Sunday, June 2, 2019

Registered Sex Offender Sentenced to 14 Years in Prison for Enticing Minors via Social Media Platforms

Used SnapChat, Instagram and Tumblr to Convince Teens to Send Him Sexually Explicit Images

    A registered sex offender with two prior child pornography related convictions was sentenced today in U.S. District Court in Tacoma to fourteen years in prison and twenty years of supervised release for enticement of a minor, announced U.S. Attorney Brian T. Moran.  PETER JAMES HUFFERD, 47, was on federal supervision living in sex-offender housing in Seattle when law enforcement discovered he was secretly using a cell phone to communicate with minor females via social media.  HUFFERD convinced two of the minor females to send him sexually explicit images.  At the sentencing hearing, U.S. District Judge Ronald B. Leighton said HUFFERD showed a pattern of criminal conduct that poses “a danger to society.”

  According to records filed in the case, HUFFERD had just completed a ten-year prison term in April 2017 when he began federal supervision.  HUFFERD was allowed one monitored cellular phone.  Beginning no later than October 2017, HUFFERD used an unmonitored cell phone to communicate with minors on SnapChat, Instagram and Tumblr.  HUFFERD began relationships with multiple minor females, convincing at least two of them to send him sexually explicit images.
 HUFFERD was convicted in 2003 in Clallam County Superior Court of three counts of possession of child pornography and was sentenced to 85 days in custody.  At the time law enforcement determined HUFFERD was posing online as a 15-year-old girl to try to get minors to send him sexually explicit images.  In 2008, HUFFERD was sentenced to ten years in prison after a father discovered his 12-year-old daughter was chatting online with HUFFERD. HUFFERD was using the same identity of a 15-year-old girl and engaging in sexually explicit talk with the 12-year-old.  HUFFERD was encouraging the child to cut herself.  A search of HUFFERD’s computer revealed more than 300 sexually explicit images of children.
  In the current case, in March 2018, U.S. Probation discovered the unmonitored cell phone in a search of HUFFERD’s sex offender residence.  A court-authorized search warrant revealed HUFFERD’s illegal communications via social media.

Housing Justice Town Hall Meeting

(Reprinted from the Bronx Chronicle)

  On a rainy Thursday night which cancelled a New York Yankee game The Housing Town Hall meeting by Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortes, State Senators Alessandra Biaggi and Jamaal Bailey, and Assemblywoman Nathalia Fernandez went on to standing room only. This was organized under the Neighborhood organization Bronx Park East Community Association, but included organizations such as the Northwest Bronx Church and Clergy Coalition and CASA (a South Bronx community organization specializing in housing problems).

New York Rent Laws protecting millions of New York renters are set to expire on June 15th, and Housing Justice For All has come up with a nine point plan to renew and reform the Emergency Tenant Protection Act of 1974 to protect renters across the state. This will also close certain loopholes that can cause rents to go up at any time, harassment and displacement of renters.
The nine points are 
* Reforming the Preferential Rent leases for the duration of the tenancy.
* Eliminating the Vacancy Bonus when a renter moves out.
* Eliminate Rent Hikes caused by Major Capital Improvements.
* Stop Harassment and Deregulation caused by improvements to individual apartments.
* Reform the Four Year Rule on challenges to rent increases.
* Rent Control Relief to bring Rent Control increases in line with Rent Stabilization increases.
*Expanding the Emergency Tenant Protection Act to all New York State.
* Good Cause Eviction giving every tenant in New York State the right to renew a lease with fair terms from the landlord, and not be evicted for ‘good cause’.

