Thursday, June 27, 2019


Defendant Also Tried to Escape From Custody; Hit NYC DOC Officer with Metal Pipe

  Bronx District Attorney Darcel D. Clark today announced that a Bronx man has been indicted on Attempted Murder and additional charges for stabbing his 12-year-old son and 18- year-old stepdaughter in their apartment, and for assaulting two New York City Department of Correction Officers. 

 District Attorney Clark said, “In a chilling act of violence, the defendant allegedly tried to kill his 12-year-old son and teen stepdaughter by slashing their necks with a knife. A few days after the attack, the defendant allegedly assaulted two Correction Officers while trying to escape from custody. We will pursue justice for these innocent siblings and for the Correction Officers who were attacked while performing their duty.” 
 District Attorney Clark said the defendant, Carlos Camilo, 43, of the Bronx, was arraigned today on Attempted Murder in the second degree, Attempted Assault in the first degree, seconddegree Assault, second-degree Menacing, Endangering the Welfare of a Child, fourth-degree Criminal Possession of a Weapon, second-degree Obstructing Governmental Administration, Attempted Escape in the first degree and Resisting Arrest before Bronx Supreme Court Justice George Villegas. The defendant was continued on remand and is due back in court on November 6, 2019.

 According to the investigation, on the night of May 28, 2019, the defendant stabbed his son and stepdaughter inside the home they shared in the Kingsbridge section of the Bronx, after the mother of the victims allegedly talked to Camilo about ending their relationship. The defendant allegedly went to the 12-year-old victim, who was lying on a bed, and grabbed him by the shirt and slit his throat. Camilo then went to the bathroom, where his 18-year-old stepdaughter was in the shower, and allegedly pinned her against the wall and slashed her neck. The mother and the victims who were slashed fled the apartment after the attack and went to a hospital where they were treated for their wounds. The defendant barricaded himself inside the apartment and slashed himself before NYPD officers were able to remove him. On May 31, 2019, the defendant allegedly attempted to escape from custody at St. Barnabas Hospital and assaulted two Correction Officers in the process. Camilo also hit one of the Officers with a metal pipe which caused a large gash to his head.

 District Attorney Clark thanked Assistant District Attorney James McPartlon of the Rikers Island Prosecution Bureau for his assistance in the case. District Attorney Clark also thanked NYPD Police Officers of the 50th Precinct, the Emergency Services Unit and the Hostage Negotiation Team.

An indictment is an accusatory instrument and not proof of a defendant’s guilt.

Bronx Council Members Gjonaj and King Rally At City Hall For Small Businesses

  Bronx Council Member Mark Gjonaj and Andy King were joined by Council Member Robert Cornegy and from Brooklyn, Joseph Borelli from Staten Island,Robert Holden and Eric Ulrich from Queens, as well as independent supermarket workers with the National Supermarket Association, on the steps of City Hall this afternoon in support of the city's small business owners who are struggling, forced to cope with a maze of confusing and outdated regulations and rising property taxes.

Above - Councilman Mark Gjonaj a leader in fighting for small businesses tells the horrors of what some small business owners must go through with new regulations and mandates by the city.
Below - William Rodriguez President of the National Supermarket Association also tells of hoe his members of the NSA are being forced to close because they can no longer make a profit due to the new regulations and laws out in place.

The rally responds to a crisis with small business corridors in the Bronx and around the city.  Since the arrival of the retail chains and online shopping, small businesses have shut their doors after years of providing services to their local communities. Furthermore, data shows that it has become harder for startups to survive – approximately 50% of small business and 80% of restaurants never make it past year five


  June 26, 2019

Mayor Bill de Blasio and Council Member Debi Rose today celebrated the City Council’s approval of the Bay Street Corridor Neighborhood Plan. Years in the making, this plan will spur the development of as many as 1,000 new jobs, 1,300 affordable homes, investments in parks, schools, sewers, and a new Cromwell Recreation Center. With today’s vote, each borough is now home to at least one comprehensive neighborhood plan

“The Bay Street Neighborhood Plan will create a more affordable neighborhood that opens the doors of opportunity to all its residents. This plan will bring two new schools, 1,300 affordable homes, sewer and utility upgrades, a brand new Cromwell Recreation Center and more to Bay Street. I thank Council Member Rose for her partnership and fierce advocacy on behalf of all Staten Islanders,” said Mayor de Blasio.

