Senator Klein's Court Watcher Program Volunteers
    Observing Court Case of Gary Adamson, being charged a second time for auto stripping within the 49th Precinct
     Bronx Courthouse (Room LL-210), 265 East 161 Street, Bronx

Monday, January 31, 2011

Mayor Bloomberg Trying to Con State Legislatures on Teachers

    Mayor Bloomberg is trying to con the state legislature on the teacher tenure rule by trying to save money by laying off veteran teachers rather than new inexperienced teachers. The claim by the mayor is that recently hired teachers have fresh new ideas, but in reality such fresh new ideas can only be used if they fit into the Bloomberg way of teaching. Below is a statement from State Senator Ruben Diaz Sr. about the problem of not how not to lay off teachers, but how to lay off the more experienced higher earning teachers for Senator Diaz's friend Mayor Bloomberg. 
    Pass KEEP Legislation Now!
    Albany, NY- State Senator RubĂ©n DĂ­az, Sr. today called on the Legislature to pass the Keep Excellent and Effective Professionals in the classroom (KEEP) Act (S.95), which would ensure that the City’s most effective teachers are not laid off in the event of massive budget cuts as is widely anticipated.
    “I introduced this bill last year at the request of Mayor Bloomberg, and reintroduced it this year. There is no reason why this bill should not be reported and brought to the floor of the Senate for a vote” remarked
Senator DĂ­az.
    “Losing even one teacher will hurt, but losing many teachers simply because they’re new to the job threatens our schools and would be devastating to the students in my district who need their passion, energy, and good ideas,” Senator DĂ­az said. “If our schools must lay off teachers, the school community must have a say in who stays and who goes,” he continued.
    “Now that Mayor Bloomberg has called on Governor Cuomo to end the rule that protects teachers with seniority, regardless of ability, I would suggest that the legislative process is the way to fulfill the Mayor’s request,” stated Senator DĂ­az.
    We have to now ask Senator Diaz- Do you know who are the best teachers at a particular school, or are you going to leave that up to Mayor Bloomberg, his new  chancellor of one month, or his newly promoted inexperienced principals. Mind you watch how many school principals have gone over their budget last year, and just how many school budgets are to be cut this year because of the overspending. Have you forgot that Mayor Bloomberg has tried to rewrite the Decentralization law, ignored parents completely, and wants to replace public schools with charter schools that pick and choose their students.

Saturday, January 29, 2011


    State Senators Adriano Espaillat (D – 31st District) and Gustavo Rivera (D – 33rd District) testified at a public hearing regarding the Department of Education’s proposal to close down John F. Kennedy High School in the Bronx. The joint public hearing was observed by the District 10 Community Education Council and the JFK School Leadership Team.
    Both senators outlined their commitment to improving the educational opportunities available for local students. Sen. Espaillat and Sen. Rivera have expressed concerns about the Department of Education’s lack of communication with parents, particularly a lack of adequate notice about tonight’s hearing and other important developments. They called for a fair and transparent process that provides parents and community leaders with the opportunity to voice their opinions and inquiries, and that their input is then reflected in the Department’s plans moving forward.
    “With nothing short of our children’s future riding on our schools, it is unacceptable to leave parents and community members in the dark and out of the decision making process,” said Sen. Adriano Espaillat.
    “Parents shouldn’t be learning about their children’s school being closed through newspaper clippings or word of mouth,” said Sen. Gustavo Rivera. “Our constituents deserve a transparent process that provides them with the information they need and gives these parents a seat at the table when important determinations are being made.”
    Senators Espaillat and Rivera have laid out a set of principles they believe must be followed as the Department of Education proceeds with closings
Ø  JFK must only close if the alternative school(s) offer a quality of education that is truly excellent and significantly better than what is currently offered at JFK.   
Ø  The transition process must be smooth and carefully planned so as to limit disruptions for students.  
Ø  Parents and local community members must be given access to all information in a timely manner and allowed a voice in the decision making process. 
Ø  There must be viable placement options for the district’s “over the counter” admissions of special need students (English Language Learners/ELL, students with Individualized Education Plans/IEP, and Students with Interrupted Formal Education/SIFE) who otherwise would go to JFK.