Each of the four elected officials were asked if they support all nine points, and all said yes. The problem it was said is with Assembly Speaker Carl Heastie who has only said that he is in favor of only the first eight points right now, and not with the Good Cause Eviction point.
Congresswoman Ocasio-Cortes spoke about finding a luxury apartment in Washington, and when she went to a new non-profit senior housing development in queens it looked very similar to what she had moved into. She wondered why this could not be the norm, and then went into public housing and the disparities. lack of heat, hot water elevator service to name a few. She said that good housing is not a privilege but a right.
Assemblywoman Fernandez said that the Town Hall is right in the middle of her district. She added that she supports all nine points, and hopes that when enough assembly members get together that they will convince Speaker Heastie to back all nine points. She would like to know who has not signed on to all nine points so she can speak to them to sign on.
Senator Biaggi opened by saying there are only sixteen days left until the rent laws expire. She is in favor of all nine points, but the state senate has to come out with its position on all nine points. She said that the in talking to people around the state New York City issues are not the same as in Buffalo or Rochester or other areas of the state, because ‘they have more cows in their neighborhoods’. Biaggi said that she has not heard that there is not enough support in the senate and reiterated that there were only sixteen days left,
Senator Bailey said that he is in favor of all noine points. He added that he has lived in affordable housing and thanked his landlord for being one of the good guys. He said that the current system allows for bad landlords to bump up rents, and it must be changed. Senator Bailey was asked about Governor Cuomo holding out or vetoing the nine points. Bailey said that he does not like what the governor is doing. He added that he is not in the Executive Branch, but believes this will be done on time.
Congresswoman Ocasio-Cortes spoke about closing the financial loopholes in the campaign finance laws which allow real estate money to be funneled through LLCs. AOC added that she was outspent 10 to 1 in the2018 primary contest, but through her hard work she won.
A few questions were taken from the audience with the first question not coming from a person living in the district or even the Bronx, but Washington Heights in Manhattan. While it was a good question, it appeared to many to be a staged question (as a few others seemed to be as well).
There will be another Housing Justice For All Town Hall meeting on Thursday, June 6 at the Eastchester Gardens Community Center located at 3016 Yates Avenue starting at 5:30 PM in Assembly Speaker Heastie’s district. Sen. Biaggi is hosting a housing resource fair on Friday, June 7 at PS 83 (950 Rhinelander Avenue) from 4:00 – 7:30 PM.

Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr. - Bronx Pride Flag Raising



I N C L U S I V I T Y . C O M M U N I T Y . A W A R E N E S S . E M P O W E R M E N T 

The 1 Bronx Pride Festival promotes inclusion, community, and dialogue and works toward a future without discrimination where all people have equal rights under the law. We do this by producing Pride events that inspire, educate, and celebrate our diverse Bronx community.

The 1 BRONX PRIDE FESTIVAL is produced by the Third Avenue Business Improvement District in partnership with Destination Tomorrow, Boogie Down Pride, OUT Bronx, the LGBTQ Caucus of the Bronx Borough President, Dancing in the Streets, Bronx Academy of Arts and Dance, and Clearview Festivals. The Third Avenue Business Improvement District (aka Third Avenue BID), established in 1988, promotes the growth, vitality and visibility of the Bronx’s most trafficked commercial corridor. The organization is the Bronx’s oldest BID and serves over 200,000 individuals daily. Organizational programs include economic development, real estate advisory and retail services, sanitation and security departments that augment the city’s own services, small business development services, streetscape and open space improvements, horticulture installations, robust public programming, event planning, and visitor services. The catchment area includes over 200 businesses, expected to grow to 900 businesses by 2019, Roberto Clemente Plaza, Triangle Equity Plaza, the HUB Transportation Center, Lincoln Hospital, Metropolitan College of New York, and several arts and cultural institutions. The Third Avenue Business Improvement District also administers merchant organizations in Port Morris along Bruckner Boulevard to 138th Street. MISSION Our mission is to keep one of New York City’s most trafficked commercial districts clean, safe, attractive and well programmed for businesses, employees, community residents, and visitors while leading a mission-driven campaign to demand equity for the South Bronx.

The 1 Bronx Pride Festival culminates on June 23, 2019 at 149th Street and Third Avenue in the Bronx with a multi-block street festival that celebrates the diversity of the borough. The festival feeds on the energy of workshops, trainings, gallery openings, street performance, and film screenings which lead to performances on two stages and at Roberto Clemente Plaza.

