Thursday, November 18, 2021

Leader Of International Cellphone Fraud Scheme Arrested


 Damian Williams, United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York, and Ricky J. Patel, Acting Special Agent in Charge of the New York Field Office of the Homeland Security Investigations (“HSI”), announced today the arrest of JUAN S. CORDERO, who is charged with leading a fraud ring operating in the United States and the Dominican Republic in which co-conspirators fraudulently purchased iPhones that were billed to compromised accounts of AT&T Wireless (“AT&T”) customers.  CORDERO was apprehended by authorities in the Dominican Republic and transported to the Southern District of New York, where he will be presented later today.  He is the eighth and final defendant arrested on an Indictment that charges CORDERO, DANIEL A. TORRES, ALEKSEY SERYY, RARNIERY MOLINA, a/k/a “Eddy,” ADAEL ARIEL FIGARO, SALAH SAL ALTAWEEL, JOSE F. CORDERO, and JEANCARLOS URENA with conspiracy to commit wire fraud, wire fraud, and aggravated identity theft.  The case is assigned to United States District Judge Alvin K. Hellerstein.

U.S. Attorney Damian Williams said: “As alleged, Juan S. Cordero and his co-conspirators obtained millions of dollars’ worth of iPhones after customers were deceived into providing PIN codes needed to complete the fraudulent transactions.  Now, each defendant has been arrested and charged with serious crimes, and the international scheme has been disconnected.”

HSI Acting Special Agent in Charge Ricky J. Patel said: “This arrest closes the final chapter of an alleged fraud network operating in New York and the Dominican Republic that used modern technology to steal and monetize personal information.  The co-conspirators’ alleged activities left a trail of unsuspecting victims across the United States and caused significant business losses.  HSI prides itself on its ability to couple traditional investigative techniques with cutting edge technical skills to combat cybercrime.”

As alleged in the Indictment[1]:

From at least in or around February 2016 up to and including in or around June 2020, the defendants participated in a criminal fraud ring (the “Fraud Ring”) based in the United States and the Dominican Republic.  Participants in the Fraud Ring sought to obtain iPhones and other electronic devices by billing the devices to the wireless service accounts of victim account holders without the account holders’ knowledge or consent.

To effectuate the scheme, the Fraud Ring obtained personally identifying information (“PII”) belonging to AT&T customers in one of two ways:

First, the Fraud Ring purchased from the dark web account information, such as usernames and passwords, belonging to AT&T customers.  Having purchased the username and password belonging to a particular AT&T customer, a member of the Fraud Ring was able to log into the account of that customer and add a co-conspirator as an authorized user.  In order to complete the addition of an authorized user, a member of the Fraud Ring also had to obtain the resulting confirmatory PIN code sent by AT&T to the true customer.  To do so, a member of the Fraud Ring purporting to be an AT&T representative called the customer.  When placing these calls, the Fraud Ring used Voice Over Internet Protocol (“VOIP”) Technology, which enables a caller to insert a chosen telephone number into the originating caller field.  Often the Fraud Ring input numbers affiliated with, or closely related to, AT&T customer service telephone numbers, leading unsuspecting customers to provide their PIN codes based on their belief that they were communicating with representatives of AT&T.

Alternatively, the Fraud Ring obtained PII of customer accounts through password reset requests.  Using this method, a member of the Fraud Ring, purporting to be an AT&T representative, typically placed a VOIP call to a particular wireless customer and alerted the customer to a forthcoming PIN code.  At that point, while still on the line with the AT&T customer, a member of the Fraud Ring reset the password on that customer’s account and asked the customer to recite the PIN code just sent via text message.  Having obtained the PIN code, the Fraud Ring then changed the password of the customer’s account and added a co-conspirator as an authorized user.

Next, the member of the Fraud Ring whose name had been added to a particular customer account entered either an AT&T retail location or a retailer of iPhones and electronic devices registered to the AT&T network.  Once at the retail location, that member of the Fraud Ring purchased one or more electronic devices, typically iPhones cost at least $1000 each.  The cost of the devices would be charged to the customer account, while the member of the Fraud Ring making the purchase paid only the taxes and processing fees.

Members of the Fraud Ring made in-store purchases of iPhones and other electronic devices from retailers in the Southern District of New York and elsewhere in New York, and in 45 other states.  Once purchased, the iPhones were sold to buyers nationwide.