Assemblywoman Gibson Inauguration Rescheduled

Please be advised that the Inauguration Ceremony for Assemblywoman Vanessa L. Gibson has been rescheduled for Saturday, February 5th, 2011, at 10:30AM,
Bronx Museum of the Arts, 1040 Grand Concourse, corner of East 165th Street, Bronx, New York. A reception will follow the ceremony.


Thursday, January 27, 2011

Former State Senator Guy Velella Passes Away UPDATE

    In a story we told you on Friday January 21st of the worsening health of Former State Senator Guy Velella, we must update that to say that Former Senator Guy Velella has died at the age of 66 of lung cancer.
    Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr. had this to say on the passing of Senator Velella, “I am saddened to hear about the passing of Guy Velella, who served the Bronx for many years in both the State Senate and the State Assembly. My thoughts and prayers are with his family during their time of grief". 
    Current State Senate Majority Leader Dean Skellows said “I was deeply saddened today to learn of the passing of former Senator Guy Velella. Guy was close personal friend and colleague. He will be remembered for his many years of service to his constituents in the Bronx and Westchester, for his great sense of humor and his straight forward manner. My thoughts and prayers go out to his wife Patricia and his family.”
    Bronx Conservative Party Chairman (and close ally) Bill Newmark said" Guy Velella was an extremely hard working state senator who put in a tremendous  amount of time and effort for the people of the north Bronx. He also always won re-election despite being in an overwhelmingly Democratic district.
    State Senator Jeff Klein who won election to the 34th District after Senator Velella steped down said, “Senator Velella will be remembered in my district for his dedication and service to the community. I’m a Democrat and he was a Republican. But, when it came to our mutual constituents, we worked together and never let partisanship trump people. My thoughts and prayers are with Senator Velella’s family during this difficult time.”

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

When Will We Hear from Our Democratic Leaders about Those Senators
by New York State Senator Reverend Ruben Diaz

   Two years ago, Senators Hiram Monserrate, Pedro Espada, Karl Kruger and I formed a group that we called the Four Amigos.  We met frequently – not in secret- all believing in transparency in government.  We discussed how, as Democrats serving in the Senate Majority, we could initiate much needed change in the Senate to help our constituents.  As Senators representing areas with growing Hispanic populations, we knew that our mission was long overdue. Senator Monserrate’s “parliamentary coup” folded when he returned to vote with the Democratic Party.  (As I recall, several key Senators acted like his best friends when they begged him to return, but later they led the charge to throw him out of office). Senator John Sampson was subsequently elected to serve as Senate Majority Leader.  Senator Espada was selected to serve as the Senate’s Temporary President and Acting Lieutenant Governor – the highest-ranking position that any Hispanic has ever achieved in the New York State legislature.
   The Four Amigos were branded as traitors, banditos, and extortionists.  We were labeled opportunists and thugs.  Mayor Ed Koch sat on New York 1 and called us rats. Democratic leaders throughout the state used every chance they could to make pubic statements attacking us and our intentions.  Editorial boards had a field day at our expense, and so did political pundits.
   This year, Senators Diane Savino, Jeff Klein, David Carlucci and David Valesky have dubbed themselves the “New Independence Conference” of the New York State Senate.  Those Senators have severed formal ties from Senate Majority Leader John Sampson.  They refuse to caucus with Senate Democrats.  Despite the financial stranglehold around the throats of New Yorkers, and despite the fact that the Democrats are not in the Majority, that self-anointed group of Senators has been granted millions of dollars in perks and budget appropriations for staff, parking spots, etc. They have been given preferred office space so they can remain tightly-knit and their offices are being re-designed to have walls placed or removed as they desire.  After a fair amount of kicking and screaming, those Senators been given the power to decide where they sit in the Senate Chamber.  (It was like watching passengers on the Titanic re-arranging deck chairs.) Last night, it was announced that three of those Senators were granted Chairmanship positions (with lulus) by the Republican Majority Leader.
   I’m listening hard but I don’t hear even a whisper from any Democratic leader of their criticism of those Senators who have abandoned the Democratic Party.  Is the snow muffling any outcry?  Will the Daily News’ Mr. Bramhall render this new caucus as the new Cosa Nostra? Are the actions of Hispanic legislators held to a different, higher standard?  Has the Democratic Party decided those non-Hispanic Senators should determine what’s best for all New Yorkers with no accountability?
   Please don’t try to justify the criticism the Four Amigos endured because of Hirman Monserrate’s conviction because that didn’t happened until many months after the Senate coup. And please do not justify the malicious comments because of Senator Espada’s recent indictment because that wasn’t even on the horizon in 2008.
   Please, explain this to me because I just don’t see how we were wrong and they are right. I don’t understand why we were condemned and they are being treated like prima donnas.  Please explain to me why the Democratic Leadership in New York State is leaving Senator John Sampson to fight this fight alone?
Is this a double-standard or what?
   We will only say what now State Senate Minority Leader John Sampson said to us at the swearing in of Senator Gustavo Rivera, and that was "We are still all Democrats".
IDC Members to Chair Legislative Committees