The 1 Bronx Pride Festival is more then just a one-day event. The festival's purpose is to celebrate and empower area residents and neighbors through a series of community-based productions which then culminate in a spectacular multi-block street festival on Sunday, June 23, 2019. The festival and events leading up to it promote inclusivity, community, awareness, and empowerment.


3rd   Pride Flag Raising + 
Pride Lighting of Bronx Buildings 851 Grand Concourse Bronx, New York

4th   LGBT Film Screening 
2825 Third Avenue, 3rd Floor Bronx, New York 10455

5th   Bronx Borough President and Allies LGBT Pride Celebration, 
6:00pm Billy's Sports Bar River Avenue at 161st Street

13th   Para Roberto: Cultura, 6:00pm 
Salsa Night on Roberto Clemente Plaza 

21st   Strike a Pose - Cocktails and Culture Bronx Museum of the Arts 
1040 Grand Concourse Bronx, NY 10456

22nd   My Big GAY Bronx Brunch Suyo 
1401 Plaza Drive Bronx, New York 10452

23rd 1 Bronx Pride Rally, March and Festival 
Rally: Bronx Borough Hall
March: 161st Street to Third Avenue Festival: 
149th Street and Third Avenue

Bronx Pride Festival
    149th + third Avenue

A production of the Third Avenue Business Improvement District.

Third Avenue Expands Hate Has No Business Here Campaign The Third Avenue Business Improvement District in partnership with 21 business improvement districts throughout New York City and the New York City Commission on Human Rights is humbled to expand the Hate Has No Business Here Campaign. The campaign has a simple message: to inspire a conversation to combat narratives that purport racism, xenophobia, homophobia, and misogyny, especially as they impact our City’s small business community. The campaign includes small business trainings center on cultural competency and inclusivity. #NOHATEHERE

June Happenings at The Bronx Jewish Center

  Please join us for our next community Shabbat dinner at the Bronx Jewish Center,1969 Haight Avenue,Bx NY 10461 to be held on Friday, June 7th starting at 7:00 PM. The special theme for that evening will be Shabbat in Thailand... Yes, That"s right Thailand.   All of your favorite Thai  style  dishes will take center stage!  We look forward to seeing you! Enjoy a delicious 4 course dinner with your fellow neighbors.Turn your Friday night Shabbat into an evening of spiritual awakening, inspiration, Jewish songs and culinary delight.  Please RSVP@718-812-1701 to let us know you are coming . Community Shabbat dinners are held the first Friday of every month.

Then on Sunday June 9th at  11:00 am there will be a reading of the Ten Commandments followed by a dairy Brunch  celebrating the holiday  of Shavout at  the B J C. The word Shavout means"weeks". Shavout celebrates the completion of the seven week counting period between Passover and Shavout. The Torah was given by G-d to the Jewish people on Mount Sinai on Shavout  more than 3300 years ago. Every year on the holiday  of Shavout we renew our acceptance of G-d's gift  and G-d's re-gives the Torah.The giving of the Torah was a far -reaching spiritual event ,one that  touched the essence of the Jewish soul for all time.
Please joins us for these TWO beautiful events .Please RSVP@718-812-1701 to let us know you are coming . Community Shabbat dinners are held the first Friday of every month.

Address: 1969 Haight Avenue Bx NY 10461
Cost: Free of charge and all are welcome to join!
Telephone:  #718-812-1701

Saturday, June 1, 2019

Comptroller Stringer, State Senator Krueger and Assemblymember Linda B. Rosenthal Introduce Legislation to Raise Awareness of Rent Freeze Program for Seniors and People With Disabilities

