Wednesday, June 19, 2024

The Ali Forney Center - Honoring Juneteenth: The Ongoing Fight for Equality


Each June 19th, the day on which news of emancipation reached the last group of enslaved African Americans in Texas, we reflect on the ongoing struggle for equality and justice. We reflect on the importance of resilience, hope, and the complexities that underscore the fight for equality.

At the Ali Forney Center, we are well aware that this fight for justice is far from over. Our mission is to protect LGBTQ+ youth from the harms of homelessness and empower their futures – a pursuit intrinsically connected to the intersecting challenges of racism, homophobia, and transphobia. 90% of the clients who arrive at our doors are Black youth and young people of color who face systemic barriers that perpetuate cycles of poverty, discrimination, and homelessness.

The fight against these systemic challenges requires hope, resilience, and community. It is our collective responsibility to ensure that the freedoms celebrated on Juneteenth are fully realized for everyone, regardless of race, sexual orientation, or gender identity.

This Juneteenth, we ask you for your support and solidarity. Only together can we work to build a future where all are guaranteed opportunities to safe, affirming, and successful futures.

Thank you for your unwavering commitment to justice and equality.


Your Friends at the Ali Forney Center

Happy Juneteenth!

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