Thursday, February 4, 2016

VALENTINE’S DAY HIV TESTING - Thursday 2/11 at Jacobi and NCB!

Show Your Love, Share Your HIV Status

February 11, 2016 10 AM - 2 PM
Jacobi Atrium (Building 8) and Emergency Room (Building 6)
NCB Lobby

·       HIV Testing for you and your partner, family or friend.
·       Health Education Information
·       Giveaways

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

BP Diaz Issues Report on Platform Development Opportunities

  Report Finds Potential for Nearly Two Million Square Feet of Development at Concourse Yard

Today, Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr. issued a preliminary report cataloging the potential of platform development at three borough railyard sites.

The report found that the Concourse Yard, located adjacent to Lehman College in the Northwest Bronx, offer the most immediate potential for development. Creating a platform at this location would allow for nearly two million square feet of new development without a significant upzoning, according to the report. The cost of the platform would range between $350 and $500 million.

“Developing a platform at the Concourse Yard is a creative way to continue the revitalization of our borough while bringing new amenities and resources to the Northwest Bronx,” said Borough President Diaz. “Smart planning for the future requires us to consider all options, including real estate that does not yet exist.”
The full report can be viewed at

Borough President Diaz’s report considers a variety of options for the Concourse Yards platform, including mixed-income housing, homeownership opportunities, new retail space and an expanded Lehman College campus. The report also notes that the numerous amenities in the surrounding neighborhoods, including numerous school campuses, parks and the future Kingsbridge National Ice Center, make the location ideal for transit-oriented development.

“This is not only a great opportunity to help the neighborhood to continue to develop commercial space as well as affordable housing for all, but this plan could allow one of the best colleges in our city, Lehman College, the opportunity for expansion it deserves,” said Borough President Diaz. “In the coming year my office will reach out to stakeholders from the area to discuss the potential of the site and to outline the future of its development.”

Borough President Diaz added that, following that stakeholder outreach, his office would consider urging the Metropolitan Transportation Authority to issue a Request for Expressions of Interest (RFEI) for the development of the Concourse Yard, in order to further study the costs and potential of a platform at the site.

In his 2015 “State of the Borough” address, Borough President Diaz announced that his office would conduct a preliminary study of the feasibility of building platforms over three railyards operated by the Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA)—the Concourse Yard, 149thStreet in Mott Haven, and the 1 train yards connecting Riverdale and Kingsbridge at West 240th Street and Broadway. The borough president’s office found the 149th Street and 240thStreet yards unsuitable for platform development at this time.

Above - Bronx BP Ruben Diaz Jr. is all smiles when talking about his Platform Development Opportunity.
Below - BP Diaz holds up a copy of the report of building over the Bronx MTA Concourse subway yards Diaz said that this is a win win for all.

Above - A view of the MTA subway yards south of Bedford Park Blvd.
Below - A view of the MTA subway yards north of Bedford Park Blvd. Scott Towers and Tracy Towers are in the background, and are above part of the MTA subway yards north of West 205th Street. 


  This Thursday, February 4, 2016 at 12 noon, on the steps of City Hall, New York State Senator Rev. RubΓ©n DΓ­az, Former Mayoral Candidate Rev. Erick Salgado and The New York Hispanic Clergy Organization will demand that Mayor Bill de Blasio and the New York City Taxi & Limousine Commission end abusive tactics used against taxi drivers once and for all. 
Senator Rev. Diaz and Rev. Salgado will detail the serious issues that the taxi drivers continue to face, along with the ongoing mistreatment by the New York City Taxi and Limousine Commission. 
They will outline their demands, which include: lowering the excessive fines that are being levied against drivers, providing additional protections and the equipment required to keep drivers secure, stopping the illegal seizure of cabs and ending the criminalization of taxi drivers. 
For more information please call Senator Ruben Diaz at 718-991-3161 or Rev. Erick Salgado at 718-795-5645.

Making a Greater Bronx Chamber of Commerce

Let's make a Greater Bronx Chamber of Commerce. 
I need your support and cooperation to require companies that you do business with to join the Bronx Chamber of Commerce. If you do not ask, it does not happen.