State legislation would require that a tenant be given formal notice on potential eligibility for SCRIE and DRIE rental assistance program
Bill would assist many seniors and people with disabilities living on limited incomes and facing high rent burden
New bill could help up to 26,000 seniors and people with disabilities access rental assistance
  New York City Comptroller Scott M. Stringer, State Senator Liz Krueger and Assemblymember Linda B. Rosenthal announced the introduction of new legislation (A.7730) to raise awareness of the Senior Citizen Rent Increase Exemption (SCRIE) and Disabled Rent Increase Exemption (DRIE) programs that assist seniors and New Yorkers with disabilities who are living on limited incomes in making rent payments. The legislation would require that seniors and tenants with disabilities be given formal notice of potential eligibility for the program at the same time as they receive routine communications from landlords or government agencies regarding such issues as an application for a rent adjustment due to a major capital improvement, a rent increase, or notice of a new lease or renewal of a lease. The programs enable income eligible tenants to have their rents frozen at one-third of their incomes, or the rent paid on the lease before they applied, whichever is greater. Both SCRIE and DRIE are under-enrolled, with less than half of all potential beneficiaries registered in the program. The legislation introduced today would help bolster enrollment in these critical programs and ensure more who qualify for assistance actually receive it.
“We need to help the New Yorkers who built up our communities and ensure they can afford to stay here, with access to affordable housing that will allow them to age in place and thrive in their golden years.” said New York City Comptroller Scott M. Stringer. “That’s why we must tackle our City’s affordability crisis head-on by providing direct support to New Yorkers with disabilities and our City’s seniors — those who are struggling the most to make their monthly rental payments. Increasing enrollment in the SCRIE and DRIE programs is a much-needed subsidy that must be extended to serve every New Yorker that needs it. As the original sponsor of DRIE legislation during my time in the New York State Assembly, I want to thank State Senator Liz Krueger and Assemblymember Linda Rosenthal for sponsoring this important legislation and for working to ensure that our most vulnerable tenants receive the rental assistance they need to make ends meet.”
”The SCRIE and DRIE programs have allowed thousands of older New Yorkers and people with disabilities to stay in their homes and age in place with dignity,” said State Senator Liz Krueger. “But thousands more are struggling to pay the rent without even knowing these programs exist. This bill ensures that some of our most vulnerable neighbors will get the vital information they need to ease their rent burden. Thank you to Comptroller Stringer and Assemblymember Rosenthal for championing this important effort.”
“The Rent Freeze Program is a critical lifeline for this city’s senior and disabled tenants, but only if senior and disabled tenants know it exists,” said Assemblymember Linda B. Rosenthal. “This bill will help promote awareness of the existence of the Rent Freeze program, and provide so many vulnerable tenants with desperately needed rent relief. I look forward to working with Comptroller Stringer and State Senator Krueger to see this bill become law.”
The new bill stems from a 2017 report by Comptroller Stringer, entitled “Aging with Dignity: A Blueprint for Serving NYC’s Growing Senior Population,” which outlined recommendations regarding the City’s plan to respond to changing demographics on a neighborhood-by-neighborhood basis to better serve New York City’s growing senior population. One of the proposals in the report was to help promote awareness of the City’s SCRIE and DRIE programs to freeze rent levels for eligible seniors and New Yorkers with disabilities struggling to pay their monthly rent.
S.6210/A.7730 also requires routine communication from landlords or government agencies such as an annual certification required by Section 31 of the Private Housing Finance Law, a lease rider, a lease containing an escalator clause, a maximum base rent adjustment or heating fuel cost adjustment, or an annual or otherwise periodic 2.2 percent rent increase for buildings receiving benefits pursuant to Section 421a of the Real Property Tax Law, to include formal notices about potential eligibility for SCRIE or DRIE.
To qualify for the SCRIE program, individuals must be 62 years of age or older, earn $50,000 or less annually, pay more than a third of their monthly income in rent, and reside in an apartment that is hotel-stabilized, Mitchell-Lama, rent-controlled, or rent-stabilized. New Yorkers with disabilities can qualify for the DRIE program if they are not able-bodied and are 62 years of age or younger. Based on New York City Department of Finance (DOF) data, in FY16, 59,524 persons were enrolled in SCRIE and 10,743 in DRIE compared to the population of an estimated 121,729 potentially eligible SCRIE recipients and 33,637 potential recipients eligible for DRIE. A notification expansion of this scale could increase SCRIE enrollment from its current 49 percent participation rate to approximately 70 percent, benefiting 26,000 seniors.
“Aging with Dignity: A Blueprint for Serving NYC’s Growing Senior Population” Report
Comptroller Stringer’s report, “Aging with Dignity: A Blueprint for Serving NYC’s Growing Senior Population,” outlined three main recommendations to address the needs of the City’s growing senior population including creating safe, healthy, and affordable housing options in which seniors can grow old; developing livable communities for seniors, and supporting the wellbeing of older New Yorkers. It also found that:
  • Between 2005 and 2015, the City’s population of adults over 65 increased by about 182,000 – from approximately 947,000 to 1.13 million – a rise of more than 19 percent
  • In 2015, adults over 65 composed about 13.2 percent of the City’s population, up from about 11.9 percent in 2005 with the population being most significant in Brooklyn, followed by Queens, Manhattan, the Bronx, and Staten Island
  • Between 2005 and 2015, the number of working seniors in New York City grew by 62 percent, and during that same time, the share of seniors in New York City’s labor force grew from 13 percent to 17 percent
  • Over 40 percent of New York City senior-headed households depend on government programs (including Social Security) for more than half of their income, while more than 30 percent depend on these programs for three-quarters of their income
  • A higher percentage of seniors receive government assistance than the general population:
    • Nutrition assistance (25.5 percent)
    • Supplemental Security Income (14.6 percent)
  • Seniors are more likely to pay in excess of 30 percent of their income on housing than the total population, regardless of whether they rent or own their homes

