Friday, March 7, 2025

VCJC News & Notes 3/7/25


Van Cortlandt Jewish Center
News and Notes

Here's this week's edition of the VCJC News and Notes email. We hope you enjoy it and find it useful!


  1. Shabbos

    Shabbos information is, as always, available on our website, both in the information sidebar and the events calendar.
    Here are the times you need:  
    Shabbos Candles Friday 3/7/25 @ 5:36 pm
    Shabbos morning services at 8:40 am.  Please join the services if you can do so safely. 
    Shabbos Ends Saturday 3/8/25 @ 6:40 pm

    If you require an aliyah or would like to lead services, read from the torah or haftorah please speak to one of the gabbaim.

  2. Purim Schedule of Services
    Thursday, March 13 – FAST OF ESTHER

    Fast begins 5:58 AM, Fast Ends 7: 45PM

    The evening of the 13th, EREV PURIM
    Mincha is 6:40 pm followed by Maariv 7:10 approx.
    Immediately followed by the Megillah reading 7:35
    We will have  a light meal afterward to help break the fast

    Friday Morning, March 14 – PURIM
    Morning services will be combined with KCR, Rabbi Lowenthal’s shul
    Address: 3220 Arlington Avenue
    If you need transportation please contact the office 718-884-6105
    Shacharit is 8:00 am followed immediately by Megillah reading

  3. Blood Drive Sunday, March 23

    Please plan on participating in our blood drive with the New York Blood Center on Sunday, March 23 from 9:30 to 2:00PM.

    You can make an appointment at this Donor Appointment Link.

    Walk ins are also welcome.

  4. Daylight savings time starts this weekend
    Set your clocks ahead 1 hour on Saturday night (or at 2AM on Sunday morning, if you’re awake).

Our mailing address is:

Van Cortlandt Jewish Center
3880 Sedgwick Ave
Bronx, NY 10463

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