Thursday, August 30, 2018


  Congresswoman Carolyn Maloney is endorsing Alessandra Biaggi for State Senate in District 34 in the Democratic primary on Thursday, September 13.

“Just as we need to retake the House, it’s essential that the New York State Senate become and remain truly Democratic,” Maloney said. “It’s way past time to pass a state Equal Rights Amendment, provide access to family planning, fix the tenant protection rules, strengthen our public education system, and so much more that a solid Democratic State Senate can do to protect all New Yorkers. I’m endorsing Alessandra Biaggi because I know she will be a leader in passing that legislation and in standing up for her district and all New Yorkers.”

“It is an exceptional honor to be endorsed by Rep. Carolyn Maloney, a ground breaking woman legislator with a long list of accomplishments,” Biaggi said. “I hope to learn from her how to be an effective fighter for New Yorkers.”


   Five weeks after inaction from the New York State Senate Republicans resulted in the shutdown of speed camera enforcement near 140 schools throughout New York City, the Governor and NYC Council have implemented a workaround for New York City to enforce speed camera violations using state DMV records. Assemblyman Jeffrey Dinowitz issued the following statement applauding the temporary solution and continuing his call for the State Senate to pass an expansion of the life-saving speed camera program:

“While the failure of New York’s State Senate majority to do their jobs has put children’s lives in danger, I am happy to see that Governor Cuomo and Council Speaker Johnson were able to come up with a temporary solution that will cause drivers to think twice before speeding near schools. A speed camera extension still should be passed through the state legislature to ensure longevity and to clarify any questions on legality, but I thank our local Councilman Andrew Cohen for his help in pushing for this compromise to protect kids right now.

However, I cannot ignore the blatant disregard by Republican State Senate leadership for the safety of our children in the Bronx and all over New York City. Their insistence on using life-saving speed cameras as a pawn is reprehensible and a dereliction of their moral and constitutional responsibility to protect the lives of all New Yorkers – regardless of political affiliation or geographic region.

The New York State Assembly passed two bills – one to extend the existing speed camera program along with several regional tax extenders and another to extend and expand the program (which I support and am a co-sponsor of). The Democratic State Senate conference, including minority leader Andrea Stewart-Cousins and deputy minority leader Jeffrey Klein (who also led the charge to create the original speed camera program in 2013) have lined up enough votes in the State Senate to pass a speed camera renewal. The only thing stopping this common sense legislation is the malfeasance of the State Senate majority who refused to even hold a vote before they adjourned for their summer vacation and their subsequent unwillingness to correct this mistake.”


This sets an unprecedented situation which now usurps the legislative power of the State Senate and State Assembly if the governor can just make an executive order like this. This is exactly what Governor Cuomo says is being done by President Trump to bypass Congress and the U.S. Senate. 

For a member of the State Assembly to approve of this measure to go around the State Senate and State Assembly says only one thing - that the State Senate and State Assembly are not needed and should be abolished because the state legislature can not do its job, and Assemblyman Dinowitz is saying that he approves of this.

Assemblyman Dinowitz since you are no longer needed as are your fellow members of the State Assembly and State Senate will you step down because all the governor has to do is sign an Executive Order


The governor displays why he’s refused to do any 1:1 debates while in office
As Cynthia described her positive, progressive agenda, Angry Cuomo lied, dodged, and blew up multiple times during debate
  In just the display his advisors were hoping to avoid, angry Andrew Cuomo showed his classic temper, growing testy as Cynthia Nixon contrasted her positive, progressive vision with his failings and lies for 60 minutes during tonight’s debate at Hofstra.

“Now we know why Andrew Cuomo hates debates so much,” Cynthia for New York spokeswoman Lauren Hitt said tonight. “The governor was visibly angry about Cynthia contrasting his corrupt, centrist administration with her progressive vision for New York -- and his resulting temper flare-ups and rants told the story.”

Throughout the debate, Cynthia pressed the governor on a range of uncomfortable topics, like the multiple guilty verdicts on public corruption against his top aides; his work behind the scenes to help create and maintain Republican state senate; his gross mismanagement of the MTA; and his obsession with pleasing his billionaire and corporate donors.  She also displayed a detailed knowledge of the inner workings of the state government, and a positive vision for all New Yorkers, not just the wealthy.

On multiple occasions, Angry Cuomo lost his cool, wagging his finger at Cynthia, telling her to stop talking, and correcting a moderator on the premise of his question. He even went on a bizarre rant about how Cynthia was not actually a person, but a corporation - in a reprise of Mitt Romney’s famous line. The Governor even refused to answer a question at the end of the hour, instead trying to take over the debate and ask Cynthia questions like he was the moderator.

