Monday, February 14, 2022

Former NYC Councilman Ruben Diaz Sr. - Who Is or Are The Intolerant?


You should know that there are some leaders within the Homosexual and Lesbian communities that don’t want to see Reverend and Ex-Council Member Fernando Cabrera to be hired, not even as a sweeper in the New York City Mayor's Office.
You should know that due to the opposition expressed by Rev. Fernando Cabrera, to same-sex marriage, in 2014, when he was in Uganda; he was accused of being intolerant, and homophobic by the Gay and Lesbian Communities.
Now in 2022, the Mayor of New York City has been forced to rescind/ withdraw his appointment of Rev. Cabrera as Commissioner and Head of The Mayor’s Office of Mental Health. Rev. Cabrera was hired to run said office which has an estimated budget of more than a one billion and a half dollars with many employees, under his supervision. But the Mayor was so pressured that he recanted and withdrew the appointment. 
However, as a result The Honorable Eric Adams, Mayor of the City of New York made another offer to Rev. Cabrera and instead offered him (as a "Consolation Prize") a position with less power and less importance to Rev. Cabrera.  But for the leaders of the "Gay" community this is not good enough.  You should know that they have once again opposed the Mayor’s actions by saying that they don’t even want to see Rev. Cabrera hired as a "street sweeper" in the government.
It is important that I remind you, my dear reader, that when I said on a Hispanic radio program, responding to concerns of the Livery/Taxi Drivers, that the Homosexual and Lesbian Communities had the power and control of the NYC City Council, they accused me of being “Intolerant, homophobic” and a slew of other hateful comments were made. As a result and demonstrating their power and control in the City Council they held a Hearing to have me expelled as a member of the City Council and to abolish the Taxi and Livery Committee I chaired. So just because I said that the Gay Community had "Power and Control” the Committee to help Taxi Drivers was eliminated by the majority voting in favor. 
Let it be known that not only was I prosecuted, but also thousands and thousands of taxi drivers were also negatively impacted with the elimination of the Taxi Drivers Committee and all because I chaired it and all because I stated my opinion.  
Today, history and the intolerance of the left repeats itself. Apparently, time has proved me right and I have been vindicated when we see that Mayor Adams, is pressured, and forced to reject his appointment of Rev. Fernando Cabrera because leaders of the Homosexual and Lesbian Communities demand letting it be known that don’t even want Rev. Cabrera to be hired as a " Street Sweeper" .
You should Know that when Alexandra Ocasio Cortes (AOC) was elected to the Congress, she is part of a leftist/socialist group called "The Squad". Everyone in this group is socialist and they have pushed the Democratic Party further to the left demanding that the Party submit to the wishes of "The Squad."
The mainstream news media, and social media have publicly acknowledged that Congresswoman Alexandra Cortes, and the Socialist members of Congress, control the Democratic Party and have openly expressed that within this city the African American Community controls the government.  I have yet to hear any elected officials, Special interest groups, criticize those that claim that Congresswoman (AOC) and (The Squad) control and have power over the Democratic Party, but I was vilified when I said the Gay community controlled and had power in the City Council. So, what’s the difference? 
So, who is intolerant? When tolerance and equality is demanded, it must be reciprocal and set by example!  Every public official who remains silent before acts of Discrimination and Intolerance launched against Christians and people of Faith are guilty of what they themselves demand.
Remember Ladies and Gentlemen, that when they dismantled the Committee of Taxi Drivers, shamefully only one Council Member of the 51, the Honorable Councilman Chaim Deutch, voted against. All the rest showed their Intolerance, and in their Intolerance, punished not only me, but also thousands and thousands of Livery/Taxi Drivers and their families.   So, the question is Who really is or are intolerant? 
I am the Ex-Senator and Ex-Councilman Rev. Rubén Diaz Sr., and this is What You Should Know.

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