Sunday, March 12, 2017

Assemblymember Sepulveda on firing of U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara

  I am perplexed that after assurances from President Trump that he wanted Manhattan U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara to remain, that he was asked to resign - and was ultimately fired.
 Something is afoul here. With Wall Street and corporate America now basically the mainstay of the Trump administration, I have to wonder if there is a connection to dismissing a prosecutor who has been the scourge of Wall Street, big banks and corporations.
Assemblyman Sepulveda represents the 87th Assembly District covering Parkchester, Castle Hill, West Farms, Van Nest and Stratton Park.


IDNYC partner New York City FC celebrates international fans by hosting first rollout of IDNYC mobile command center

   Mayor Bill de Blasio, Speaker Melissa Mark-Viverito, Commissioner Nisha Agarwal and Commissioner Steven Banks today unveiled IDNYC on the Go!, a mobile enrollment center bringing IDNYC and its extensive array of benefits directly to New Yorkers. To reduce obstacles to government issued identification, IDNYC on the Go! is an ADA-accessible enrollment facility that will serve New Yorkers where they live and work. The command center debuted today at New York City FC’s home opener at Yankee Stadium, where the team and IDNYC partner celebrated the diversity of their fans and surpassing 1 million fans at Yankee Stadium.  

“IDNYC was created to bring New Yorkers of all stripes closer to their city, and to bring the city closer to New Yorkers,” said Mayor Bill de Blasio. “Today we are rolling out our new mobile enrollment center at New York City Football Club’s first home game, dedicated to celebrating their fans and families that make New York City the most diverse and culturally rich city in the world. We know that demand remains high for IDNYC, and this new mobile enrollment site will help us sign up more New Yorkers, and will even double as an emergency recovery vehicle.”

IDNYC opened the Mobile Command Center outside Yankee Stadium, the home of the New York Yankees and New York City FC, for the first time Sunday. New York City FC is a key partner to the IDNYC program, offering discounted tickets to all of their home games for IDNYC cardholders. At their first home game of the season, New York City FC is taking the opportunity to celebrate the diversity of their fan base by flying the flags of the 20 largest immigrant communities in NYC. As part of their efforts to welcome their fans and their partnership with the City, they are hosting the IDNYC Mobile Command Center at Yankee Stadium from 11:30 am to 2:30 pm.

As IDNYC partners, New York City FC makes family-friendly entertainment even more accessible to New Yorkers. New York City FC collaborated on a video promoting IDNYC as a card for all New Yorkers.

This mobile command center will operate year-round, staffed by IDNYC staff, and has the capacity to process between 40 and 60 applications per operating day. It will also be utilized by the Department of Social Services as an emergency recovery vehicle. It is equipped with a generator and electrical power systems that are self-sufficient and will be fully operational in the event of an emergency or natural disaster. Further, the vehicle is configured and connected with DSS computers and corresponding networks, which allows for it to be repurposed to provide other essential DSS services, including: 
·        Serve as a crisis management outpost with internet and phone access, and as a conference area with seating
·        Transmit, receive and communicate information to other city agencies and programs pertaining to larger emergency and evacuation plans
·        Transport and distribute emergency supplies, medicine and food
·        Direct traffic due to visibility and lighting system 

Sign up New Yorkers for essential services, including:
·        Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefits and emergency food services 
·        Medicaid support and benefits
·        Cash assistance for TANF and WeCare recipients, as well as individuals who qualify under other guidelines

IDNYC has a wide array of benefit partners. All City residents age 14 and above are eligible to get a municipal ID card, and enrollment is free for anyone who applies in 2017. All IDNYC applicants must have documentation that proves identity and residency in New York City. The City will protect the confidentiality of all IDNYC card applications and will not ask applicants about their immigration status. For more information on eligibility criteria, benefits, enrollment centers across the five boroughs and more, applicants can visit or call 311.