“The era of haphazard or nonexistent planning on Staten Island is over. After four years of public meetings, planning and negotiations, we have a long-term blueprint for Bay Street that will eventually transform it to a vibrant, diverse, walkable neighborhood, affordable to a wide range of income levels, with all the amenities residents deserve,” said Council Member Debi Rose. “The road to this agreement was a long one, but it brought us a $250 million infusion of public investment, including a $92 million Cromwell Center, open space, a waterfront esplanade, two new schools and much more. I thank everyone who has worked with us to create a plan that will provide long-term opportunities for our children and grandchildren to live, work and play.”

The Bay Street Neighborhood Plan represents $250 million in investments in housing, public space, waterfront access, education, transportation, economic development and infrastructure.  Of that total funding, more than $100 million is new City funding for various projects and initiatives. These investments come on top of more than $1 billion in public and private investments being made within walking distance of the Bay Street Corridor. 

Under the plan:
  • Approximately 2,600 new homes are projected, with more than 450 permanently affordable homes through Mandatory Inclusionary Housing and 850 affordable homes on city-owned sites
  • The City will protect existing tenants through free legal, rental and financing assistance, help move homeless families into permanent housing, aid low income homeowners make critical repairs to their homes and more
  • Zoning changes will foster a lively downtown through additional community facility and commercial uses, including retail, offices and restaurants. These economic opportunities could create around 1,000 new jobs
  • All developments financed by HPD will include local hiring incentives
  • The City is helping local businesses thrive with over $1.5 million granted to community-based partners for district marketing, public events, sanitation and beautification efforts, and merchant organizing

The City is bringing a wide range of infrastructure investments to the North Shore through the Bay Street Corridor Plan, including the reconstruction of the Cromwell Recreation Center at the site of Lyons Pool. This $92 million project will bring an invaluable resource back to the community.

"The Bay Street Neighborhood Plan exemplifies our mission to be the 'Fairest Big City,'" said Deputy Mayor Housing and Economic Development Vicki Been. "Every Staten Islander will benefit from our investments in growing this neighborhood holistically and sustainably. The new housing, employment opportunities, school seats, open space, infrastructure improvements, and rebuilt recreational center will ensure that that Bay Street remains a vibrant neighborhood."

“Imagine a livable, walkable, vibrant downtown emerging along the spectacular beauty of the Staten Island’s North Shore waterfront, stretching from St. George to Stapleton. That’s the promise of the Bay Street Corridor Plan. Investments in affordable housing, new businesses and jobs, parks (including a new Cromwell Center) – they augur a brighter future for Staten Islanders, their children and generations to come. Huge thanks are due to the City Council, and most especially the leadership of Council Member Debi Rose. We are also indebted to the many Bay Street area communities who invested countless hours, sharing their invaluable insights throughout the creation of this Plan and the public review of the Bay Street Corridor rezoning,” said DCP Director Marisa Lago.

“This plan is the result of a thoughtful evaluation of community needs in the Bay Street area, and will deliver 1,300 new affordable homes to the neighborhood. Thanks to extensive coordination and engagement with the community, Bay Street residents will soon reap the benefits of necessary infrastructure upgrades that will enhance this area of Staten Island and comprehensive neighborhood investment that will bolster economic development well into the future.” said HPD Commissioner Louise Carroll. “I commend the Mayor on his vision and thank all of the parties involved, especially Council Member Rose, for their support in growing the Bay Street community in an equitable and sustainable way.”

“The Housing Dignity Coalition is pleased to have a more equitable rezoning which will bring affordable housing to a neighborhood which is in desperate need of it. From day one, we have said that this rezoning needs to serve everyone, including the neediest families on Staten Island. This rezoning will do just that. In a city which has a housing crisis, this rezoning will bring over 1,000 affordable units through MIH and public sites. None of this would have been possible without Councilmember Rose’ leadership and the valiant effort of the members of our coalition,” said Ivan GarcΓ­a, Neighborhood Rezoning Coordinator for Staten Island at Make the Road NY.

To keep pace with additional development, $15 million will go to upgrading sanitary sewers in and around the Bay Street rezoning area, plus another $45 million for new sewers, streets and utilities at the New Stapleton Waterfront. A comprehensive drainage plan will monitor underground infrastructure needs and a storm-water management study will plan for future sea-level rise.

