Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Cox: Biden's Immigration Order an Election Year Stunt; Hochul should be Embarrassed

 New NYSGOP logo 2023

NYGOP Chair Ed Cox released the following statement:

"Joe Biden's executive order is an insincere election year stunt designed to fail, as it invokes a Trump-era immigration action successfully challenged in court by the ACLU. The ACLU has already promised legal action against the Biden Administration. As Congressman Lawler put it earlier today, this is 'election-year politics, plain and simple.'

"If he were serious, President Biden would reinstate President Trump's 'Remain in Mexico' policy, which Biden got rid of, and which successfully and legally had curbed the flood of illegal migrants on our southern border.
"Kathy Hochul should be embarrassed to have been a part of this charade, which will do nothing to stem the flow of illegal migrants into New York."

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