Harlem River Conference Wed 3-22 at 3-7 pm


We are ordering food, if you have not signed up, send your email ASAP now to{EMAIL_ADDRESS|}

Bronx Council for Environmental Quality (BCEQ)
16th Annual Water Conference & 46th Annual Membership Meeting
    Manhattan College, Leo Engineering
    Fischbach Room (4th Floor)
    3840 Corlear Avenue at 238th St.
    Bronx, NY 10463

Wednesday, March 22, 2017 from 3 to 7 pm
Green Infrastructure (GI) for private property owners   3-4:30 PM
3:05 PM          Welcome, opening remarks – Dart
3:10 PM          Sean Dixon, Riverkeeper & Korin Tangtrakul, SWCD: 
                            Green Infrastructure as an Urban Landscape Design Guideline
3:30 PM           Samuel Robinson, Greenwood Robinson Showcase DIY green infrastructure techniques
3:45 PM           Breakout – Green Infrastructure techniques/ideas for your property
4:00 PM           Melissa Enoch, NYC Department of Environmental Protection:  
                            Green Infrastructure Grant Program
4:20 PM           Summary, Q&A, Closing
4:30-5 PM  Break/networking/food
GI Long Term Control Plan:  Community Advocacy   5-7 PM
5:00 PM           Welcome + Introductions  – Dart Westphal, BCEQ
5:05 PM           Special Guest Speaker:  James Foster, Anacostia Watershed Society
5:35 PM           Sean Dixon, Riverkeeper, and Korin Tangtrakul, SWCD: 
                             LTCP - it’s just a plan
5:55 PM           Christina Taylor, Friends of Van Cortlandt Park: Daylighting Coalition
6:05 PM           Sara Powell, Bronx & Harlem Rivers Urban Waters Federal Partnership Ambassador:  
                            Welcome & Introduction
6:10 PM           Jamie Ong, NYC Parks, Harlem River Watershed Plan Update
6:20 PM           Jamie Ong, NYC Parks, Depot Place Planning Grant
6:30 PM           Therese Kelly, President, Manhattan College Green Club
6:35 PM           Wrap up +  BCEQ Annual Membership Meeting, Joyce Hogi, BCEQ President
                                Nomination of Directors, Jane Sokolow, BCEQ
Refreshments will be served, courtesy of ConEdison.   

Participants/partners:  ConEdison, Bronx and Harlem Rivers Urban Waters Federal Partnership Ambassador, Harlem River Working Group, Manhattan College, Manhattan College Green Club, NYC Department of Environmental Protection, NYC Department of Parks, NYC Soil and Water Conservation District, Open Sewer Atlas NYC, Riverkeeper, and Storm Water Infrastructure Matters (SWIM).

Saturday, March 11, 2017

Statement By U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara

   “Today, I was fired from my position as U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York. Serving my country as U.S. Attorney here for the past seven years will forever be the greatest honor of my professional life, no matter what else I do or how long I live. One hallmark of justice is absolute independence, and that was my touchstone every day that I served. I want to thank the amazing people of the Southern District of New York, the greatest public servants in the world, for everything they do each day in pursuit of justice. They will continue to do the great work of the Office under the leadership of Joon H. Kim, the current Deputy U.S. Attorney, who will serve as Acting U.S. Attorney.”

Statement From A.G. Schneiderman on U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara

   "Preet Bharara, like many of the U.S. Attorneys dismissed this week, served with honor and distinction. His integrity, tenacity, and commitment to rooting out wrongdoing -- whether in the boardroom, the halls of government, or anywhere else -- will be sorely missed.

President Trump’s abrupt and unexplained decision to summarily remove over 40 U.S. Attorneys has once again caused chaos in the federal government and led to questions about whether the Justice Department's vital and non-partisan work will continue under Attorney General Sessions, as it must."

Still No Work at the Riverdale/Oxford Avenue Former Proposed Medical Center Site.

  Over two years after plans were submitted for a fourteen story building on this site where a proposed medical center was defeated the site still remains as it was after the former DJ Drug building was torn down. 
  This site still remains an eyesore as rumors continue that the site is still up for sale.

Friday, March 10, 2017

Reports that U. S. Attorney Preet Bharara Has Been Fired?

