Thursday, February 17, 2022




"It’s no surprise that today’s New York Democratic Convention functioned as a coronation for Kathy Hochul. But it’s an unfortunate reminder that while the governor may have changed last year, the power structures within the party and the state that enabled him are very much intact. We cannot take the risk of trying to return to the old ways in this moment– we need to build a new normal, and a new kind of Democrat to guide us there. Our goal at this event should be to uplift Democratic candidates, Democratic voters, and democratic values– instead, the leadership of the party has worked incessantly to shield the current power structures, status quo and power brokers from any dissenting voices.

"In spite of that, I’m proud that our campaign received double the amount of support at this year’s convention than we did four years ago, when we ultimately came within 7% of victory despite being outspent by the party machine by a factor of 10. I’m running to challenge the systems in place and represent 20 million New Yorkers across the state, not the deep-pocketed donors and special interests that paid the governor $20 million dollars to preserve the status quo. I’m an organizer by training and in the politics I practice, and so I’m excited to begin the petitioning process, fueled by the people power of our growing grassroots coalition. It’s an opportunity to meet New Yorkers where they are and hear about the issues they face, without charging them tens of thousands of dollars for access. I’m not going to let the way things have always been stand in the way of what they can be, a vision I’ll continue to share with New Yorkers."

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