The debate win for Cynthia comes on the heels of major endorsements from progressive leaders and organizations throughout the state and nation, including Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, council member Brad Lander, Lt. Governor candidate Jumaane Williams, former Speaker of the City Council Melissa Mark-Viverito, Council Members Menchaca, Van Bramer and Reynoso, Assemblymember Andrew Hevesi, Assemblymember Thomas Abinanti, Assemblymember O’Donnell, senate candidate Jessica Ramos, senate candidate Julia Salazar, senate candidate Robert Jackson, and a slate of elected officials in the Capital District and Hudson Valley. Nixon has also been endorsed by major progressive groups including Indivisible, New York City DSA, Buffalo DSA, Syracuse DSA, Brooklyn Young Democrats (BYD), the Muslim Democratic Club of New York (MDCNY), Indivisible Brooklyn, Tenants PAC, the Jewish Vote, Our Revolution, Justice Democrats, the Progressive Change Campaign Committee, Make the Road Action, New York Communities for Change, Citizen Action, the New York Progressive Action Network, 350 Action, and the Working Families Party.

In just five months, Cynthia’s people-powered campaign has received over 42,960 individual contributions, which sets a record for the highest number of contributions for any Democratic candidate for governor in New York history. The number of contributions also surpasses the total Gov. Cuomo has received in 16 years spanning four separate gubernatorial campaigns. (More detail here). Cynthia’s social media following has also ballooned in recent weeks, and seriously outpaces the 8-year incumbent governor.


It should be noted that this came from Cynthia for New York.


Proposed streetcar will serve neighborhoods with 400,000 residents along growing Brooklyn- Queens Corridor; generate $30 billion in economic impact

  The de Blasio Administration announced that it will move forward with the proposed Brooklyn Queens Connector (BQX) streetcar following the completion of a two-year feasibility study. Despite two decades of rapid growth in population and jobs on the Brooklyn-Queens waterfront, public transit has not kept pace. At full implementation, the state-of-the-art streetcar will increase public transit options for neighborhoods with over half a million New Yorkers living and working along the growing Brooklyn-Queens waterfront corridor, including 40,000 New York City Public Housing Authority residents. The revised route will connect Astoria, Long Island City, Greenpoint, Williamsburg, the Brooklyn Navy Yard, Downtown Brooklyn, and Red Hook. The full report is available here.

“The Brooklyn-Queens waterfront has experienced incredible growth. Now it's time for our transit system to catch up,” said Mayor Bill de Blasio. “The BQX is one of the biggest, most ambitious projects in a generation. It will be a challenge, but New York City is taking it on.”

“BQX taps into state-of-the-art transit tech to respond to and build upon the evolution of the Brooklyn Queens Waterfront,” said Deputy Mayor for Housing and Economic Development Alicia Glen. “With more than half a million people now living and working along the projected line and further growth to come, BQX will transform how our city moves.

Construction and implementation of the streetcar is estimated to cost $2.73 billion and generate $30 billion in economic impact and approximately $1.4 billion in value capture to finance its construction. The City announced it will seek federal funding, among other sources, to deliver the project. First-year ridership is expected to be 50,000 per day.  The BQX represents an opportunity to proactively invest in a modern, resilient mode of public transportation that will:

  • Connect mixed-income neighborhoods to jobs and transit hubs
  • Provide affordable, reliable, and accessible service
  • Support transit-oriented development and safer streets

“As the Brooklyn-Queens waterfront continues to grow, adding new residents and jobs each year, the City must pursue multiple transportation solutions,” said New York City Department of Transportation Commissioner Polly Trottenberg. “The BQX has the potential to be an integral part of our city’s expanding transportation system.  It will complement and connect to our subway and bus system, the NYC ferry, and bike share, while transforming city streets.”

“The Brooklyn-Queens Connector will serve over half a million New Yorkers who live and work along the East River waterfront and need modern transportation options that meet their everyday needs,” said NYCEDC President James Patchett. “The BQX will link long-disconnected neighborhoods, shorten commutes to school and work, and provide a 21st century solution to our city’s transit challenges.”

The BQX will bring much-needed connectivity to other existing modes of mass transit, including subways, buses, ferries, and CitiBike. The expanded connections will generate economic activity and boost access to emerging job clusters, cultural centers, academic institutions, world-class waterfront parks and more. 

Community stakeholders will have opportunities to provide input as the proposal advances to the environmental review and advanced design stages. The City will also further analyze project delivery methods, streetcar operations, and project implementation. 

The environmental impact study process will commence this winter, followed by ULURP in 2020. Construction is expected to begin in 2024 and end in 2029.

Since the Mayor announced the proposal at a State of the City address in 2016, the BQX City team has studied key aspects of designing, building, and operating a streetcar service. The study was informed by robust public engagement conducted through a numerous community meetings and workshops, and input from elected officials and community organizations along the corridor.

