Monday, December 20, 2021

13 Days and Counting - It's Not My Problem, It's Mayor Adam Problem


Hey Rubensito Mayor Eric Adams has named Lorraine Grillo his first deputy mayor, and four other women as his other Deputy Mayors. That crack Political Reporter you have in the Bronx Robert Press was right that you would not be first Deputy Mayor. Ruben, he now says that you will be working for a developer just like your predecessor did. The developers have a new frontier to build in the East Side of the Bronx. 

I just have to get through these two weeks until Mayor Adam takes over, and I can run for Governor as the mayor who saved New York City. I want to keep that pesky reporter Robert Press from telling people, as of yesterday December 19, 2021 there were only 41 cases of Omicron in the city, and 192 statewide. There are 8.4 million people in the city and 20.8 million people in the state. I don't want my moderator to call on him to ask a question, so I don't get showed up again by him.

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