Monday, July 29, 2024

Governor Hochul and Majority Leader Schumer Announce Up to $43 Million in Federal Funding to Support Communities Along Propel NY Energy Transmission Line

High voltage electric power lines 

Inflation Reduction Act Grant to Support Sustainable Communities Initiative in Under-resourced Municipalities in Southeastern New York

Funding for Energy Efficiency Projects, Clean Energy Education, and Workforce Training

Governor Kathy Hochul and Majority Leader Schumer announced that New York State will receive up to $43 million in U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) funding to benefit under-resourced communities located along the Propel NY Energy transmission line. The Propel transmission line a 90-mile innovative electric transmission project that will improve reliability, resiliency and the delivery of clean energy—including offshore wind—through electric grid improvements in parts of Long Island, New York City and Westchester County. The New York Power Authority (NYPA), which is developing the line with New York Transco, plans to use the funding for the Propel NY Energy Sustainable Communities Initiative to support energy efficiency projects in locations such as local schools, housing authorities, and community service agencies, as well as develop clean energy education and workforce training and career opportunities for residents in under-resourced communities.

“We're advancing a reliable clean energy grid that benefits all New Yorkers,” Governor Hochul said. “Transmission projects like Propel NY will help us meet a growing demand for clean energy and ensure the grid is resilient in the face of extreme weather. I applaud the Biden-Harris administration’s efforts to promote community engagement as New York continues to build a green economy.

The Transmission Siting and Economic Development grants, which were awarded to 20 projects across 16 states by DOE on Wednesday, will accelerate the permitting of high-voltage, interstate transmission projects, expediting the buildout of a resilient and reliable electric grid. The exact amount of funding will depend on award negotiations, which may take up to 120 days. The funding is made possible through the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act.

The Propel NY Energy Sustainable Communities Initiative will engage with local communities near the Propel transmission line, offering energy efficiency projects, clean energy training internships, a clean energy careers program, future energy leader scholarships, student engineering challenges, adult energy literacy programs, and green classroom programs

The Propel transmission line will strengthen the backbone of the electric grid with increased transmission capacity by building new underground and submarine transmission lines in existing public rights-of-way and substation facilities on Long Island, in New York City, and across Westchester County. Propel will efficiently and cost-effectively deliver clean energy to homes and businesses that benefit all New Yorkers and aid the state in achieving critical clean energy goals. Pending regulatory approvals, Propel NY Energy construction is anticipated to commence in 2026 and enter service in 2030.

The collaboration of NYPA and NY Transco features two New York institutions with proven records in design, permitting, construction and robust community engagement on complex transmission projects in New York State. The Power Authority, the nation’s largest state utility, operates 1,550 circuit miles of transmission across New York State. NY Transco is a private, New York developer, owner and operator of New York-based bulk transmission facilities. Both entities have independently won past competitive transmission bid processes and are currently constructing clean energy transmission projects across the state.

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