Inform your contacts that "if they want do continue to do business with you and your company, they must join the Bronx Chamber of Commerce". If you make it a requirement, they will join!

We are witnessing a renaissance in our great borough that is unprecedented. Together, we will grow the Chamber, enhance its influence and further improve the image of "The Bronx"!
Below is a Brochure that includes a Membership Application. If you need a supply of the printed Brochure to distribute or display in your office or place of business, please contact Josann Ferguson at (718) 828-3900.

Nunzio Del Greco
President and CEO
Bronx Chamber of Commerce
"The Network For Business Success"
1200 Waters Place, Suite 106
Bronx, NY 10461

February 11, 2016   
Annual Valentine's Business Networking
                                Marriott Resident Inn 4:00 pm - 8:00 pm
February 24, 2016   
African American Heritage Cocktail Party
                                Tosca Marquee 5:30 pm - 9:30 pm
March 9, 2016         
Irish Heritage Luncheon
                                Rambling House 12:00 pm - 2:00 pm
March 18, 2016       
Women of Distinction Luncheon
                                Villa Barone Manor 12:00 pm - 2:00 pm
April 13, 2016          
Annual Gala
                         Marina del Rey Caterers 5:30 pm -10:30 pm
May 3, 2016            
Annual Golf Outing
                                Trump Links 11:30 am - 8:00 pm
June 16, 2016          
Annual Business Expo
                         The Mall at Bay Plaza 11:00 am - 5:00 pm

December 14, 2016   
Annual Holiday Party  
 Villa Barone Manor 12:00 pm - 2:00 pm

Assemblyman Mark Gjonaj - Free Smoke/ CO Alarm Giveaway and Installations

Free Smoke/ CO Alarm Giveaways and Installation! 

Come by and arrange for a FREE smoke/CO Alarm installation in your home ! 

February 22,2016
5:00pm - 7:00pm.

Location:District Office of Assemblyman Mark Gjonaj
1126 Pelham Parkway South
Bronx, New York 10461

For more information call : (718) 409-0109



  In honor of the countless contributions that African-Americans have made to our country, State Senator Gustavo Rivera, Assemblymember Michael Blake and Councilmember Vanessa L. Gibson have partnered with the Montefiore Health System, Metroplus and the Claremont Community Center to host a Black History Month Celebration focused on health on Saturday, February 6th from 12:00 PM to 2:00 PM.
In an effort to continue promoting good health practices in the Bronx, the event will host a group of local health organizations that will provide participants with important health information, tips on preventative measures and an array of free health screenings that range from blood pressure to HIV/Hepatitis C testing.
Throughout the celebration, attendees will also be able to enjoy complimentary African food, participate in raffles and join elected officials in recognizing outstanding members of the community.
WHAT:     Black History Month Celebration
WHO:        State Senator Gustavo Rivera
                   Assemblymember Michael Blake
                   Councilmember Vanessa L. Gibson
                   Other Elected Officials
WHEN:     Saturday, February 6, 2015 
                   12:00 PM - 2:00 PM  
WHERE:  Claremont Community Center
                   489 E 169th Street
                   Bronx, NY 10456
*This event is free and open to the public. 

Tuesday, February 2, 2016


  This Year Marks the Only Time the Coat Drive Has Collected More Than 100,000 Coats Except During the Aftermath of Superstorm Sandy

   New York Cares reached a milestone this week as it collected more than 100,000 coats as part of its 27th Annual Coat Drive, thanks in large part to the New York City business community and to more than 1,000 New Yorkers who ran their own personal collection drives. This year, as in past recent years, New York Cares received requests for more than 100,000 coats from shelters, community centers, and social service agencies, and, annually, New York Cares typically collects only 75,000 coats. With the critical support of companies and the generosity of individual donors, it reached its goal this year. This is the only year New York Cares has collected more than 100,000 coats except during the aftermath of Superstorm Sandy.