Following the re-sale of the fraudulently obtained iPhones, co-conspirators wired money to other co-conspirators across the country and in the Dominican Republic.

Over the course of the conspiracy, the Fraud Ring billed over 4,800 iPhones and other electronic devices to AT&T customer accounts, resulting in over $4 million in customer losses, which were ultimately absorbed by AT&T.

Mr. Williams praised the outstanding investigative work of HSI.

The charges contained in the Indictment are merely accusations, and the defendants are presumed innocent unless and until proven guilty.     

[1] As the introductory phrase signifies, the entirety of the text of the Indictment, and the description of the Indictment set forth herein, constitute only allegations, and every fact described should be treated as an allegation.



Mayor presents first community-funded donation to kindergarteners at Brooklyn Gardens Elementary in East New York and kicks off an end-of year giving drive for NYC Baby Bonds’ Community Scholarships


Community Scholarships advance City’s work to reduce the racial wealth gap, expanding educational and economic opportunity for all students

 Mayor de Blasio today celebrated the first Community Scholarship donation since the citywide roll-out of New York City’s universal “Baby Bonds” program and kicked off the end-of-year giving drive for the Community Scholarshipspresenting “baby bonds” and the first Community Scholarships to kindergartners at Brooklyn Gardens Elementary School in East New York.  Community Scholarships  — a core component of the program — can help confront the racial generational wealth gap and enable local organizations, businesses, neighbors, and other institutions to contribute to students’ college savings accounts and directly invest in every child’s success.


This administration began with a vision – improving and expanding the education of our youngest learners,” said Mayor Bill de Blasio. “With Pre-K for All, 3-K for All and Universal Literacy we guaranteed access for all our kids to quality early education and the skills needed to succeed. The expansion of universal Baby Bonds is a historic bookend to this investment, and ensures our children have the resources to thrive. Now, with Community Scholarships, every community can get involved, invest in their children and help build a more equitable future for generations to come.”


A contribution to the “baby bonds” program is an excellent way to say to our children:  You are valued and worthy of investment. With these bonds, a child has the beginning infrastructure to shape a dream,” said First Lady Chirlane McCray. “These investments help guarantee that struggling families get a measurably significant head start in saving for college or training programs for post high-school careers. The Community Scholarship fund says clearly to our children and their families: we believe in you and we believe in your future.” 


"The City's "baby bonds" program demonstrates that it is possible to address racial disparities in college access through collective investment and innovative policymaking, said Deputy Mayor for Strategic Policy Initiatives J. Phillip Thompson. "The Taskforce on Racial Inclusion & Equity was proud to announce this program expansion via the Juneteenth Economic Justice plan, and I congratulate the kindergarteners and their families at Brooklyn Gardens who are receiving their funds today."


“This is an historic investment in the future of New York City’s students and will provide every child with the opportunities, resources, and support they need to achieve their dreams. I’m grateful to our partners at NYC Kids Rise and the community’s support for helping us make this a reality for every kindergarten student citywide,” said Schools Chancellor Meisha Porter.


“Community Scholarships provide a vehicle for all communities to invest in young people and reinforce expectations for college and career,” said Sideya Sherman, Executive Director, Taskforce on Racial Inclusion and Equity, and EVP for Community Engagement & Partnerships, NYCHA. “We are grateful to our partners at NYC Kids Rise and the Gray Foundation for helping us to build a foundation that will shift generational outcomes for families across our city.


Earlier this year, the Mayor announced a citywide expansion of the NYC Kids RISE Save for College Program, as part of the Taskforce on Racial Inclusion & Equity’s Juneteenth Economic Justice plan. As the Program rolls out this school year, individual donors and community groups are stepping up to drive additional dollars to students. This contribution will double the City’s seed investment of $100 for every kindergarten student at Brooklyn Gardens Elementary School with an NYC Scholarship Account, and kicks off an end-of year giving drive.


In partnership with the Mayor’s Fund, the City is calling on businesses, organizations, institutions, and individuals to contribute to the end-of-year giving drive for Community Scholarships and help make college and career success attainable for all students. 100% of proceeds will go directly into student’s accounts through NYC Kids RISE. Research suggests that children with a college savings account of just $1-$500 are three times more likely to go to college and more than four times more likely to graduate.


