During my tenure in the New York State Assembly, I actively opposed the reign of Speaker Sheldon Silver. I firmly believed that his lack of ethics and strong-arm tactics were an insult to the integrity of both the government and the people of New York State.It was obvious that my principled opposition would lead to dire consequences for my political career, and indeed, I did suffer substantially for my action. Frankly, despite that, I remain proud of my battle against the Speaker, and would willingly make that sacrifice again. No one should be more concerned for their career than for the people they were elected to serve.New York’s government has become a national embarrassment because of the corruption and self-interest of too many elected officials like Sheldon Silver. The challenges facing this state are extremely serious, and require honest and intelligent leadership that puts the needs of New Yorkers above venal personal gain.Bringing Speaker Silver to justice is long overdue. I hope that it represents a solid move towards the development of truly representative government for the people of this great state.
Steve B. Kaufman
Former N.Y.State Assemblyman