Tuesday, June 18, 2024


Order Allows Undocumented Spouses of U.S. Citizens Who Have Lived in U.S. for 10 Years to Work Legally, Includes Pathway to Work Visas for Some DACA Recipients  

New York City Mayor Eric Adams today released the following statement after President Joe Biden issued an executive order expanding work authorization for long-time undocumented immigrants after Mayor Adams and Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson, in May, led a coalition of 40 Cities for Action mayors in calling for expanded work authorization for long-term undocumented immigrants. The letter argued that extending work authorization would be an economic benefit to the entire nation: 


Today, I want to thank and congratulate President Biden, Vice President Harris, and the Biden administration for the bold, compassionate leadership they have shown over the past few weeks.  


“New York City is a city of immigrants, and over the past two centuries, millions have come to our city, and our country, in pursuit of the American Dream. They didn’t expect it to be handed to them — they came to work for it. 


“Today, President Biden has brought that dream a step closer to reality for so many once again. The executive orders the president has issued over the past few weeks will bring order to the border, relief to cities across the country, and opportunity to millions who have had to work under-the-table, far too often in dangerous jobs that don’t pay living wages because the employees were not able to work legally. And the people helped by today’s executive order are our neighbors, our community leaders, and our parents. They have been in the United States for years, paying taxes and enriching the fabric of our country. 


“While President Biden’s executive orders over the past weeks will be a tremendous help, the fact remains that extreme Republicans in Congress have refused to pass any form of comprehensive immigration reform or appropriate the funding that cities like New York need. The time for Congress to put politics aside and reform our immigration system is now. Millions of immigrants, thousands of businesses, and a nation built by those who came to our shores ready to work for a better life demand it. 


“In the coming months, we will continue our conversation with President Biden and his administration to extend access to work authorization for the more than 200,000 migrants and asylum seekers who have come to New York City in the past two years asking us for support — more than 65,000 of whom are still in our care.” 


Legal, authorized work leads to higher wages and reduced exploitation, enhancing workplace safety and dignity. By extending work authorizations to millions today, the Biden-Harris administration is taking a significant step towards supporting these valuable community members that contribute extensively to the U.S. workforce and economy. This initiative is supported by more than 80 members of Congress; the American Business Immigration Coalition’s more than 300 employers, CEOs, and associations; andlabor organizations like UNITE HERE, the Teamsters, and SEIU. 

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