Through an initial $15M investment from the Gray Foundation, New York City is the first major city in the nation to implement this groundbreaking model for community wealth building that provides ways for stakeholders within each neighborhood and across the city—including schools, CBOs, local businesses, the private sector, and philanthropic organizations— to contribute to asset-building and promote community-wide expectations for students’ success from their first days of school.


Many communities of color and low-income communities have been excluded from opportunities to build wealth. Through the Save for College program, every public-school kindergartner (including at participating charter schools) now has an opportunity to build assets for college and career training after high school, and all New Yorkers have a vehicle to tangibly support the educational future of children in their community.


“As a parent, I know thinking about the future of our children can be stressful—especially if you might not be able to afford the cost of higher education,” said Department of Consumer and Worker Protection Commissioner Peter A. Hatch. “The expansion of this program from an idea here at DCWP years ago to what is now a citywide program to help all public school students is truly an invaluable investment in the future of our city. By making higher education more equitable and attainable, we empower the next generation to be free from the burden of student loan debt."


“The Baby Bonds program will be a historic investment in higher education for New York’s children and will ensure a brighter future for all, no matter your zip code,” said Daniele Baierlein and Jorge Luis Paniagua Valle, Co-Executive Directors of the Mayor's Fund to Advance New York City. “We look forward to the continued partnership with the City, NYC Kids RISE, local organizations, businesses, and our neighbors to make higher education a reality for all New York students.” 


“Community Scholarships are a key pillar of the Save For College Program and send an important message to our city’s children: they have a broad-base of supporters invested in their future,” said Dana Zucker, NYC Kids RISE Board Chair and Executive Director of the Gray Foundation. “This initiative from the Mayor’s Fund serves as an example of how New Yorkers from every corner of the city can get involved to expand opportunities for all of our children. We are pleased to partner with the Mayor and the City of New York, Chancellor Porter and the NYC Department of Education, and the Task Force on Racial Inclusion and Equity to continue building meaningful financial assets for the future of children across the city


“The Save for College Program has been designed to allow every part of a child’s community – from schools, to local businesses, to civic organizations and places of worship – to come together to show support for their children and invest in their futures together,” said Debra-Ellen Glickstein, Executive Director of NYC Kids RISE. “Community Scholarships, such as the one announced today from the Mayor’s Fund, are vital to that process. By visibly and tangibly demonstrating citywide support for every child’s future, we send a clear message to our children that we are behind them every step of the way on their college and career journey. We look forward to continuing this public-private-community partnership to help ensure students and families have access to the tools to build wealth, reinforce expectations of success for all our children, and prepare them for their educational and economic futures.”


"The Community Scholarship Fund is an ideal vehicle for people in all walks of life to come together in support of NYC's children, providing not just financial support, but also the strong message that the city has their back, and believes in possibilities for all of our city's children," said Matthew Klein, executive director of the Mayor's Office for Economic Opportunity. "The universal expansion of Kids Rise has created a true platform for community building and investment in one another."

Governor Hochul Announces Advancement of Program to Deploy More Than 50,000 New EV Charging Ports Across the State


 PSC Votes to Advance 'EV Make-Ready' Program to Incentivize Utilities and Charging Port Makers to Place Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure Where it Benefits the Public

Accelerated Deployment of More than 50,000 Public and Commercial Charging Ports — Including 1,500 DC Fast Charging Ports — by 2025 Will Increase NY's Non-Residential Charging Ports by Tenfold

Program Stimulates $1.5 Billion in New Investment, Provides More Than $2.6 Billion in Consumer Benefits
Provides Economic Opportunities with $206 Million Dedicated to Benefit Disadvantaged Communities

 Governor Kathy Hochul today announced utility companies can fully implement New York's groundbreaking electric vehicle infrastructure program known as "EV Make-Ready," which will deploy more than 50,000 new public and commercial Level 2 charging ports across the state by 2025 — increasing the number of non-residential charging ports in New York State by more than tenfold within four years.

The announcement follows the State Public Service Commission approving the accounting rules by which all of the major investor-owned utilities in New York State — Central Hudson Gas & Electric Corporation, Consolidated Edison Company of New York, Inc., New York State Electric & Gas Corporation, National Grid, Orange and Rockland Utilities, Inc. and Rochester Gas and Electric Corporation — can continue to implement the program. 