Bronx Dems Barbecue and Softball Game Rescheduled to Sunday September 9th

This came in from the Bronx Dems.

Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Eleven Individuals Indicted For Social Security Fraud Related To Puerto Rico

The total loss for SS is $728,062.40; One Defendant Charged with Defrauding FEMA for Hurricane Maria Relief

  SAN JUAN, P.R. – On Aug. 23 and 24, 2018, a Federal Grand Jury in the District of Puerto Rico returned seven separate indictments charging 11 individuals with fraud against the Social Security Administration (SSA) disability insurance benefits in Puerto Rico, announced U.S. Attorney Rosa Emilia RodrĂ­guez VĂ©lez for the District of Puerto Rico. These cases were investigated by the Social Security Office of Inspector General (SS-OIG) with the collaboration of the Department of Homeland Security Office of Inspector General, U.S. Health and Human Services-Office of Inspector General, and the Puerto Rico Police Department.

The SSA is responsible for the implementation of the Disability Insurance Benefits Program. The SSA provides monetary benefits to workers with severe, long-term disabilities, who have worked in SSA covered employment for a required length of time. Spouses and dependent children of disabled workers may also be eligible to receive benefits.
Pursuant to SSA regulations, a claimant must prove to SSA that he or she is disabled by furnishing medical and other evidence with the application. The application and supporting evidence would then be evaluated by SSA to determine the individual’s medical impairments and determine the effect of the impairment on the claimant’s ability to work on a sustained basis.
Six indictments charged 10 individuals with theft of government property, concealment, or failure to disclose work activity to SSA, and false statements or representations to the SSA. These defendants knowingly and willfully embezzled, stole, and converted to their own use the Social Security Disability Insurance Benefit payments to which the defendants knew that they were not entitled. The seventh indictment charges Teresa González-Hernández with 40 counts of wire fraud against SSA.
The defendants who are alleged to have accepted by fraud the Social Security Disability Insurance Benefit payments, knowing that they were not entitled to the same, are: Evelyn Morales-Calderón and Victor Soriano-Morales (son of Evelyn Morales) received $190,110.00; Mario Zayas-Rodríguez and Elvin Santiago-Rodríguez (employer of Mario Zayas) received $118,098.20; José Alcazar-Román received $97,004.80; Alvin Alvelo-Crespo received $92,101.50; Abraham Burgos-Torres and Karla Burgos-Colón (daughter of Abraham Burgos) received $90,335.50; Nelson Concepción-Santana received $41,261.00; Wanda Rivera-Martínez received $41,204.40; and Teresa González-Hernández received $57,947.00.
Defendant Alvin Alvelo-Crespo was also charged with healthcare fraud. The defendant fraudulently caused Medicare to pay approximately $8,545.33 based on fraudulent claims. This defendant is also facing one count of Fraud in Connection with Major Disaster (Hurricane MarĂ­a) or Emergency Benefits. Alvelo-Crespo falsely represented to FEMA that his combined family pre-disaster gross income was $9,264.00 and that the residence located at Almirante Norte in Vega Baja, Puerto Rico was his primary residence when Hurricane MarĂ­a struck Puerto Rico. In fact, however, the defendant’s combined family pre-disaster gross income was higher than $9,264.00 and the residence located at Almirante Norte was not his primary residence at the moment Hurricane MarĂ­a struck Puerto Rico. The defendant received $500.00 for Critical Needs Assistance; $14,282.79 for Home Repair Assistance; $10,431.15 for Personal Property Assistance; and $1,486.00 for Rental Assistance, for a total of $26,699.94. All this assistance was authorized, transported, transmitted, transferred, disbursed or paid by, electronic fund transfers into his bank account.
Defendant Teresa González-Hernández was a social worker at Entity A, an entity located in San Juan, Puerto Rico that assists homeless individuals. Her victim with initials J.L.M, was a client or beneficiary of Entity A. On or about Sept. 4, 2008, González-Hernández abused her position of trust as a social worker for J.L.M. and opened a joint account with J.L.M. at Scotiabank of Puerto Rico. On Oct. 28, 2010, J.L.M. requested SSA that his disability benefits, which were later automatically converted to retirement benefits, be directly deposited into the joint account. After J.L.M. died on Nov. 19, 2010, González-Hernández failed to notify SSA about his death, and the DIB and Retirement benefits belonging to J.L.M. continued to be deposited into the joint account. González-Hernández embezzled the benefits that SSA issued to J.L.M., benefits which she knew she was not entitled to. As a result of the scheme, between Jan. 26, 2011, and continuing through Nov. 23, 2016, SSA made 71 electronic payment transactions to the joint account totaling $57,947.00.
If convicted, the defendants charged with SSA fraud could face a maximum penalty of 10 years in prison; the defendant charged with Fraud in Connection with Major Disaster (Hurricane MarĂ­a) or Emergency Benefits faces a maximum penalty of up to 30 years in prison and the defendant charged with wire fraud faces a maximum penalty of up to 20 years in prison. All defendants are subject to a fine of up to $250,000.00. Indictments contain only charges and are not evidence of guilt. Defendants are presumed to be innocent unless and until proven guilty.
The U.S. Department of Justice established the National Center for Disaster Fraud (NCDF) to investigate, prosecute, and deter fraud in the wake of Hurricane Katrina, when billions of dollars in federal disaster relief poured into the Gulf Coast region. Its mission has expanded to include suspected fraud from any natural or manmade disaster. More than 20 federal, state, and local agencies participate in the NCDF, which allows the center to act as a centralized clearinghouse of information related to disaster relief fraud.
Members of the public are reminded to apply a critical eye and do their due diligence before trusting anyone purporting to be working on behalf of disaster victims, and to be especially cautious of anyone who contacts you seeking personal identifying information or financial information. Members of the public who suspect fraud involving disaster relief efforts, or who believe that they have been the victim of fraud from a person or organization soliciting relief funds on behalf of disaster victims, should contact the National Disaster Fraud Hotline toll free at (866) 720-5721. The telephone line is staffed by a live operator 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. You can also fax information to the Center at (225) 334-4707, or email it to Learn more about the NCDF at 