Other public realm investments for Bay Street include:
  • The completion of the Tompkinsville Esplanade, creating a continuous, relaxing waterfront esplanade between Lighthouse Point and the New Stapleton Waterfront
  • 12 acres of open space at the New Stapleton Waterfront, with a comfort station; playground; basketball, volleyball and pickle ball courts; bocce; a dog run; barbecue grills and a picnic area
  • Repairs to Tappen Park, including improvements to historic Village Hall
  • A new public school at the New Stapleton Waterfront and a new elementary school at 155 Tompkins Avenue. Funding for 1,776 school seats has been dedicated for the North Shore.
  • More than $39 million in pedestrian and intersection improvements along the Bay Street Corridor.

Transportation plans for the area include:
  • More than $4 million of improvements to areas around Tompkinsville and Stapleton stations
  • Implementation of a traffic monitoring plan to ensure mitigation of  adverse impacts on traffic and pedestrian conditions as development occurs
  • Commitment to work with future developers and the City’s Board of Standards and Appeals to ensure strategic widening of Bay Street as development occurs
  • Real time passenger information at MTA bus stops
  • Streetscape improvements along Bay Street


The date was attached because we thought that Mayor Bill de Blasio was pandering for votes outside of New York City. 
Wasn't NYC Mayor de Blasio in the Presidential Democratic Debate last night also?
So how could he be in NYC for this?

Council Members Rally Against Racist and Misogynistic Hip Hop Lyrics on Radio

  Bronx Council Member Andy King joined Brooklyn Council Members Inez Barron and newly elected Farah Louis, along with representatives from The National Black Leadership Alliance (NBLA) and The Central Brooklyn Leadership Council (CBL), to rally against racist and misogynistic hip hop lyrics and call out  WQHT (97.1 FM “Hot 97”) and WWPR Power 105.1 for playing the offensive music.

The rally corresponds to Council Member Barron's legislation Res 0975-2019, which she introduced at today's Council Stated meeting, which calls for New York City radio stations to adhere to FCC regulations that state that indecent and profane content cannot be programed between the hours of 6 a.m. and 10 p.m.  It also calls for obscene content be eliminated entirely. 


"The Office of the Inspector General revealed today that the NYPD has substantiated ZERO of nearly 2,500 complaints of discriminatory policing in the last several years. We doubt this is what's meant when the department claims 'zero tolerance' for bias. 

"The NYPD has shown, over and over again, that it is both unable and unwilling to police itself. While it's unclear how many of these complaints could have been substantiated, it seems clear there is a reluctance to find out. The department's failure to adequately investigate and address complaints of bias and racism experienced by members of the public at the hands of the police shows a clear disregard for the rights and safety  of communities of more color. If the department is serious about building trust with these communities, it has failed to show it.
"We created the Office of the Inspector General in 2013 to be an external set of eyes and ears to investigate the policies and practices of the NYPD. We echo the IG's call for the NYPD to begin publicly releasing statistics on the complaints of biased-based policing, and for CCRB to expand its own efforts to investigate these complaints. Any positive progress toward better police-community relations is undercut by a failure to fully address the core issues of police accountability and transparency under this administration." 

Morris Park BID Holds Summer Event

  Tuesday afternoon Camelia Tepelus the Executive Director of the new Morris Park Business Improvement District hosted an event to let people know of the new Morris Park BID. Pizza from Patsy's was given out to those who attended, and there were various other activities for children as they came out of school. 

The new Morris Park BID is located at 966 Morris Park Avenue off Radcliff Avenue. The phone number is 718-684-6425.

SAGE - Celebrating pride month by honoring the Stonewall generation

Preserving our history: LGBT elders share their Stonewall stories

Fifty years ago, a brave group of individuals launched the modern LGBT rights movement in New York’s Greenwich Village, in what is now known as the Stonewall uprising. This month, in honor of the heroic pioneers who paved the way for LGBT equality that night at Stonewall, SAGE launched a four-part Stonewall video series, featuring firsthand accounts from three extraordinary SAGE participants who were involved in the Stonewall uprising. The series was featured on Mashable and on SAGE’s website and social media channels. Watch the fourth and final video, and see the entire series here.