"New York leads the nation in clean energy innovation to combat climate change and bring environmental justice to impacted communities, and today's decision brings us one step closer to a greener, emission-free future," Governor Hochul said. "The EV Make-Ready program is designed to help electrify our transportation sector and support our mandate that all new passenger cars and trucks sold in the state by 2035 be zero-emission, while making sure all New Yorkers benefit from cleaner air and the creation of new, well-paying jobs."

The EV Make-Ready program provides funding for the infrastructure required to support more than 50,000 new public and commercial Level 2 charging ports, capable of charging a vehicle at least two times faster than a standard wall outlet, and 1,500 public DC (direct current) fast charger ports in New York in recognition of the essential role that public fast charging ports will play in the near term to allay range anxiety. Before the program began, there were 4,571 publicly accessible chargers statewide. This program will increase the number of publicly accessible chargers in New York State more than tenfold.

The EV Make-Ready program is funded by investor-owned utilities in New York State and creates a cost-sharing program that incentivizes utilities and charging port developers to site electric vehicle charging infrastructure in places that will provide a maximal benefit to consumers. The Commission capped the total budget at $701 million and it will run through 2025, with a minimum of $206 million allocated toward equitable access and benefits for lower-socio-economic and disadvantaged communities.  EV charging ports in disadvantaged communities are eligible for a higher incentive, supporting up to 100 percent of the costs to make a site ready for EV charging. Rules governing the EV Make-Ready program have been in effect on a temporary basis since Jan. 1, 2021. Today's decision makes those rules permanent.

Encouraging private investment in publicly accessible fast-charging ports will stimulate the EV market in New York over the coming years. While the initial focus was on funding projects located in communities served by investor-owned utilities, the Commission said that the objectives to advance the state's transportation electrification goals, expand access to clean transportation, and reduce emissions in disadvantaged communities are relevant across the entire state.

Public Service Commission Chair Rory M. Christian said, "We must rapidly electrify our transportation system in order to achieve a carbon-neutral economy. New York's clean energy initiatives and the investments planned for the years ahead will ensure that the infrastructure needed to meet our greenhouse reduction targets is in place."

The transportation sector is responsible for the largest contribution to greenhouse gas pollution in the country, with these emissions increasing more than any other sector over the last 30 years. Encouraging accelerated, forward-thinking development of charging infrastructure will provide New Yorkers with more than $2.6 billion in net benefits and supports the achievement of the State's transportation electrification and clean energy goals. Electrifying transportation will allow New Yorkers to power vehicles with cleaner energy sources, with renewables representing a growing portion of the state's electricity supply. Thoughtful siting of charging infrastructure will support reduced installation costs, improve site host-acceptance and maximize use from drivers.

The Long Island Power Authority (LIPA), with its service provider, PSEG Long Island, has announced a goal to support 180,000 new EVs on Long Island with 4,745 new EV charging ports by 2025, with a proposed investment of $89 million in make-ready infrastructure over the next four years.

Customers in Long Island and other regions of New York State that fall outside of the investor-owned utility service territories can leverage the innovative prize competition design and administrative capabilities developed by NYSERDA for the "New York Clean Transportation Prizes".

The Commission's objectives to advance the state's transportation electrification goals, expand access to clean transportation, and reduce emissions in disadvantaged communities should be pursued by all communities throughout the state, without regard to the particular electric service provider or regulatory framework that governs that service, and a coordinated, statewide approach is needed to meet the Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act (CLCPA) requirements, and that all New Yorkers should share in the benefits of the CLCPA.

The CLCPA includes the requirements that all state agencies prioritize greenhouse gas emissions reductions in disadvantaged communities and that no less than 35 percent of the overall benefits of spending on clean energy programs benefit disadvantaged communities. EV Make-Ready costs include utility-owned make-ready work, customer-owned make-ready work, make-ready implementation and other programs costs.

