Monday, September 2, 2024


By: Rev. Rubén Diaz

Bronx, New York
You should know that the closer we get to Tuesday, November 5th, the day when the voters have the opportunity to exercise their right to vote, the more confusion seems to exist in the minds of New York State Voters.
It is important for you to know that while all attention is focused on Donald Trump and Kamala Harris, in New York State Voters will have the opportunity to vote for 2 propositions, on the ballots, that are just as important and perhaps more important to the people of faith and the residents of the State of New York. These Propositions can have great implications on our families, and our way of life.
You should know that the Elections of Tuesday, November 5, (although it will be possible to vote as early as September) there are two Propositions on the ballots that every Citizen, Parents of minor Children, People with Moral Principles and God-fearing Christians have and should be aware of when they go out to Vote. It is important that you as a voter, Vote "NO" on both Propositions 1 and 2. For the sake of this article I will at this time address Proposition # 1.
Proposition #1 proposes to amend the New York State Constitution to include language which legally authorizes the abortion of an unborn baby as late as the 9th month. As you may know, the Federal Government, under Conservative Justices, appointed by Donald J. Trump to the Supreme Court, overturned “Roe vs Wade, which returned the issue of abortion to the individual states and their residents. Abortions are now in the hands of the states and their people.
According to the decision of the U.S. Supreme Court, Abortion should not be nationalized or be an act implemented by the federal government. Nationwide Abortions under Roe v. Wade was never enacted by lawmakers in Congress; therefore, it was never codified, which made this practice on a national level unconstitutional and illegal.
If Proposition #1 is passed in our State, the New York State Constitution will authorize, not only the killing of unborn children up to 9 months, but it would legalize, that children with gender dysphoria would have the authorization to transition from their biological gender without parental consent.
Proposition #1 will also allow biological men, who claim to be women, to compete in women’s sports. This amendment will criminalize those who oppose it, censoring the voices of Parents, People of faith, and people who have Moral Values. Under this law those who oppose could be considered criminals and penalized with a prison sentence.
As you can see, my dear readers, if Proposition #1 were to pass, even parents who object and refuse to affirm their child’s desire to transition from their biological gender could be subjected to criminal charges, and prison sentence.
This behooves every Pastor, Minister, Priest, Imam, or Rabbi who fears the Most High and who teaches on what it means to fear and serve God, must not remain silent on this issue. It is our responsibility as religious leaders to teach the meaning of respecting the sanctity of life. We as religious leaders must speak on this issue every day at religious services. It is the Responsibilities of all religious leaders to inform their congregants on the dangers of this Proposition and inform them on their Responsibility, as an American voter, to vote and Vote "NO" on Proposition #1.
Like a voice crying out in the Wilderness, I ask all my readers to share this information and the danger it poses to our families and civilization as a whole. We as believers cannot afford not to vote, we must vote, and we must vote "NO" on Proposition #1.
This is not the time for a good Christian or person of Faith to be apathetic. Every good God-fearing person should remember the words of our Savior Jesus Christ, when He said, "Whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven." (Matthew 16:19)
I am Former Senator Rev. Ruben Diaz, and this is What You Should Know.

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