In addition, SAGE, in partnership with Airbnb, is bringing 10 elders from across the country who were part of the Stonewall uprising in 1969 back to New York City for WorldPride. For some of these individuals, this trip will mark their first time returning to New York City since the uprising.These 10 individuals will join a group of New Yorkers who also were there for those fateful events 50 years ago.The Stonewall reunion is part of We Belong Together, a campaign launched by Airbnb to celebrate this historic moment by fostering intergenerational connection within the community. A central component of We Belong Together is a short film featuring candid conversations between young and old LGBTQ+ change makers, including SAGE participants. Check it out!
SAGE celebrates Pride, honors LGBT activists across the country 
SAGE kicked off Pride month by honoring LGBT trailblazers across the country. On June 7 in D.C., and on June 12 in Chicago, hundreds of guests turned out to support SAGE, celebrate Pride and recognize our elder pioneers. At the D.C. event, SAGE honored Nancy Polikoff with its Pioneer Award and Dr. Imani Woody with the inaugural SAGE Housing Innovator Award. In the Windy City, we recognized Paula Basta, the recently appointed Director of the Illinois Department on Aging, with the Pioneer Award. See photos of the events in D.C. and Chicago.

Throughout the month of June, hundreds of SAGErs came out for Pride celebrations all across NYC in the Bronx, Harlem, Queens and Staten Island. See photos, and check back for more coverage of WorldPride next week on FlickrFacebook and Instagram.
Legislature takes bold steps to protect LGBT New Yorkers
This month, the New York State Legislature passed sweeping legislation that addresses a number of key issues relevant to LGBT New Yorkers, including veteran issues, gender identity, cultural competency training, and “gay panic” or “trans panic” defense.

Because of this legislation, LGBT veterans who received a less-than-honorable discharge due to their sexual orientation or gender identity can now access all the services and supports from the Veterans Administration in New York State — benefits to which they are otherwise entitled but barred from receiving because of their discharge status. Additionally, the legislature took important steps to protect LGBT elders, by passing first-of-its-kind LGBT aging legislation, requiring LGBT competency training for employees working with older New Yorkers. It also mandates that the New York State Office for the Aging regularly update its intake forms, to include options such as sexual orientation and gender identity, furthering NYSOFA’s commitment to be an LGBT-friendly state agency. We look forward to seeing Governor Andrew Cuomo sign these important pieces of legislation. Read More »
Mark Your Calendars!
Hamptons Tea Dance 2019
July 13, 2019 | Nova's Ark Project, 60 Millstone Rd., Water Mill, NY
SAGE and our partner Callen-Lorde Community Health Center invite you to toast summer and advance LGBT rights at the annual Hamptons Tea Dance. Buy tickets »

Enjoy your summer in the City! Come to BRAC!

Enjoy your summer in the City!

Come to BRAC!

Join us tonight for an engaging evening 
filled with music, culture and conversation.

Classical Pianist Helen Ryba will delight with an 
an intriguing selection of 20th century music.

June 27th at 7PM 

June 2019 Performing Arts SeriesContinues....

With Pianist Helen Ryba at on June 27th at 7pm.

Ukrainian classical pianist Helen Ryba, who will offer a program of rarely performed 20th century works for piano  
in our new event space!
Including a composition by Florence Price, the first African-American woman to be recognized as a symphonic composer, and the first to have a composition played by a major orchestra.

Florence Price's life as a black woman in a segregated society found expression in her exploration of the sonata form. Price helped to broaden the definition of what American classical music could represent. Likewise, Kosenko and Skoryk's works helped expand the musical vocabulary to include Ukrainian folk melodies, some of which weave their way through these works and connect us to Ms. Ryba's homeland. 

Ms. Ryba studied at the Mykola Lysenko Music school and Gliere Music College in Kiev, Ukraine. She works as a piano teacher and vocal coach in NJ and NY, focusing on creative and technical skills, ear training, sight reading, as well as music history and theory. An accomplished solo pianist, Ryba's career highlights include the complete Book I of the Well-Tempered Clavier and The Goldberg Variations by J.S. Bach.

Ms. Ryba will play the following works of music at BRAC:
1.       Bach-Busoni                       Chaconne in D-minor BWV 1004
2.       Viktor Kosenko                 Consolation op. 9
3.       Viktor Kosenko                 Allemande op. 19
4.       Florence Price                   Sonata in E-minor movements I and II.
5.       Myroslav Skoryk               Prelude and Fugue in F-Major

Suggested Donation: 
$10 adults, $5.00 seniors & youth through age18
FREE for currently enrolled Students in BRAC's Education program
Or Pay what you can.

This program is supported in part with City funds by the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs, in partnership with the City Council, including Council members, Ritchie Torres, Andrew Cohen, Andy King, Ruben Diaz Sr. and Mark Gjonaj, as well as BronxCare Health System and individual donors.