Monday, August 16, 2021

142 Days and Counting - Vaccinated People Get to go Inside, Unvaccinated Outside.


Click on this list to enlarge it.
Here is the list of where Unvaccinated people can't go inside. We wanted to make sure that we made it so hard that people would get vaccinated. If you are unvaccinated and live in the city, now if you want to patronize a prostitute you have to do it out doors. You won't even be able to go grocery shopping if it has an indoor eating space, and forget about going into Starbucks or any other place to get some coffee unless you are vaccinated. 

We are now looking at giving a third vaccination to those who have low antibody levels or immune compromised systems. It doesn't matter if you had the virus and are immune to it now as two of my doctors have told the writer of this blog that he is immune to the COVID virus after having it 18 month ago, and continuing to have a high antibody level. We want everyone to get vaccinated so the manufacturers of the vaccine keep getting richer. The stock in these companies has gone up faster than a rocket to outer space. 

Now we all know we are going to die sooner or later, and let's see if the soon to be former governor is tried for allegedly killing all those people in nursing homes who were immune deficient when COVID patients were put in nursing homes. What is Andrew Cuomo going to say, oops. 

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