Defendant Allegedly Plotted With 12 Men To Hunt For Member of Upstart Set, Chased Teen and Later Gathered With Co-Defendants After Murder

  Bronx District Attorney Darcel D. Clark today announced that a Bronx man has been indicted in the fatal stabbing of 15-year-old Lesandro Guzman-Feliz on June 20, 2018 in the Bronx. 

 District Attorney Clark said, “This defendant is an additional perpetrator to the previously indicted 12 men in this brutal attack on a 15-year-old boy, Lesandro “Junior” Guzman-Feliz, whom they came upon as they sought to commit violence against a rival set within the gang. We will not tolerate violence by gangs on our streets, and anyone who plays a role in such crimes will be prosecuted.” 

 District Attorney Clark said the defendant, Ronald Urena, 29, of 2780 Grand Concourse, has been indicted on second-degree Murder, first-degree Manslaughter, second-degree Conspiracy, first-degree Gang Assault, second-degree Gang Assault, and fourth-degree Criminal Possession of a Weapon. He was arraigned today before Bronx Supreme Court Justice Robert Neary. He was remanded and is due back in court on October 25, 2018. If convicted of the top charge, he can face up to 25 years to life in prison. 

 According to the investigation, on June 20, 2018, the defendant, who allegedly is part of the “Los Sures” set of the Trinitarios gang, gathered with co-defendants at the Boston Road home of Diego Suero, alleged leader of Los Sures, to plan to commit violence against another set of the Trinitarios called “Sunset.” The defendants then travelled in four cars, and came upon the victim, who fled from them, running approximately four blocks to a bodega in Belmont, where he tried to hide. The victim was dragged out of the store and repeatedly stabbed and slashed with knives and a machete.

 According to the investigation, after the stabbing, the defendants fled and went back to Diego Suero’s home to hide weapons and provide aid to a defendant whose hand was cut in the midst of the stabbing. The investigation is ongoing.

 An indictment is an accusatory instrument and not proof of a defendant’s guilt.


Defendant Allegedly Put Victim In Chokehold Causing Death

  Bronx District Attorney Darcel D. Clark today announced that a Rikers Island inmate has been indicted for strangling a fellow inmate, causing his death. 

 District Attorney Clark said, “The victim was seated when the defendant allegedly went up to him and placed his arms around the victim’s neck in a chokehold. We must continue to do all we can to stop violence in the jails.” 

 District Attorney Clark said the defendant, Artemio Rosa, 27, an inmate at Rikers Island, was arraigned today on first-degree Manslaughter, first-degree Strangulation and second-degree Assault before Bronx Supreme Court Justice Julio Rodriguez III. Remand was continued and the defendant is due back in court on October 22, 2018. 

 According to the investigation, on July 9, 2018 in the Anna M. Kross Center on Rikers Island, the defendant strangled Casey Holloway, the 35-year-old victim. The pressure from the strangulation made it difficult for Holloway to breathe and he collapsed to the ground. He was then pronounced dead.

 District Attorney Clark thanked the New York City Department of Correction and the New York Police Department for their assistance in the investigation. 

An indictment is an accusatory instrument and not proof of a defendant’s guilt.