   Reports are coming in that 46 U.S. Attorney's from all over the country have been asked to resign by the new administration. All 46 are holdovers from the Obama administration, and as is the right of a new president to ask for the termination of any person from the previous administration. 

   What makes this all to interesting is that Prett Bharara who met with new President Donald Trump and was asked by President Trump to stay on is one of the 46 U. S. Attorneys that have been asked to resign according to news reports. 

   It was U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara who had an official long conversation with current NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio just recently on questions of fundraising by the mayor. Mayor de Blasio seemed to have come out of the discussion O.K. with reporters no longer asking him questions about his fund raising exploits.  

   Over three weeks ago at the Grand Re-Opening of the Bronx Republican Party headquarters possible Republican Mayoral candidate John Catsimatidis said that he would make an announcement concerning his candidacy for mayor in a few weeks. Mr. Catsimatidis also mentioned that he was good friends with President Donald Trump. 

   Wednesday Night at the Bronx Republican Party Dinner John Catsimatidis was a guest speaker. Since the Bronx GOP Dinner would be a suitable place to announce his candidacy for mayor, I was able to ask Mr. Catsimatidis if he was indeed going to be candidate for Mayor Catsimatidis. I and the entire audience were told that he would announce in a few weeks what his decision would be. I got the feeling that night that Mayor Bill de Blasio was not going to be indicted by the U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara for anything. 

   Fast forward a few days and the announcement that the new administration has called for the resignation of 46 U. S. Attorney's, with one of them being Preet Bharara makes me wonder, and should make Mayor Bill de Blasio a little worried. I guess we are going to have to wait and see how this plays out now, and when John Catsimatidis announces his intention to run for mayor, if indeed he does. The new U.S. Attorney who replaces Preet Bharara could be ready for Mayor de Blasio just in time before the November general election. Imagine that, a hint of or even an indictment right before the general election. Where did we see that one before?

Manhattan U.S. Attorney Announces Extradition Of Defendant Charged With Fraud And Money Laundering In Connection With Deceiving Homeowners Into Selling Their Homes

Herzel Meiri is Charged with Advertising Help to Those Seeking to Avoid Foreclosure in Order to Deceive Homeowners into Selling Their Homes

   Preet Bharara, the United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York, William F. Sweeney Jr., the Assistant Director-in-Charge of the New York Field Division of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (“FBI”), Christy Goldsmith Romero, Special Inspector General for the Troubled Asset Relief Program (“SIGTARP”), and Maria T. Vullo, Financial Services Superintendent for the New York State Department of Financial Services (“DFS”), announced today the extradition from Ukraine of HERZEL MEIRI, who was indicted on March 16, 2016, on fraud and money laundering charges in connection with a scheme to fraudulently induce distressed homeowners to sell their homes to a company he owned and controlled. MEIRI, who arrived in the District yesterday, had been arrested by Ukrainian authorities on October 27, 2016. He will be arraigned in front of Magistrate Judge Ronald L. Ellis today. The case is assigned to United States District Judge Edgardo Ramos. MEIRI was the seventh defendant to be indicted in connection with the scheme.

