Monday, June 3, 2024

Congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez Town Hall Meeting


Thursday May 30th 14th District Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez held a Town Hall meeting before a sparsely attended audience in Parkchester. The Town Hall meeting that was also online started a little over half an hour after the Donald Trump verdict came in, with the congresswoman saying that she couldn't have timed the opening of her Town Hall meeting better by giving an update of the guilty verdict by the jury.

Congresswoman Ocasio-Cortes then went into the agenda of the Town Hall of seven items, and first up was Community project funding, where she spoke about getting over twelve million dollars in funding for a violence prevention community center in Astoria Queens, a youth center in Coop-City, a warehouse for fresh local produce in Hunts Point, improvements to Westchester Square, and enhancements to public libraries and public housing. 

The second Item was twenty-three billion dollars over ten year for her New Green Deal for Public Housing. Third was the American Climate Corps to focus on creating new jobs to help stop climate change. Fourth was the Defiance Act against AI generated fake sexually explicit content about someone without their permission. Fifth was the IRS Direct File to save people money from having tax companies fill out taxes for a fee, whereas the IRS would file your taxes for free. Sixth was the congresswoman's call for a ceasefire between Palestine and Israel,  which she said she had called for after Israel struck back at Hamas. Seventh and last was the Student Debt Relief where up to $35,000.00 of a student loan have been forgiven totaling $4.75 million dollar so far, helping 160,000 people with their outstanding student loans. 

Congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez said she has been in congress for six years now and we need to make it easier to become a U.S. citizen, and it is congress that writes the laws of becoming a citizen of the United States. While she was talking the congresswoman was heckled by one of the people in the audience about what he called illeagls. The congresswoman was asked why she was not debating her Democratic opponent in the June 25th primary, and she responded that he doesn't live in the district like she does. After mentioning that she would like to see better transportation between Queens and the Bronx, saying one has to go through Manhattan to go between the two boroughs she represents, and that she would like the proposed Brooklyn-Queens light rail to extend into the Bronx. The congresswoman was then heckled again on her immigration position, and left after only forty-five minutes. 

Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez waits to be introduced by one of her staffers.

Congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez goes through the seven items she was going to speak about at the Town Hall meeting.

After the congresswoman spoke on all seven agenda items she took a couple of questions. 

When the congresswoman spoke on immigration she was heckled by this man who called the migrants illegals.

After being heckled again by the same man, and asked why she was not debating her Democratic primary opponent, the congresswoman said her opponent does not live in the district like she does, and then said good-bye. 

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