Luchese Soldier Convicted Of Racketeering And Illegal Gambling Offenses

 Geoffrey S. Berman, the United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York, announced that EUGENE CASTELLE, a/k/a “Boobsie,” was found guilty of conspiracy to commit racketeering and operation of an illegal gambling business following a two-week trial before U.S. District Judge Alvin K. Hellerstein.

Manhattan U.S. Attorney Geoffrey S. Berman said:  “For years, Eugene Castelle used intimidation and threats of violence to line his pockets as a member of the Luchese Family of La Cosa Nostra.  Castelle now stands convicted of serious federal crimes.  Together with our law enforcement partners, we will continue to investigate and prosecute members of the Mafia.”
According to the allegations contained in the Indictment and the evidence presented in court during the trial:
Between 2012 and January 2018, CASTELLE acted as a soldier in the Luchese Family of La Cosa Nostra, often referred to as the Mafia.  CASTELLE used his position in the Luchese Family to receive thousands of dollars, over multiple years, from a large-scale illegal sports betting business operating through off-shore websites in Costa Rica.  CASTELLE protected the business from other members of the Mafia, used threats of violence to collect debts owed to the business, and extorted the bookmaker for annual payments of “tribute.”  CASTELLE also committed other racketeering acts, such as holding a “no show” job as a carpenter at a construction project where he was paid a carpenter’s wages for many months without ever settting foot on the jobsite. 
CASTELLE, 59, of Staten Island, New York, was found guilty of one count of conspiracy to commit racketeering, which carries a maximum potential sentence of 20 years in prison, and one count of operation of an illegal gambling business, which carries a maximum potential sentence of five years.  The jury acquitted CASTELLE of one count of attempted extortion.  The maximum potential sentences are prescribed by Congress and are provided here for informational purposes only, as any sentence of the defendant will be determined by the judge.  CASTELLE is scheduled to be sentenced by Judge Hellerstein on September 20, 2019. 
Mr. Berman praised the outstanding investigative work of the Department of Homeland Security - Homeland Security Investigations, the Department of Labor, the Diplomatic Security Service, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the New York City Police Department, and the Special Agents of the United States Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of New York.  Mr. Berman also thanked the Kings County District Attorney’s Office for their assistance in the investigation.