   The Independent Democratic Conference today accepted recommendations from the Senate Majority that, in keeping with recent bi-partisan tradition, would allow them to chair legislative committees.
    The IDC similarly accepted committee assignments recommended to them by the Senate Minority on Monday. 
     These chair appointments continue a Senate tradition of reaching across party lines and empowering non-majority members to have a more hands-on role in shaping legislation and are the following.
    Senator Diane Savino, (D-Staten Island/ Brooklyn), being named the Chairwoman of the Senate Standing Committee on Children and Families. Senator Savino began her career in public service as a caseworker in New York City’s Child Welfare Administration.
    Senator David Valesky, (D-Oneida), has been named the Chairman of the Senate Standing Committee on Aging.  
    Senator David Carlucci, (D-Rockland/ Orange), has been named Co-Chair of the Administrative Regulations Review Commission. This joint legislative commission is responsible for reviewing rules and regulations passed by state entities. 
    On Monday, the Independent Democratic Conference accepted the following committee assignments from the Senate Minority:
Senator Savino: Member of the Civil Service, Banks and Veterans committees.
Senator Valesky: Member of the Agriculture, Transportation, Banks, Cultural Affairs committees.
Senator Jeff  Klein: member of the Local Government, Cultural Affairs, Veterans, Mental Health committees
Senator Carlucci: Member of the Banks, Veterans, Higher Education and Elections committees.

     It is also rumored that Senator Jeff Klein will chair the newly recreated Alcholism and Substance Abuse committee, once it passes the Senate Rules committee.


Bronx Bar Incidents

  This has been reported to us.

   On January 16th at 4am a female was assaulted inside the MVP bar... beat up... bruised...by someone she didn't know. She reported the incident to the police.

    On January 17th at 4am... a similar incident took place... except in this one... violence erupted onto the street. This female was assaulted and beat up outside the MVP bar. She also reported the incident to police. 

     Two acts of violence within 24 hours at a local bar seems to be a MAJOR concern for the community. Also.. the bar has been having issues with FDNY for overcrowding.

    "I'm deeply concerned with recent reports of violence at the bar MVP," said State Senator Jeff Klein. "The FDNY's violation, citing MVP for overcrowding is an indication that the bar may illegally be operating as a nightclub. My office has been in touch with the NYPD, FDNY and SLA and will continue to monitor the situation closely to ensure the safety of the Schuylerville community."

    "In the past there have been complaints of excessive noise at this particular location and the neighborhood is very concerned. We do not want this to turn into a another bar with violence happening on a frequent basis. As a community, we are being vigilant and taking note when these things happen at this particular location, " said Andrew Chirico, Vice President of the Waterbury Lasalle Community Association. 

    The MVP bar is located at 3392 East Tremont Avenue.