U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara said: “Herzel Meiri allegedly concocted a callous scheme to swindle desperate homeowners out of their homes. As alleged, Meiri lied to his victims, who thought that they were getting the financial help they needed but instead were being tricked into signing over their homes. Thanks to our law enforcement partners – the FBI, SIGTARP, and DFS – Meiri is now in U.S. custody and will have to answer for his alleged crimes.”
Assistant Director-in-Charge William F. Sweeney Jr. said: “When desperate homeowners fall prey to false relief schemes, their vulnerabilities are often exploited by those who seek to benefit from their misfortune. As alleged, Meiri’s behavior caused serious damage to struggling families who unknowingly funded his extravagant scheme. The FBI continues to support partnerships within the financial industry and law enforcement as we work together to combat this serious crime.”
Special Inspector General for TARP Christy Goldsmith Romero said: “Herzel Meiri is charged with preying on struggling homeowners trying to avoid foreclosure. Meiri and his co-conspirators allegedly promised victims mortgage modifications when in fact they were swindling them out of their homes. SIGTARP thanks U.S. Attorney Bharara, Superintendent Vullo, and the FBI for their commitment to protecting taxpayers from TARP-related crime.”
DFS Financial Services Superintendent Maria T. Vullo said: “These allegations paint the portrait of a con artist who cold-heartedly preyed on financially distressed homeowners – some of whom are among our most vulnerable – to satisfy his selfish greed. The Department of Financial Services is proud to have worked with our fellow law enforcement partners in helping to bring this defendant to justice.”
According to the allegations in the Fourth Superseding Indictment, which was unsealed in November 2016, as well as the Complaints previously filed in this action[1]:
Since at least 2013, MEIRI and his co-defendants have defrauded distressed homeowners throughout the Bronx, Brooklyn, and Queens. MEIRI and others falsely represented to these homeowners – some of whom were elderly or in poor health – that they could assist them with a loan modification or similar relief from foreclosure that would allow the homeowners to save their homes. But rather than actually assisting these homeowners, the defendants deceived them into selling their homes to Launch Development LLC (“Launch Development”), a for-profit real estate company owned and controlled by MEIRI.

MEIRI and others lured victims through Homeowners Assistance Service of New York (“HASNY”), which purported to provide assistance to homeowners who were seeking to avoid foreclosure of their homes. As part of the scheme, MEIRI directed employees of Launch Development to solicit owners of distressed properties and invite them to meet with HASNY representatives so that they could learn more about avoiding foreclosure and saving their homes.

When a homeowner arrived at the HASNY office, he or she met with a co-conspirator, who typically advised the homeowner that HASNY could assist him or her with a loan modification. In other cases, the homeowner was advised that a loan modification could not be completed, but that the homeowner could engage in a type of short sale in which the homeowner would sell the property to a third party, Launch Development, and then within approximately 90 days arrange for a relative of the homeowner to repurchase the property from Launch Development. Homeowners were typically advised that they could remain in their homes throughout the entire process. At the closing that followed, a homeowner who had been led to believe that he or she was about to receive a loan modification or transfer the property to a trusted relative was encouraged to sign documents presented by another co-conspirator, which in some cases were blank. Unbeknownst to the homeowners, by signing the documents, they were selling to Launch Development the homes they had hoped to save. Homeowners often were then forced to vacate their homes soon thereafter, and Launch Development re-sold many of the homes, which were purchased at fraudulently deflated prices, for an enormous profit.
In addition, MEIRI and a co-conspirator transferred the proceeds of the home sales from Launch Development to other companies MEIRI owned and controlled, falsely describing the transfers as, among other things, rent payments. The proceeds were ultimately transferred back to Launch Development or spent on luxury items for MEIRI.
MEIRI is charged with one count of conspiracy to commit wire fraud and bank fraud and one count of conspiracy to commit bank fraud, each of which carries a maximum term of 30 years in prison. In addition, MEIRI is charged with two counts of money laundering, one of which carries a maximum term of 20 years in prison and one of which carries a maximum term of 10 years in prison, and one count of conspiracy to commit money laundering, which carries a maximum term of 20 years in prison. The maximum potential sentences in this case are prescribed by Congress and are provided here for informational purposes only, as any sentencing of the defendant will be determined by the judge.

Mr. Bharara praised the outstanding work of the FBI, SIGTARP, and DFS for their investigative efforts and ongoing support and assistance with the case.

The prosecution of this case is being overseen by the Office’s General Crimes Unit. Assistant U.S. Attorneys Jaimie L. Nawaday and Andrew Thomas are in charge of the case.

The charges contained in the Indictment are merely accusations, and the defendant is presumed innocent unless and until proven guilty.

[1] As the introductory phrase signifies, the entirety of the text of the Indictment and the Complaints, and the description of the Indictment and the Complaints set forth herein, constitute only allegations, and every fact described should be treated as an allegation.