New York State's Nation-Leading Climate Plan

New York State's nation-leading climate agenda is the most aggressive climate and clean energy initiative in the nation, calling for an orderly and just transition to clean energy that creates jobs and continues fostering a green economy as New York State recovers from the COVID-19 pandemic. Enshrined into law through the Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act, New York is on a path to achieve its mandated goal of a zero-emission electricity sector by 2040, including 70 percent renewable energy generation by 2030, and to reach carbon neutrality. It builds on New York's unprecedented investments to ramp-up clean energy including over $21 billion in 91 large-scale renewable projects across the state, $6.8 billion to reduce buildings emissions, $1.8 billion to scale up solar, more than $1 billion for clean transportation initiatives, and over $1.2 billion in NY Green Bank commitments. Combined, these investments are supporting more than 150,000 jobs in New York's clean energy sector in 2019, a 2,100 percent growth in the distributed solar sector since 2011 and a commitment to develop 9,000 megawatts of offshore wind by 2035. With the Climate Act as its guide, New York will build on this progress and reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 85 percent from 1990 levels by 2050, while ensuring that at least 35 percent with a goal of 40 percent of the benefits of clean energy investments are directed to disadvantaged communities, and advance progress towards the state's 2025 energy efficiency target of reducing on-site energy consumption by 185 trillion BTUs of end-use energy savings.

Member Of International Movie Piracy Ring Pleads Guilty


 Damian Williams, the United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York, announced today the guilty plea of GEORGE BRIDI, a citizen of the United Kingdom, for his role in the Sparks Group, an international piracy group that illegally distributed movies and television shows on the Internet.  BRIDI pled guilty today before U.S. District Judge Richard M. Berman.

U.S. Attorney Damian Williams said: “As he admitted in court today, George Bridi participated in an international video piracy ring that illegally distributed worldwide on the Internet nearly every movie released by major production studios, as well as television shows.  Bridi circumvented copyright protections on DVDs and Blu-Ray discs to illegally share movies online, but he and his crew could not evade law enforcement scrutiny, and Bridi now awaits sentencing for his crime.”

As alleged in the Indictment and statements made in open court:

Between 2011 and the present, GEORGE BRIDI and others known and unknown were members of the Sparks Group, a criminal organization that disseminated on the Internet movies and television shows prior to their retail release date, including nearly every movie released by major production studios, after compromising the content’s copyright protections.

In furtherance of its scheme, the Sparks Group fraudulently obtained copyrighted DVDs and Blu-Ray discs from wholesale distributors in advance of their retail release date by, among other things, making various misrepresentations to the wholesale distributors concerning the reasons that they were obtaining the discs prior to the retail release date.  

Sparks Group members then used computers with specialized software to compromise the copyright protections on the discs, a process referred to as “cracking” or “ripping,” and to reproduce and encode the content in a format that could be easily copied and disseminated over the Internet.  Sparks Group members then uploaded copies of the copyrighted content onto servers controlled by the Sparks Group, where other members further reproduced and disseminated the content on streaming websites, peer-to-peer networks, torrent networks, and other servers accessible to public.  The Sparks Group identified its reproductions by encoding the filenames of reproduced copyrighted content with distinctive tags, and also uploaded photographs of the discs in their original packaging to demonstrate that the reproduced content originated from authentic DVDs and Blu-Ray discs.

BRIDI arranged for discs to be picked up, mailed, or delivered from distributors located in Manhattan, Brooklyn, and New Jersey to other members of the Sparks Group prior to their official release date.  BRIDI then reproduced, and aided and abetted the reproduction of, these discs by using computer software that circumvented copyright protections on the discs and reproducing the copyrighted content for further distribution on the Internet. 

The Sparks Group has caused tens of millions of dollars in losses to film production studios.                

BRIDI, 52, pled guilty to conspiracy to commit copyright infringement, which carries a maximum sentence of five years in prison.  The maximum potential sentence is prescribed by Congress and provided here for informational purposes only, as any sentencing of the defendants will be determined by the judge.

BRIDI is scheduled to be sentenced on January 20, 2022, at 12:00 p.m.

Mr. Williams praised the outstanding investigative work of Homeland Security Investigations and the U.S. Postal Inspection Service.  Mr. Williams also thanked Europol and Eurojust as well as law enforcement authorities in the following countries for their assistance in the investigation: Canada, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, Republic of Korea, Latvia, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom.

Morris Park Community Association Meeting


Wednesday night was the bi-monthly Morris Park Community Association meeting. The Meeting opened up with the Pledge of Allegiance, and went into the chairman's report. This was not a positive report as it was mentioned that quality of life issues have gone down with the current mayor and elected officials who voted for the No Cash Bail Law, which allows most criminals back on the street in hours, giving little or no protection to victims. The chair said the use of the center by the Board of Elections went well, the community had a local place to vote early, and the Association made a few dollars on the rental of the building. 