The influx of coats and funds not only enabled New York Cares to serve more New Yorkers in need, but allowed the organization to collect and distribute coats earlier. New York Cares distributed close to 70,000 warm winter coats ahead of the recent blizzard that brought frigid temperatures and more than 26 inches of snow to the city.

New York City businesses including KKR, Bloomberg LP, Neuberger Berman, the Greater New York Auto Dealers Association, Halstead Property, Tishman Speyer, and others made an enormous impact on the coat drive by donating coats, setting up collection sites, as well as by donating money toward the purchase of coats. For every $20.00 that these companies donated, New York Cares was able to purchase a new winter coat for men, women, and children throughout the city.

Bloomberg conducted an early coat drive among its employees from mid-October to Thanksgiving and contributed a total of 11,000 coats and more than $136,000 in financial donations. KKR and its employees donated 3,000 new coats and $40,000 to go toward the purchase of new coats, while also providing pro bono consulting services to help New York Cares find new and better ways of meeting the need for coats. Neuberger Berman made a commitment to meet all requests for children’s coats that New York Cares received from shelters.

Individual New Yorkers, in addition to dropping off coats at public collection sites, can also run their own personal coat drives among colleagues, friends, or family. In 2015, more than 1,000 residents registered their own drives benefiting New York Cares, a 20% increase over last year.

“The issue of homelessness and how to support the men, women, and children struggling to make ends meet is in the spotlight right now in New York City,” said Gary Bagley, Executive Director of New York Cares. “New York Cares is incredibly grateful to the businesses and individuals that rallied on behalf of New Yorkers in need to make sure that 100,000 requests for coats were fulfilled. Their support means children can go to school this winter wearing a warm coat, and adults can get to work, job interviews, and other appointments without concern about cold temperatures. We asked everyone to keep our neighbors in mind this season, and New York certainly delivered.”

About New York Cares
New York Cares is the largest volunteer network in the city. Last year, 63,000 New Yorkers made the city a better place by volunteering in New York Cares programs at 1,350 nonprofits and schools – improving education, meeting immediate needs, and revitalizing public spaces. For more information, visit

United War Veterans Council Enlists Public to Show Love to Vets/Active Duty Personnel this Valentines Day

  The United War Veterans Council (UWVC) invites the public to show their love for those who serve or have served our country by sending Valentines cards and gifts, which UWVC will deliver to veterans and active duty military personnel at Veterans Administration facilities, other veterans service centers and military facilities in all five boroughs of New York City.
            The public is asked to send Valentines cards, small gifts and packaged candy, including sugarless candy to:
Valentines for Vets & Service Members
C/o Soldiers', Sailors', Marines', Coast Guard and Airmen’s' Club
283 Lexington Ave.
New York, NY 10035
Please send your cards and gifts by Friday, February 5.
            “Let’s show the love to our veterans and those still in service on Valentine’s Day and every day,” said UWVC incoming President Dan McSweeney.  “We see it every year when we deliver these cards and gifts, how this small gesture on your part means so much to the men and women who receive these expressions of your love, respect and gratitude.”
New York City firefighters who also are veterans have volunteered to help the UWVC deliver the cards and gifts to locations such as the Manhattan and Brooklyn VA hospitals, Fort Hamilton in Brooklyn and the U.S. Coast Guard base at Fort Wadsworth on Staten Island. 
The U.S. Coast Guard is the featured service for the 2016 Veterans Day Parade,November 11, marking the fifteenth anniversary of 9/11 and dedicated especially to veterans who have served since 9/11 and to first responders, including the Coast Guard.
About United War Veterans Council
The United War Veterans Council, Inc. (UWVC) is a 501-(c) (19) non-profit organization that is dedicated to mobilizing the public to honor, support and serve America’s veterans through a wide range of activities and initiatives. We produce America’s Parade (the NYC Veterans Day Parade), the largest celebration of service in the nation.  Since our inception, the UWVC has been a non-political, non-partisan organization, with no agenda or purpose other than serving our veterans. We represent the mosaic of the veterans’ community, encompassing veterans of all eras and / FB / Twitter.