The 49th Police report was next with a report of three shootings on blocks near or around Columbus High School. It was said that at the moment it does not look like there was gang involvement. Officer Nicewitz the Sector A NCO officer introduced Sergeant Hines who is the supervisor of all the sectors, and NCO officers. Officer Nicewitz then warned not to leave your car running as someone can just jump in and steal your car. He also warned to be on your guard when seeing two people riding on a moped, as one might jump off to rob you, then jump back on to get away. 

The Morris Park Community Association Executive Board, (L - R) Elio Morales, Al D'Angelo, Yahey Obeid, and Lefty Negron.

Sector A NCO officer Patrick Nicewicz talks about what is going on police wise in the sector, and introduces New NCO Sergeant Hines.

49th Precinct NCO Sergeant Hines introduces himself, and gives his experience as a police officer. 



Killing Happened in Front of Victim’s Two Young Grandchildren Defendant Will Be Sentenced to 23 Years in Prison

 Bronx District Attorney Darcel D. Clark announced that a Yonkers man has pleaded guilty to first-degree Manslaughter for running over his estranged wife with a vehicle and stabbing her with a machete in front her two grandchildren in 2019. 

 District Attorney Clark said, “The defendant and the victim, his wife, had been estranged for approximately a month when he mercilessly killed her in front of her two young grandchildren and bystanders in broad daylight. The victim’s grandchildren not only had to deal with the loss of their grandmother, but also with immense trauma after witnessing such cruel events. He pleaded guilty and will be sentenced in January 2022 to 23 years prison.” 

 District Attorney Clark said the defendant, Victor Mateo, 65, last of 4 Eastman Place, Yonkers, N.Y., a former pastor at the Christian Congregation The Redeemer Church in the Bronx, pleaded guilty to first-degree Manslaughter on November 17, 2021 before Bronx Supreme Court Justice Margaret Clancy. He is due to be sentenced on January 5, 2022 to 23 years in prison and five years’ post-release supervision, with final orders of protection for the victim’s two grandchildren who witnessed the killing.

 According to the investigation, on the morning of October 3, 2019, the defendant parked his vehicle near the home of Noelia Mateo, 58, on Ellsworth Avenue in Throgs Neck. As the victim left her house to drive her grandchildren to school, Mateo struck her with his vehicle. The victim hid beneath her car, and the defendant got into her vehicle and ran her over with it. He then hacked her with a machete. The victim was taken to Jacobi Medical Center where she was pronounced dead shortly after arrival. Her grandchildren, who were 11 and nine years old at the time, witnessed the entire attack.

 The defendant fled the scene in the victim’s vehicle and was arrested on October 10, 2019 in Hazleton, Pennsylvania.

 District Attorney Clark also thanked NYPD Detective Francis Orlando from Bronx Homicide and NYPD Detective Kristopher Persaud of the 45th Precinct.

45 Days and Counting


Here is an old photo of me when I came into office. Notice the Equity and Excellence at work on the podium. My goal was to make every New York City public school the same so children could move from one area of the city to another being able to continue on the program that they learned in their previous school. 

There would be no more schools that were better than others, all schools would be on the same level. Now I plan to go around the state pushing my same program that has failed in New York City public schools. I have four working boroughs Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queen, and Staten Island, and the Bronx which continues to underperform in all eight years of my administration. That is why in my six year in office, I said that it is time I stopped to dump on the Bronx, then COVID hit, and took over.

Permits Filed For 128 West 167th Street In Highbridge, The Bronx


Permits have been filed for a seven-story residential building at 128 West 167th Street in Highbridge, The Bronx. Located between Ogden Avenue and Nelson Avenue, the lot is within walking distance of the 167th Street subway station, serviced by the 4 train. Zev Mayer of Skyrock NYC is listed as the owner behind the applications.

The proposed 75-foot-tall development will yield 25,176 square feet designated for residential space. The building will have 33 residences, most likely rentals based on the average unit scope of 762 square feet. The concrete-based structure will also have a 30-foot-long rear yard and ten open parking spaces.

Nikolai Katz Architect is listed as the architect of record.

Demolition permits were filed earlier this month for the two-story house on the property. An estimated completion date has not been announced.